Friday, September 15, 2017

Red comes home from work one day exhausted but wanted to see about his sweetpea before he went to bed, only to walk in and see Xureila reminding him of Sentoria when she had her at Xureila's age.

Red:"Ight now, you better not drop my baby.."

Xureila:"I wont daddy..., im just playing with her so she can get tired and take her nap."

Red:"Mmh, she's a wild one just like you were...always wantin to play..."


Red:"Yup, play play play...thats all you knew. Besides gettin your way.."

Xureila:"I wasnt that bad.."

Red:"You've got no idea.."

*Xureila looked away sheepishly*

Red:"Ight, imma go take a nap... lemme know when dinners ready."

Xureila:"Okay daddy.."

*Kendrick whispers as Red leaves the room*

Kendrick:"I thought I was your daddy.."

Xureila:"Boy stop... "

*Kendrick laughed it off and watched Xureila carefully as she handled Nia*

Kendrick:"Im just kidding baby hahaa, anyway... are you excited for our date tomorrow night?"

Xureila:"Yes but I havent gotten around to ask Ian to watch Nia for us.."

Kendrick:"Im sure your parents will do it.."

Kendrick:"Baby we NEED this night....I miss the one on one time with you..."

Xureila:"I know baby, but my parents are ALWAYS watching her... do you know how many times daddy had to work from home because we had to go to work leaving her with him all day??"

Xureila:"Baby they're getting older, they should be relaxing....and its not fair to just plop her down on them like that."

Kendrick:"You're right baby.. im sorry. It's just that I feel like we dont have enough time together like we used to."

Xureila:"I know, but you gotta think about it.. all that time we were together what were we doing most of the time?"


Xureila:"Exactly! And I ended up getting pregnant. I dont wanna put anything more on them than needs to be. Watching Nia should be a privilege... not a necessity.. She's OUR responsibility.. not theirs."

Kendrick:"You're right... im sorry."

Xureila:"Its alright, you just want time with me and thats perfectly natural, BUT someone else has to watch her.. not my parents...unless they offer."

*Xureila calls out*



Xureila:"COME HERE"

Ian:"Aye we really shouldnt be yellin, dads in the other room tryin to sleep.."

Xureila:"You're right.."

Ian:"Yeah, but whatsup?"

Xureila:"Kendrick and I are going on a much needed date tomorrow night and we'd like it if you watched Nia for us."

Ian:"Am I gettin paid?"

Xureila:"Boy she's your niece, you outta do it for free..."

Ian:"Thats right...she's my NIECE not my child...hahaha"


Ian:"Hahahaha im just messin with you sis, yeah... I got this."

Xureila:"You mean it?? You'll watch her?"


Xureila:"Thanks Ian, you're the best.."

Ian:"No problem, but aye imma go cause I gotta get ready.."

Kendrick:"For what?"

Ian:"Gotta date..."

Kendrick:"Date?? with who?"

Ian:"A chick I met named Hazel 3 weeks ago, im tryin to get at her but she aint givin me no kinda play."

Kendrick:"Damn Ian, another one?? whatever happened to Aryah?? I thought yall was kickin it.."

Xureila:"Watch your mouth... *She hints towards Nia*

Kendrick:"Oh im sorry baby.."

Ian:"I mean, we still talk... I just dont.... ya know... mess wit her like that anymore."

Xureila:"Look Ian, if you're not feelin her like that anymore then you need to let her go. Dont string her along like that, thats not know she cares about you."

Ian:"No I do feel here, its just everytime we'd lay up together id feel some kinda way, and im not used to that."

Xureila:"You mean like how I feel about Kendrick?"

Ian:"Ew... hell naw.."

Xureila:"Watch-your-mouth-Ian!!" *She hints towards Nia again*

Ian:"Im sorry ight, look im not sure what you call it okay... but it feels weird."

Kendrick:"Then talk to her bruh... leading all these secret lives aint gonna do nothin but get you in trouble, and I dont want that for you."

Xureila:"Yeah, none of us do.. so talk to her"

Ian:"Ight ... but lemme go, gotta get ready.."

