Sunday, September 3, 2017

Later that night there was a knock at the door, Sentoria nudged Red to get it. Red gets up to answer the door, and to his surprise it was Nana... but what did she want?

Red:"What? It's late.."

Nana:"Red, I just wanted to apologize for the way i've been acting, and also for what I was going to do.."

Red:"Yeah you really should be, cause you know you got caught.... Man how could you do somethin like that to me tho, Huh?? We've been cool for yrs and now its like you went psycho bitch on a nigga"

Nana:"Have you ever wanted something so bad that you'd do anything to get it no matter the cost??"

Red:"......................Yeah, but I would've never done THAT to anyone, Nana what you were about to do to me is what niggas go to jail for."

Red:"And you were gonna tell me that they were mines just to keep me around long enough just to say that they werent mines to begin with, making me pay child support for 18 yrs between 3 kids that you made with someone else while you were with me...  You did it cause you knew I wouldnt second guess you, you did it because you knew I was gonna step up, and you found yourself in a fucked up position and I was the way out. And you also did it cause you're spoiled as fuck, and selfish as hell, and the Nana I once knew would've never done that shit to me... no matter what."

Nana:"........And you're absolutely right about that, I wouldn't have either and thats why im trying to apologise to you now. I know I wouldn't have back then, and it's made me ashamed to even realize how ugly ive been towards you. I just wanna be close to you is all, and the feeling of my spot being filled by another all these yrs has really tormented me, because I really loved you. Like.. loved you loved you, and the thought of you choosing her over me hurt me.. I never knew how bad it was till now.
I was holding onto the past, and you've moved onto the future with a choice that you've been happy with all this time...Which means that I wasnt meant to be with you in the first place, and that really pissed me off.  What you've gotta realize is that..I always knew that you and I would build something together back then, because we were always at it.
Like I was always with you, lovin you, and you were always lovin on me... and when that got taken away from me I felt abandoned.
I was used to you making love to me, you touching me, you looking at me the way you look at her, and loving me the way you love her that I got jealous and..... I guess you say I snapped."

Red:"I understand, that was my fault..but what you've also gotta realize is that when I was with you.. I was just fuckin...there was NO love makin, because back then I didnt know what real love actually was until I met her."

Nana:"So what were we then?"

Red:"I guess you can call it fuck buddies...cause I never loved you like that."

Nana:"WOW!" *cries*

Red:"Look, the old me was an asshole tryin to find his way, and im sorry for leading you on like that, but when I met Sentoria..It was like my whole world flipped upside down, all I could see was her smile.
I couldnt speak, I couldn't move, and I swore my heart stopped beating... and thats how I wanted to feel for the rest of my life. So she became my life."

Red:" Im really sorry... but the way we were back then, would've never made it this far... you were always jealous of other females bein around me, I couldnt chill with none of my boys like I wanted to, everything I did made you suspicious, and you were always under me.. And thats not a real relationship Nana"

Nana:"Thats cause 9 times outta 10 they all wanted to fuck you Red....."

Red:"And thats because most of the time I did fuck'em, but like I said..... that was just the old me tryin to find my way, and what what I wanted."

Nana:"And I wasnt enough??"

Red:"Sorry, but no.. Not even now. And I really wish there was a way that I could make all of that up to you, because I was a real dog, and I realize that I was an asshole to you and you didnt deserve it. You didnt deserve any of it."

Nana:"Its' alright, just you apologizing is enough.. And im really glad that you found the love you were looking for."

Red:"Even tho that doesnt necessarily make up for how I treated you in the past....Thanks, and I hope that you find the same kinda love one day."

Nana:"Thank you.."

Red:"No problem, but hey.. you know what it is... if Sentoria comes out here and catches me speaking to you, its a rap for the both of us.."

Nana:"And you called me jealous?"

Red:"Yeah, but seemingly after what happened between all of us already... I think she's got a right to be this time around..... That and the fact that she utterly HATES you now"

Nana:"Point taken... guess I kinda gave her a reason to,huh?.. well alright, i'll get goin."

Red:"Ight.. take care of yourself.."

Nana:"You too."

**Red goes to walk back in the house but is soon greeted by Sentoria**

Sentoria:"I'm pro-" *Red interrupts*

Red:"Look, before you say anything... I was just tellin her that I was sorry for how I made her feel in the past, makin her act this way now.."

Sentoria:"Calm down... I know. I heard everything, and I was tryin to say that im proud of you."

Red:"For what?"

Sentoria:"Taking responsibility for your actions back then when you were younger, and being man enough today to apologize for them today."

Red:"Thank you baby..lets go back to bed"

**The very next day Sentoria showers and gets herself ready for the day as usual, but this time she turns it up just a notch**

Red:"gotDAMN!!!!....... AYE...*he whistles* YO!!! **He whistles at her** What ya name sexy, how bout lettin a real nigga get dem digits??"

Sentoria:"Boy stop!"

Red:"Whats your name baby??" *he laughs*

Sentoria:"haha Where's your daughter?"

Red:"last I saw her outside talkin to Kendrick"

Sentoria:"Lawd... that child love herself some Kendrick dont she??"

Red:"Yeah... dont remind me.."

Sentoria:"Aww is Daddy mad or nah"

Red:"Shut up.."

Sentoria:"Guess you mad.." *sticks her tongue out laughing*

Xureila:"Ooo, where you goin lookin like that mama?"

Sentoria:"Oh there you are, no where... Just got dressed. But c'mere.. I need to ask you somethin"

Xuerila:"Sure, whats up?"

Sentoria:"Well baby, you've gotten a bit thicker.. and mommy noticed before"


Sentoria:"Well you've gotten even thicker since your father and I found out you were being active.."

Xureila:"Okay, where are you gettin at mom??"

Sentoria:"........Well, the question that I wanna ask is.. How often are you and Kendrick....... you know..."


Sentoria:" often do you two.............. do it?"


Sentoria:"Listen! I know that you're not comfortable with me asking, but baby... you're about as big as I was when I was pregnant with you."

Xureila:"Pregnant?!?  Mom.... you dont think......"

Sentoria:"Thats why im askin..."

Sentoria:"Have you been using condoms like we've talked about?"

Xureila:" Yes and one of them broke a while back but..."


Xuerila:" Shhh.. yes, but I didnt think anything about it since you put me on the pill..remember?"

Sentoria:"Yeah... Okay, well when was your last period?"

Xureila:"Im not sure....."

**Sentoria exhales slowly....**

Xureila:"Mom, you dont think I could be pregnant do you?"

Sentoria:"Im not sure baby, but we're about to find out... go get in the car"

Sentoria:"Baby, Xureila and I are goin to the store.. Do you need anything??"

 *Red yells from the bathroom*


Sentoria:"Alright...well we're gone..."

Red:"BE SAFE.."

Sentoria:"Always am.."