Monday, September 18, 2017

The following week...

Xureila:"Big girl! You know what, imma dress you up like me today."

Xureila:"Let's go see what daddy's up to."

*Later that afternoon there was a knock on the door and to Ian's surprise it was Nikki...even though he didnt wanna see her, there was still something he wanted to ask.*

Nikki:"Okay... do you wanna tell me why I never see you anymore?"

Ian:"Hello to you too.."

Nikki:"Hello my ass... "

Ian:"Look Nikki, I dont wanna argue okay... im not feelin the best."

Nikki:"I dont care, I wanna know why you dont talk to me anymore.. is it somethin I did? Is it somethin I said?? What?!? What is it?? Are you cheatin on me? Are you seein another bitch??"

Ian:"Nikki... CHILL....yo why the fuck you houndin a nigga like that anyway?? Im not ya nigga.."

Nikki:"Not my nigga? Nigga you might as well be!! we fuck, you be over at my house, eatin my food, sleepin in my bed, and be between my legs.."

Ian:"Man I dont got time for this shit... im not feelin good and you comin ova here on some bullshit.. man go home"


Ian:"Man if you dont lower your damn voice.."

Nikki:"And if I DONT?! What'chu gonna do? Hit me?! Ill call the cops and have yo ass put in jail....believe that.."

Ian:"Aint nobody tryin to hit'chu! But I know what I am tryin to be tho..."

Nikki:"Oh yeah,  what's that?"

Ian:"Done wit'cho crazy ass...Im tired of this shit...

Nikki:"Well you shoulda thought about that before you got wit me..."

Ian:"Y'know somethin.. I dont even know why im over here trippen... you was after my father anyway..."friend."."

Nikki:"No I wasnt...I want you"

Ian:"But you want my father more huh?? I seen the way you look at him when he's around, and I peep the way you talk to him too... (daddy Ramos) you runnin game. How you gonna run game on me without a controller??"

Nikki:"And whats that supposed to mean?"

Ian:"Meanin YOU CANT PLAY SHIT OVA HERE..... I already know the can leave."

Nikki:"I was gonna leave whether you told me to or not.. you dont tell me what to do, and ill leave when im good and gotdamn ready."

Ian:"And you good and gotdamn ready right now.................STEP!" *Ian points*

Nikki:"FUCK YOU!"

Ian:"You already did........ and it wasnt even that good."

Nikki:"Thats alright my other nigga like it tho"

Ian:" thought you were the only one with side piece's??"

*Nikki pauses*

Nikki:"..........wait........"Piece's"???? SO YOU MEAN TO TELL ME THAT THERE'S MORE THAN ONE BITCH?!?"

Ian:"Always..... you aint shit but another notch on my grip... again.... STEP!"

*Nikki cries*

Nikki:"You will reap what you sew!!! Karma's a bitch Ian!"

Ian:"And if Karma's a bitch then you must be it's mother..........cause you cheated too if im correct....your "other nigga"..."

Ian:".......................Fuck outta here.."

*Back inside*

Kendrick:"Mrs.Beckham.............where are youuuu?"

Xureila:"Over here Mr.Becham......haha"

Kendrick:"There you are..." *he kisses her cheek tenderly and Xureila giggles softly*

Xureila:"How was work baby?"

Kendrick:"It was great actually, the guys invited me out for a celebratory drink for the wedding"

Xureila:"Aww well that's nice of them, you can go if you want"

Kendrick:"Na, id rather sit here at home with my two favorite women in the world watching movies till we fall asleep"

Xureila:"Its alright, ill just take Nia to the park, and she and I can spend some mother-daughter time together, ill rent her favorite movies, and we can watch that till she fall's asleep later...go have fun with your friends baby..You deserve it."

Kendrick:"Are you sure baby? Cause I can stay with you..."

Xureila:"GO... haha please... enjoy yourself... I got this.."

Kendrick:"Okay..okay, I was just making sure."