*Later on during their date*

Hazel:"What??" *She moves her hair from her face*


Hazel:"You're staring at me again.."

*Ian throws his head down dropping his eyes at once*

Ian:"Im sorry.."

Hazel:"No, I like it.....that just lets me know that im the only woman you're lookin at"

Ian:"I am, and I dont mean to stare. You really look good tonight and-"

Hazel:"Only good? I thought I looked fantastic.."

Ian:"You do!....I just-"*Hazel giggles*


Hazel:"Whats wrong?"

Ian:"You got me all nervous n shit... like im afraid to say the wrong thing.."

Hazel:"hehehehe Dont're fine..."

*Hazel rubs her leg up against Ian's*

Hazel:"You know... you're more mature than I thought you'd be honestly..."

Ian:"What'chu mean?"

Hazel:"Since we've met, you've wined and dined me, you havent pressed me for sex like most would, and you've been very cautious of the words you say when speaking to me.."

Ian:"Thats because I dont wanna fuck this up.... I mean you're bad as fuck to be honest with you ma.... and for anyone to fuck up a chance with you would be the most stupidest thing any man could do."

Hazel:"Why thank you...thats really sweet of you to say."

Ian:"You're welcome.."

*Ian's phone buzzes letting him know that there's a romantic event going on in the area, and he thought it'd be the cherry on top of their evening. *

Ian:"Hey, I just got a notification saying that there's a romantic festival happening wanna go?"


*Off they go and Ian feels off about it but his head tells him otherwise....*

Hazel:"Ian, im really glad we met.... I really like you."

Ian:"I like you too Hazel... Oh shit..whats that over there?"


 *She turns away and Ian showers her in rose petals galore.*


Ian:"Hahaaha... whats wrong?"

*Hazel grabs Ian and passionately kisses him*


Hazel:"Whats wrong??? did you like that?"

Ian:"I did, but'chu cant be dippen me like that.... im  the one that does the dippen."

Hazel:"Oh yeah?"

Ian:"Yeah... " *Ian grabs her by her waist and pulls her close..Hazel looks Ian in his eyes and they kiss yet again*

Hazel:"Stay the night with me.."

Ian:"You sure you want me to, itll be hard to keep my hands offa you."

Hazel:"Thats what im hoping for..^^"

*4 weeks later, Ian's friends wanted to hang out since they havent seen him in what seemed like forever*

Meech:"Man how you been?"

Ian:"Im ight, not feelin the best tho so ive been chillin and layin low for a bit.."

Zay:"What's wrong wit'chu?"

Ian:"Im not sure, I really havent been able to keep anything down lately, and im always tired.... I think its just my nerves.. Ive had hella exams lately and its stressin me the fuck out."

Meech:"Oh ight, well take it easy man..."

Ian:"Im tryin.."

Zay:"Yeah, so wassup wit'chu an ol baddie you met that night, yall bumpin or nah?"

Ian:"Yeah, im gettin it...."

Zay:"Ayyyyyyyyyee thats my niggaa!!" *they dap*

Meech:"Damn nigga, all these hoes wanna piece huh??"

Ian:"What can I say?? hahaa and she a freak too... NIGGAAA..."

Meech:"Them the best ones tho... bet!"

Ian:"I see....."

Meech:"So what'chu finna do with this one?"

Ian:"Thinkin of keepin her... neva has somethin like this.."

Zay:"Ah shit... sound like my nigga in love.."

Ian:"In love wit who?? Nigga im in love with this money..da fuck?... fuck you mean bo??"

*They laugh*

Zay"Ight ight... well we'll see how long this  lasts..."

Ian:"Ight.. Bet!.. but aye imma go man.... I gotta go meet up wit Aryah"

Meech & Zay:"Ight man.."

Zay:"Thanks for FINALLY comin out... damn.."

Ian:"hahaha no problem"

*Ian walks off as his stomach turns*

Ian:"Man wtf??... Ugh... *he huffs* This aint right...."

*He picks up his phone*

Ian:"Hello? Yeah I need to make an appointment to see Dr.Sharp.......Ramos.........Ian Ramos.."