Monday, September 11, 2017

The next morning Ian got a call, It was Aryah..


Aryah:~hey, its me..~

Ian:"Hey baby, what's up?"

Aryah:~nothin much really, ive been back that way to see you yesterday but you werent home.. I even asked your mom to tell you that I stopped by... did she?~

Ian:" Yeah she did im sorry... I meant to call you back too, it's just that i've been so busy lately I really hadnt had the extra time to call you back..."

Aryah:~its alright, well what are you doing today?~

Ian:"Nothin really...just chillen with my dad why, wassup?"

Aryah:~id really like to see you..~

Ian:"Sure thing baby... you wanna hang out?"


Ian:"Cool, swing by.."

Aryah:~okay, im on my way.~

*Back at the house there was a knock at the door, It also was Aryah..and this time Ian answered the door*

Ian:"Well well well.."

Aryah:"Dont you well well well me Mr.... where the hell have you been?"*Ian sighs*

Aryah:"Ive called you, ive texted you, and you didnt answer any of them..."

*Befor Aryah could get another word out, Ian grabbed her and pulled her in for a deep kiss... Aryah suddenly forgot the other questions she had for him. Ian's touch was all she really wanted, and a single kiss was enough to calm her down.*

Ian:"Im sorry baby, ive just been hella know with the tests that they've been givin us, the new baby, and ive been hangin out with some of my friends..."

Aryah:"What about me?? Dont I deserve some kind of attention??"

Ian:"Yes baby, you do... and im sorry for not doin so..."

*He kisses her again and looks into her eyes with guilt in his face*

Ian:"How bout I make it up to you..."

Aryah:".......Okay.... and how do you propose to do that?"

Ian:"Im sure we can think of something....lemme grab a quick shower and get dressed..Then we'll go wherever you wanna go and do whatever your heart desires... sound good?"


Ian:"Anywhere.... your call."

Aryah:"Okay. well I wanna go to the bowling alley, then to the arcade, and then out to eat wherever I want... And YOU'RE PAYING."

Aryah:"And you better bring enough money cause im not one of them salad eating dates either.. mama likes her meat."

Ian:"Hahahaha... ight ight... lemme go get ready.. come inside."

*Ian and Aryah make their way to the bowling alley for a while where Aryah ended up beating him, and then off the arcade they went*

Ian:"Wait!! Hold up!! You cheatin!!"

Aryah:"No im're just slow!!"

Ian:"Nahhh no im not!"

Aryah:"Well then catch up!! Im waitin!!"

Ian:"Ight, you asked for it..."

Aryah:"Naaaw!! See now you cheatin!!"



Ian:"Aw Maaaaan!!!"

Aryah:"I told you that you couldnt beat me!!"

*Ian sucked his teeth and kicked the machine*

Aryah:"Awwww whats wrong with my baby?? You mad now?"

Ian:".........Shut up.."

Aryah:"Awww I think so...hahaha...C'mon lets go, im getting hungry."

*As they drove to the restaurant of her choice, Aryah reached down and laced her fingers with Ian's..Ian then laced his fingers back with her and kissed her hand gently. Upon arrival, Ian swiftly made his way to the front to order for their table and once they were seated ; Ian ordered the steak dinner for the both of them.*

*Ian paused for a moment deep in thought and Aryah took notice*

Aryah:"What's wrong?"

*Ian looked away *


Aryah:"No really...whats wrong? I dont like seeing you like that."

Ian:"Im sure you'll figure it out..."

Aryah:"Ahh I think I know... you're still mad at the fact that I won...AGAIN...arent you?"

Ian:"I dont like bein beat at anything by a chick.... its degrading"

Aryah:"No its not, and you're gonna have to get over that because you cant be best at everything baby... theres always gonna be someone better at something than you are. Thats just how life is."

Ian:"Yeah, yeah..."

Aryah:"I love you.."

*Ian looked at Aryah carefully with a warm smile and said it back lovingly. (I love you too..)...Ian caressed Aryah's hand*

Ian:"Y'know... you remind me of someone but...I cant remember who just yet. But its a familiar vibe no doubt."

Aryah:"Well when you remember, be sure to tell me."

Ian:"Of course.."

*At the end of their date, Ian drove Aryah home. And as a surprise, Ian had a single red rose waiting for her.*

Ian:"Close your eyes.."


Ian:"Trust me.."

Aryah:"Aright... *He takes the rose out*

Ian:"Now open them."

Aryah:"Oh my gosh babyyyyy!!! You didnt have to do that, you did so much for me already..."
Ian:"I know, but... I really wanted to. You deserve it."

Aryah:"Thank you baby...for everything."

Ian:"You're welcome."

Aryah:"Drive safely.... and call me once you get home. I wanna know if you made it home in one piece."

Ian:"Ight..I will"

Aryah:"Goodnight ðŸ’—"

*Ian pulls her close and kisses her tenderly*

Ian:"Goodnight beautiful"


  1. I feel like I might know why she looks familiar.,.

  2. i told yall that was that girls sister lmao

  3. Lmaooo Nikki's sister I bet 😭😂😂😂
