Sunday, September 10, 2017

Kendrick:"Uh... Excuse me Mr.Ramos.. can we talk?"

Red:"Yeah, wassup?"

Kendrick:"You know that I love Xureila very much right?"

Red:"*sigh* Yeah.... I know..."

Kendrick:"And you also know that I'd do anything for her too right??"

Red:"Yeah... look, if this conversation is headed somewhere can you please get to it.. I dont like questionable convos like this.."

Kendrick:"Oh okay, im sorry..."

Kendrick:"Well... what I wanted to talk to you about, is a decision that I made the other night right before Xureila had the baby."


*Kendrick takes a huge breath and swallowed his spit hard thinking about how he was getting ready to break the news to Red about their proposal.*

Kendrick:"I wanted to tell you that I made the decision to propose to Xureila, and I'd like it if I had your blessing to carry on with it."

Red:"So you mean to tell me that instead of asking me for her hand in marriage first, you already asked her?"

Kendrick:"Yes sir..."

Red:"Why didnt you ask for my blessing first?"

Kendrick:"Because I love your daughter sir, and honestly...... I wasnt about to let you ruin that for me."

Red:"Ruin what for you?"

Kendrick:"Ruin the 1 chance I have to be with the 1 woman I love... Look Mr. Ramos... I know that you've never liked me.. never cared for me, and you probably never will. But theres one thing that I do know, and thats the fact that I actually do love Xureila. And im sorry, but I wasnt about to let anyone step in the way of how I feel for her.. Not even you....She loves me as well as I love her. Ive never had that before, and  if I gotta take a beat down everyday just to be anywhere near her then dammit so be it."


Kendrick:"Well what?"

Red:"It's about damn time....."

Kendrick:"What are you talkin about?"

Red:"You finally stepped up to me.........look son, I dont hate you okay? I was just being a father doin what fathers are supposed to do. (take care of theirs)..I mean, yeah..I might've went a little far whoopin ya ass but, the gun to your head was all but fake. I wanted to hurt you, but only because you impregnated the only daughter I have at a young age. Im just glad she was able to still have her childhood first."

*Kendrick hangs his head in shame*


Red:"You know how you finally have Nia right?"

Kendrick:"Yes sir.."

Red:"What would you do if...lets say if she was taken away right now?"

Kendrick:"I dont know, id prolly burn this whole world down lookin for her..not one rock would be left unturned.."

Red:"EXACTLY MY POINT!....You'll protect her no matter what."

*Kendrick pauses for a moment realizing that Red was only doing what he felt at that moment*

Kendrick:".......I think I get it now."

Red:"You see, once a man see's his child he becomes a FATHER.... everything doesnt revolve around you anymore, it revolves around that child, and you'll stop at nothing to protect and care for it. Nothing would scare you, not even goin to jail for puttin someone 6 feet under for harming it..Taking care of your child, being there for your child, raising your child, and loving your child is what makes you a father, and you know something?? I think you'll be a damn good one too."


Red:"Yes really...Now there's no doubt in my mind that you'll take care of my daughter....I mean, that doesnt mean that I wouldnt hound your ass down if you fucked up.. but still..I can finally trust you enough to have my blessing...."


*Red opens his arms to Kendrick*

Red:"Welcome to the family son..."

*Afterwhile Aryah showed up to the front door*

*knock knock knock*

Sentoria:"Oh hey honey, what can I do for you?"

Aryah:"Hi Mrs.Ramos... Im actually looking for Ian, is he home?"

Sentoria:"Oh no he's not hun, you just missed him. He left with some of his friends."

Aryah:"Oh okay, well can you please tell him that I came by?"

Sentoria:"Of course.take care baby."

Aryah:"Yes ma'am..."

*Later on during Xureila's birthday party Nikki came to visit Ian, Red gave Ian the "Who's this?"look and Ian introduced her to him*

Ian:"Dad, I'd like you to meet Nikki...Nikki, my dad."

Red:"Hey, how you doin..."

*Nikki stops in her tracks as she looked Red up and down...*



*She awkwardly chuckles*

Nikki:"So you're Ian's father?"

Red:"Yes I am.."

Nikki:"Well I certainly see where he gets his good looks from."

*She awkwardly chuckles again*

Ian:"Uh...yeah... you okay?"

Nikki:"Yeah...never better."


Red:"So how'd you two meet?"

*Ian goes to answer but Nikki interrupts*

Nikki:"We met at the mall... we've been hangin out for a lil minute now... so um..where are you from?"


Nikki:"Oasis Springs"


Nikki:"Yeah, I know..."

*Nikki's phone goes off*

Nikki:"Ssshit, I gotta go.... so ill see you later?"


Nikki:"Alright...........see ya later"

Ian:"See ya ma"

*Nikki walks off looking Red up and down and sweetly says:*

Nikki:"Bye Daddy Ramos..."


*As Red watches Nikki walking out the door Red asks Ian:*

Red:"Son...what the fuck was that about?"

Ian:"Im not even sure....."

Red:"Yeah...keep an eye on her."

Ian:"Yes sir..."

*The next morning Sentoria found Xureila outside by herself*

Sentoria:"What's wrong baby??"


Sentoria:"C'mon baby... talk to me....whats wrong?"

Xureila:"Im scared.."

Sentoria:"For what?"

Xureila:"........Mama im getting married."

Sentoria:"MARRIED?!?............Since when?!?"

Xureila:"Kendrick proposed to me the other night......and I said yes, but now im thinking about it.... and I just know daddy might not support us"

Sentoria:".......No he will, or he'll deal with me."

*Red walks up outta nowhere*

Red:"Or how bout I just come, and walk my daughter down the aisle like I should."


Red:"I already knew babygirl.....Kendrick told me everything, and I gave him my blessing this morning."

Sentoria:"Well ill be damned..."


Red:"You're welcome baby.."

Xureila:"Wait... we dont have enough money to put together a wedding."

*Red gives Xureila a wink and walks aways*

Sentoria:"We'll think of something... you're not alone baby."

Xureila:"Omg thank you mama, im so grateful..It's like everything's falling into place"

Sentoria:"I know... now before you have me cryin lets get in the house, I made pancakes."

Xureila:"Please tell me you made m-"

Sentoria"Your favorites?? Yes I did....after you had Nia I wanna make you as comfortable as possible."

Xureila:"YOU ROCK MOM!"

Sentoria:"hahaha...C'mon, before the food gets cold."


  1. I need the next part before this storm gets to me. 😅

  2. Nikki better keep her paws off of Red before Sentoria jump on her like Red did Kendrick

  3. Nikki better keep her paws off of Red before Sentoria jump on her like Red did Kendrick

  4. If Nikki don't take her fast asss somewhere

  5. Nikki....Nikki...Nikki don't start nun won't be nun
