Thursday, September 7, 2017

The next morning at the house.

Red:"Good mornin baby, how'd you sleep?"

Sentoria:"Eh so-so.."

Red:"What's wrong...bad dream?"

Sentoria:"No, it's the baby. I keep dreaming of more than one fish.."

Red:"More than one?!? what the-"

Sentoria:"Yeah, 3 of them... pretty soon she has another Doctor's appointment, and I wanna go so I can see whats up.."

Red:"I thought you been goin with her..."

Sentoria:"No, Ian and Kendrick's been filling in for me cause ive needed more time to work on my books."

Red:"Oh, well im sure its no problem... we'll just make more room, im sure it'll be alright."

Sentoria:"Since when have you been so calm about Xureila being pregnant?"

Red:"Since the moment I realized that I interfere too much, she'll run that much faster to him."

Sentoria:"Hmm, well im glad. Does this mean that you'll back off"


Sentoria:"haha Well dont forget... you have a big day ahead of you today."

Red:"I didnt forget... we're leaving later on, cause I got some things I need to handle back at work."

Sentoria:"But you're off..."

Red:"Calm down baby..My boss just asked me to come in for a little bit for a meeting. If you need a number or anything just ask me..."

Sentoria:"No, I trust you."

Red:"Thank you.."

*Later that evening*

Sentoria:"It's alright baby, I just need you to respect the house is all."

Ian:"I know.. im sorry tho, she's just my friend."

Sentoria:"You know... Im sure you know that your father told me what happened that night right?.."


Sentoria:"Mmmhm... that means she's more than just a friend. I mean.. baby you have her over here all the time. You study with her, you eat with her, you play your games with her, she comes over to chill with you, you go over there to chill with her, yall are always on the phone.. I mean c'mon baby.. Who are you tryin to fool, us or yourself?? I know you like that girl... "


**Sentoria chuckles as she takes some hair from his face gently**

Sentoria:"You are so much like your father..."

Ian:"I know..."

Sentoria:"And your friend is always welcomed here, just no more funny business okay?"

Ian:"Yes ma'am...."

**Ian looks at Sentoria with a smile**

Ian:"How long you been free-throwin?"

Sentoria:"Since I was about your age.... your father used to think I couldnt do it till I whooped his ass in a game of one on one."

Ian:"Dang ma, you that good?"

Sentoria:"Im ight.. haha.. But do your mother a favor.."

Ian:"Yes ma'am?"

Sentoria:"Start on dinner for me, imma go take a shower and ill join yall in a bit."


**Right out of her shower Sentoria noticed Red sittin on the couch watching tv**

Sentoria:"Hey baby!"

Red:"Hey, mm you smell good"

Sentoria:"Thats what showers are for.."

Red:"Tryin to be funny huh.. haah"

Red:"Whats on your mind?"

Sentoria:"Nothin, I just wanted to thank you for finally talking to him..."

Red:"No problem, it was a talk long over due."

Sentoria:"Like you have no idea"

Red:"Whats for dinner?"


Red:"Fish Taco's??"

Sentoria:"Yeah... why, whats wrong?"

Red:"I dont want that..."

Sentoria:"Ooo no... dont be ungrateful like that."

Red:"Im not bein ungrateful, I just want something other than fish tacos...."

Sentoria:"And what's that??"

**Red looks devilishly at Sentoria**

Sentoria:"BOY STOP......You gonna eat them tacos, even if I gotta make you.."

Red:"Oh ill eat it alright.."

Sentoria:"STOOOOOP....You so damn nasty...thats ya damn problem.."

Red:"What'chu talkin about??"

Sentoria:"Thats where Ian gets it from. YOU."

Red:"Nu-uh, he get that shit from you..."

Sentoria:"No he dont."

Red:"Oh yeah, wanna bet?"


Red:"Ight.. no sex for 2 weeks..."

Sentoria:"Naw, make it 3 and its a deal."

Red:"3?!? You crazy woman?"

Sentoria:"I thought you could handle that? I mean.. you DID just say you werent the biggest freak.."

Red:"You right... you right.. okay... 3 weeks it is. And the first one to cave in is the loser. Deal?"

Sentoria:"And no cheating either..."


Sentoria:"Masterbation... thats a form of cheating cause you're relieving yourself."

Red:"Ight... no cheatin either.. Do we gotta deal or naw?"

Sentoria:"Its a deal."

Red:"Ight starting tonight. And can you tell Xureila to go easy on the lime. She added too much last time and damn near drowned my fish."

Sentoria:"Xureila's in the tub, Ian's makin it."

Red:"Oh ight.... I love you."

Sentoria:"Love you too witcho silly ass.."

**The next day Ian went to the mall**

Ian:"Miss, where's your xtra large shirts?"

Nikki:"Xuse me.. I was talkin to her first.."

Ian:"Oh my bad ma, I didnt mean to interrupt."

Nikki:"Its fine "*Ian looks at her ass*



Ian:"Nun, um.. have we met before? you look familiar.."

Nikki:"I dont think so, id remember."

Ian:"Oh ight, well im Ian, whats your name?"

Nikki:"Nikiya (Nuh-key- uh-) but everybody calls me Nikki."

Ian:"Nice, where you from if you dont mind me askin"

Nikki:"Oasis Spring, you?"


Nikki:"Oooo I hear it's really nice out there..."

Ian:"Yeah, it is.."

**Nikki sizes Ian as she crosses her arms*



Nikki:"You must be one of them lil snobby ass rich boys huh?"

Ian:"Nah ma, its not even like that."


Ian:"Im serious haha..nah but you should let me show you around one day."

Nikki:"And why would I do that?"

Ian:"Cause im sure you'll like it.."

Nikki:"I dont fuck wit lil boys tho..."

Ian:"Aint nun lil bout me.."

Nikki:"Is that so??"

Ian:"Yeah, how old are you anyways?"

Nikki:"You should know better than to ask a lady her age"

Ian:"And you should know better than to question a nigga on his dick size the first day, but you did."

**Nikki pauses for a moment in mid conversation and turned her head away as she blushed**

Nikki:"Im 21"

Ian:"You not that much older than me..."

Nikki:"Oh yeah, well how old are you?"

Ian:"Im turnin 18 next its not that big of a difference"

Nikki:"Oh so you legal?"

Ian:"Pretty much.."

Nikki:"Mmmhm...well I guess I can kick it wit'chu."

Ian:"haha Guess?"

Ian:"Look ma, im not tryin to make you do anything you dont wanna do...."


Ian:"Well when you wanna go?"

Nikki:"Can we go tomorrow? Im kinda here with my sister right now..."

Ian:"Sure, whats ya number?"


*Nikki looks at him as she bites her lip slowly..*

Ian:"Ight, got it."

Nikki:"You gonna call me?"

Ian:"Yeah, unless ya ass gave me the wrong number tryin to play me"

*Nikki laughs*

Nikki:"Naw, I didnt... I swear.."

Ian:"Yeah yeah... now im second guessin"

Nikki:"I didnt I swear.."

Ian:"Ight, well imma call you"

Nikki:"Okay, see you later."



  1. Either mom is pregnant with twins, or Ian have got someone pregnant and mom is pregnant too

  2. She gave him her number tooooo fast!! That boy is 17 and she's 21 smh something not right