*Later that afternoon Ian gets a call from Dr.Sharp's office*


Dr.Sharp:~Mr.Ramos, this is Dr.Sharp.. Im calling to inform you that your tests came back this morning, and i'd like you to come down to my office as soon as possible.~

Ian:"O-okay....what's wrong?"

Dr.Sharp:~Mr.Ramos, these things are best discussed in person...."


Dr.Sharp:~when's the soonest you can come in?~

Ian:" tomorrow okay?"

Dr.Sharp~.....hmm let's 12:30 good for you?~


Dr.Sharp:~alright, ill see you then.."

Ian:"Okay...... goodbye."

Dr.Sharp:~mhm, bye~

*The next day*

Dr.Sharp:"Ian... goodmorning."


Dr.Sharp:"Come in.."

*Dr.Sharp closes the door*

Ian:"Okay Doc.. please....just give it to me straight..."

*She looks at him...*

Dr.Sharp:"Okay....well Ian.. the rapid HIV test that you took came back positive.."

Ian:".....................what???? I.........I have HIV?!?"

Dr.Sharp:"Ian...I understand how this can be a bit of a shock to you"

Ian:"... I knew it was possible that I caught something...but I didnt think that i'd have HIV."

Dr.Sharp:"Ian.. Remember that with this rapid test a positive test is considered a preliminary positive, and a preliminary positive result on a rapid test means that it's possible that you have HIV; but we'll need to do some confirmatory tests before we know for sure."

Ian:"Does that mean the test's no good?"

Dr.Sharp:"No, the test's good..but normally when we send blood to the lab for an HIV test, there are multiple tests done there to confirm the result. Today we have only 1 test, so we need to do another one to make sure that it's actually positive."

Ian:"So what you're saying is that I could have HIV and the test says I have it, but it's really a false alarm??"

Dr.Sharp:"Exactly! That's why we need to take some blood to confirm the test which will take about a week to process.....It's really important that you come back to get this result, and that we know how to reach you in case anything get's in the way of you coming back in."


Dr.Sharp:"......Tell me what you're thinking."

Ian:"I.....I just have a lot of questions.... my whole life is gonna change now isnt it?? I'll never be healthy again.... and how am I gonna tell my family??"

Dr.Sharp:"It sounds like you're feeling a lot of things, thats not uncommon when people get a positive result...Ian.. You dont have to decide everything right now."

Dr.Sharp"Take it one step at a there anyone in your family that you feel comfortable talking to about this?"


Dr.Sharp:"Well is there a friend in particular that you can talk to??"

Ian:"I have one, but im not sure if she'll ever speak to me again if I told her... not after what ive done."


Ian:"I cheated on the one girl who ever really cared about me..."

Dr.Sharp:"Oh....I see.... well Ian.. nothing beats a try."

Ian:"Yeah.. but HIV?? she'd kill me....."

Dr.Sharp:"Well have you been with her recently since the infidelity??"

Ian:"No... I stopped having sex with her way before all of that.."

Dr.Sharp:"Okay. well that's good. But you still need to talk to someone Ian.. I know that the thought of living HIV positive isnt easy but HIV can be treated, people can live a long time and be healthy with HIV..and it can also be cured in most cases.."

Ian:"Cured?? How?"

Dr.Sharp:"By letting your body do what it's supposed to do naturally... Your body is designed to heal itself, and if you exorcise everyday, eat better, and take your vitamins like you're supposed to your body will heal itself....In most cases, other Doctors wont tell you that because they look at their paychecks at the end of the day....but unlike them..I care. And I wanna help you but you have to be open, and more than willing to help me help you."

Ian:"I am..... I am.....just tell me what I have to do."

Dr.Sharp:"Just take care of yourself, when we have more time and the questions are settled we'll talk with more detail okay?"

Ian:"Alright............thank you."

Dr.Sharp:"You're welcome Ian................and dont'll be fine either way."

1 comment:

  1. Im clutching my pearls right now! Hiv wow thats horrible...i thought he had an std ..poor thing.
