Friday, September 29, 2017

Sentoria:"Hey baby, how are you?"

Aryah:"Oh hey mama Ramos, im doing good"

Sentoria:"Red let you in?"

Aryah:"Yes Ma'am.."

Sentoria:"Okay, I figured we wouldn't see you again after you and Ian's mishap."

Aryah:"I know, I was mortified at how you and Mr.Ramos would both see me after I calmed down. I thought you'd hate me...all of you that is."

Sentoria:"Oh noooooo, I woulda done something similar too if that were me. And besides, Red understood what was going on as well as we all did; Ian had no right doing that to you. You're a good girl, and you deserved better than that."

Aryah:"Thank you... how is he anyway?"

Sentoria:"..Eh..he's hangin in there. A little heartbroken for what he's done to you, but none the less he's hanging in there."

Aryah:"Well thats always good to hear, I really do miss him."

Sentoria:"I know....and he misses you too."

Aryah:"So ive heard.."

*Sentoria exhales lightly*


Aryah:"Yes Ma'am.

Sentoria:"........She's never been one to like an altercation"


Sentoria:"Yeah, thats always been her though. She like's for everyone to get along. haha Thats my baby."

Sentoria:"Did she tell you anything else?"

Aryah:"Yes Ma'am..."

Sentoria:"What'd she say?"

Aryah:"She told me how he's been since our argument, she told me that he's tried calling me, the works... Thing is, I was out of town."

Sentoria:"Ooooh I see."

Aryah:"Yeah, I needed to disconnect and get my thoughts together."

Sentoria:"No need to explain yourself, I understand. Really I do. I woulda lost my shit too."


Sentoria:"Shoot yeah... you betta ask Red about the last time he pissed me off."

*Aryah gocked*

Sentoria:"Mmhm....I left him with a black eye like you did on Ian. I dont play that mess."

Aryah:"Wow... I would've never guessed."

Sentoria:"We dont tell all of our business for a reason baby, but im really glad that you came back. I know Ian'll love-"

*Ian entered the room*

Sentoria:"Hey baby.."

Ian:"Hey mama.."

Sentoria:"How you feelin?"

Ian:"Im alright.."

*Ian paused to see Aryah in his living room*

Aryah:"................................hey Ian."

Ian:"Aryah... I thought-"

Ian:"I thought you were done with me.."

Aryah:"I was.....but.... but then Xureila got ahold of me."

Sentoria:"Ill leave you two alone.."

Aryah:"...........can I have a hug?"

Ian:"Y-Yes!......*he pauses shamefully* sorry, its just that I thought id never see you again and-"

Aryah:"Hush..... c'mere"  *They hug*

Aryah:"I missed you..........."

Ian:"..........I missed you more" *he embraces her tightly*

Aryah:" really hurt me."

Ian:"........I know."*he hangs his head in shame*

Aryah:"And I didnt deserve any of it...... I loved you....and you betrayed me."

Ian:"........I know."

Aryah:"I was even willing to forgive it when you admitted that you cheated on me. "

Ian:"..........I know."

Aryah:"But to find out that it was with not only one, but Two women........ Ian....I wanted to beat the hell outta you." *she pauses remembering that Sentoria was in the other room*

Aryah:"Im sorry mama Ramos!"*she yells out*


Aryah:"I wanted to hate bad.... for doing what you did to me. I never thought in a million years that you'd do something so fowl to me like that, and when you brought up the chance of having HIV to my attention I was utterly disgusted in you."

Ian:"...........I know."

Aryah:"Ian.. im sorry for bruising your face, but im not sorry for hitting you. I needed you to feel the same way you made me feel... Even though thatll never happen until the one you love lets you fall like you let me fall. But im not one to do that...when I love, I love hard, unconditionally, passionately, and intimately...and thats something that very hard to come by."


Aryah:"Y'know.... the Bible says that when a man finds a wife, he finds a good thing. Am I right?"


Aryah:"Married or no..... I am your good thing, and mistreating me was like slapping God in his face. How could you do something like that to me?"

Ian:"..........I was selfish.......I didnt care...........I guess you can say that I was looking at what I wanted, and id do what I had to do to get my way. Not really realizing what I was jeapordizing in the process...Im so used to getting my way it was all I knew. Kendrick, my dad, my sister, my mom... they all tried to tell me... they all tried to warn me, and I didnt listen. I never meant to hurt you Aryah. If ive learned anything going through all this mess, its that you were my biggest blessing. No matter what I was going were right there, no matter how I felt, no matter what I looked like, no matter my flaws, no matter what I did or said... you were right-there. And I was too stupid to see it. And I made a solom promise to God that if I ever got you back......if I ever got to hold you in my arms again even if it was just for a second.. if I was to ever have you in my life again period.. that id be a better man, and that id love and treat you like I should have in the first place. Aryah, you're an amazing person, and im deeply sorry for the hurt that ive caused you. You're my heart, my soul, the very air that I breathed, the reason why I got up every morning besides God, and most're my best friend. And im disgusted in how I let greed blind me like that. If I could, id take it all back. Believe me.. Id take it all back............................................Im just sorry that I did it to you in the first place. Even if you dont anymore....I want you to know that I still love you."

