Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Xureila:"Baby, what are you doing.. Daddy said 50 feet remember?"

Kendrick:"Yeah I know, but he's not here right now and I haven't touched you in a's killin me."

Xureila:"I know, same..... but I do wanna thank you tho."

Kendrick:"For what?"

Xureila:"For being who are to me, and staying with me through all that we've been through. You didn't have to stay the first time daddy threatened you, but you did, baby,... you even had a gun pointed at your head, and you STILL stayed. Thank you! I feel like I dont deserve someone like you.."

Kendrick:"Stop... you do deserve it... That and much more..Besides, im honored to be the one to give it to you. I love you more than life itself Xureila, not even your dad can keep me away."

Xureila:"Aww babyyy...I love you too.."

*Sentoria knew that Kendrick was taking Xureila to her Dr's appointment the next morning, and on Xureila's way out the door she noticed that Sentoria had "the look" in her eyes..*

Xureila:"Mama are you alright?"

Sentoria:"No, but I will be.. where's your father?"

Xureila:"At the barbershop with Ian, they're getting cleaned up.. why?"

Sentoria:"Nothin... you better go before your father sees you and Kendrick."

Xureila:"Yes ma'am.. I love you."

Sentoria:"Love you too baby.. and yall be safe too, I dont want yall hurtin my baby"

*Xureila rubs her belly as she giggles*

Xureila:" Yes ma'am"

*Later that afternoon*

Red:What'chu doin out here by yourself baby?? And where you plan on goin lookin like that?"

*Sentoria pulls away from Red crossing her arms*

Sentoria:"No where.."

*Red sigh's*

Red:"Okay....what is it?.. what did I do this time?"

Sentoria:"I dont know... what did you do? Or better yet what DIDN'T you do??"

Red:"Well what didn't I do this time baby??"

*Sentoria sucks her teeth,rolls her eyes, and storms off*

Red:"Baby!! Aye.. wait. c'mon... talk to me."

Sentoria:"I asked you to talk to your son, and you haven't done it yet have you?!?"

Red:"You're right I didnt, and im sorry...I've just been so busy with everything that's been goin on here lately.. I forgot."

*Red pulls Sentoria close as he brings her face to his*

Red:"Baby c'mon, im sorry okay... Look, ill talk to him tomorrow."

Sentoria:"Yeah sure you will, i've heard that one before....."

Red:"C'mon baby, dont be like that.... I will... He and I both wont be busy and ill have all the time in the world to talk to him."

Sentoria:"Do you promise? Cause im gettin tired of this shit Red.... We already got one grandbaby on the way, we cant afford another one."

Red:"You got my word baby, my word is my bond....... I promise, ill talk to him tomorrow."


Red:"Can Daddy get a kiss?"

Sentoria:"Yeah, but my ass is covered.."

Red:"Man! Quit playin..."

*Sentoria laughs*

Red:"C'mere... *they kiss*

**Later that evening*

Ian:"BOOM!!! Gimme my money..."

Kendrick:"Maaan you cheated..."

Ian:"Nahhh, I never cheat... That's just that Ramos blood flowin"

Kendrick:"Maaaaan WHATEVER!! I still say you cheated"

Ian:"hahaha nah but I gotta ask you somethin tho.."

Kendrick:"Sure, whats up?"

Ian:"How you feel about the baby comin.. arent you scared?"

Kendrick:"Well yeah im scared, it's my first kid...haha. I guess what makes me scared is the constant guessing of me being a good father to my kid or not. Y'know.. I dont wanna be anything like mine."

Ian:"Yeah, but I know you'll be fine.. I've seen how gentle you are with Xureila, so I know you'll be a good dad."

Kendrick:"Think so?"

Ian:"Know so.."

Kendrick:"Thanks, and what's up with you and that chick you been kickin it with lately?"

Ian:" Who, Aryah?"

Kendrick:"I guess so? She's been over a lot...what'chall got goin on?"

Ian:"Nun, she's just a chick I kick it wit every now and then... you know me, I keep hoes"

Kendrick:"Man you gotta stop that, or you're gonna meet the right one and she'll fuck your life up fuckin around like that.."

Ian:"What'chu talkin about, I stay strapped.."

Kendrick:"So did I but shit happens..... trust me."

Ian:"Yeah yeah... well she's comin over later for some Netflix"



Kendrick:"Yeah.. just no "chillin" ight?"

Ian:"Yeah, sure..."

*Later that night*

Ian:"You trust me?"

Aryah:"...y-yes, just go slow"

Ian:"I got'chu baby"
Aryah:" I dont think its gonna fit..."

Ian:"It will baby, just relax"



Ian:"I told you you'd like it, all you had to do was trust me"

Aryah:"I know but.. It was my first time, so I was scared."

Ian:"Well you're with me, so you dont have to be baby.."

*Red comes to the door*

Red:"Alright you two.."

Ian:"DAD!... I--I thought you were at work"

Red:"No, I got the night off...."

Aryah:"Omg.. im so sorry Mr.Ramos"

Red:"It's alright, but you need to be at home in your own bed at the hr young lady....not my son's"

Aryah:"Yes sir... im so sorry"

Ian:"Ill call you.."

Aryah:"K.. love you"



Red:".....In the house...NOW! You and I are gonna to talk tomorrow, so get some sleep."

Ian:"Yes sir.."


  1. Now he tried to put a bullet in Kendrick skull for just kissing Xureila....but Aryah can just go home..... the double standards

    1. No, he was about to put a bullet in Kendrick's head for getting Xureila PREGNANT. lol

  2. The double standards are stinky in this one. Lol

  3. Live for this story glad im back into the swing of things