Aryah:".....................................Ian......" *Ian pulls her in a passionate kiss*

Ian:"I love you Aryah.........and im truely...truely sorry."

Aryah:"I forgave you already........ and I love you too."

Aryah:"And if I take you back, you just have to promise me one thing.."

Ian:"Name it..."

Aryah:"NEVER betray me again...."

Ian:"Promised..... I swear..." *They kiss again*

Aryah:"If you have it or here with you 100%"

Ian:"Really? even after what ive done?"


Aryah:"When's your next appointmen?"

Ian:"Tomorro morning."

Aryah:"Im coming with you.."

Ian:"Are you sure?"

Aryah:"Yeah, I told matter what, we'll work it out and get through this together."


*Before they knew it, they were laughing and joking like it had never happened.They were up all night talking about their future, and how they plan on spending their lives together with Ian being positive until they fell asleep. Next morning Ian's phone rings and Aryah wakes up..*

Aryah:"......morning already??" *she nudges him*

Aryah:"baby wake up, your phones ringing."


Aryah:"your phone's ringing..wake up." *he sits up*


Dr.Sharp:~hello Ian?~

Ian:"yeah, who's this?"

Dr.Sharp:~its Dr.Sharp, you missed your appointment.. im calling to tell you about your test results.~

*Ian sobers up and answers (..okay?) as he braces himself for her response. Aryah takes notice of his posture and sits up with him*

Dr.Sharp:~ .....well your tests came back this morning, and the tests shows negative.~

*Ian grips the edge of his bed*

Ian:"Wait WHAT?!?"


Ian:"Yeah im here, but what did you say???"

Dr.Sharp:~your test is negative Mr.Ramos~

Ian:Oh my God...."

Aryah:".......what??? what is the Dr. saying?"

Dr.Sharp:~...yes, im so glad to give you the good news... but im going to ask that you come down to my office so that we can give you a few antibiotics to take for a couple day to flush out your system; and you'll be good as new.~


Dr.Sharp:~this does not mean that you're imune to HIV Mr.Ramos, you still can get infected by it.. think of this as your clean sleight. I encourage you to keep using protection, and PLEASE....NEVER do anything like that again.~

Ian:"Yes Ma'am, okay.."

Aryah:".....Ian, whats going on??"

Ian:"When do I come in?"

Dr.Sharp:~anytime thats good for you, just call the front desk.~

Ian:"Okay.... Thank you Dr."

Dr.Sharp:~you're welcome....buh-bye~

Ian:"....Bye." *he slowly hangs the phone up.*

Aryah:"Ian, whats going on?? Talk to me... What did she say?"

*Ian turns to Aryah and grabs her by her arms*

Ian:"You said that you'd be with me no matter what right?"

Aryah:"Yes... I promise..No matter what.."

*Ian takes a deep breath*

Ian:"Im negative.."



*Before he knew it Aryah knocked him back onto the bed into a kiss releaved that their prayers had been answered, Ian stood up and said..*

Ian:"Baby, imma do well on my promise to you....."

Aryah:"Im not the one you made the promise to first....*she points up*

Ian:"Understood......but still.... as of now, you're my number 1 priority.. and imma do whatever it takes to keep you happy."

*Ian pulls her close into another kiss*

Ian:"I love you"

Aryah:"I love you too."

Aryah:"When are you going to break the news to everyone else?"

Ian:"Later on when everyone's awake, but right now I wanna celebrate with you while everyone's asleep."

Aryah:"Sounds good to me"


  1. THANK THE LORD!!!! His lucky ass but glad everything back on track geez and he better do right shiiiiitttt had me have a heart attack almost

  2. Thank You Jesus!!! Won't he do it?!?

  3. So glad he is negative!!!! Hope he's learned his lesson

  4. Ain’t god good ? All the time!!! Let the church say hallelujah! Hallelujah! Amen

  5. That was a scare, I bet he learned his lesson.

  6. I'm ready to cry real tears for some dang on sims characters lol. I'm sooo happy Ian has learned his lesson and is making a move to change his ways!! 😍😍
