Saturday, September 16, 2017

The night before the wedding Kendrick decided to take his wife-to-be out to a romantic dinner for two, but before that Xureila wanted to spend some much needed time with her father.

Xureila:"Hey daddy.."

Red:"Hey babygirl, whats up?"

Xureila:".......Nothing.."*She snuggles up against him*

Red:"Yeah theres gotta be somethin wrong.. you only do that when something's bothering you.. tell me.."

Xureila:"Nothing's wrong daddy, I promise......*she lied* I have everything I could possibly, mom, Ian, my beautiful daughter, and soon...Kendrick. Theres absolutely nothing that could be wrong.."

*Red looks at Xureila closely*

Red:"Lie again..... "

*Xureila sat up straight looking up at Red*

Xureila:"Daddy im scared...."

Red:"Of what?"

Xureila:"My wedding..... what if im not a good wife to him....he'll hate me.."

Xureila:"And what if Nia hates me for not being a better wife and mother... im not tryin to be one of those stereotypes daddy..I love him, and God knows that I wanna make him happy.....As happy as he makes me.."

Red:"Calm down baby..calm down........... you'll be fine..."

Xureila:"How are you so sure?"

Red:"Because like it or not you may look like me, but you're a LOT like your mother."

Xureila:"What do you mean?"

Red:"Meaning that I see a lot of your mother's qualities inside of you. You're so much like her its scary sometimes.. Baby you're strong, you're brave, you dont let anyone push you around, you've always been demanding, you say what you mean and mean what you say, and you're a natural born leader....... Like....Her."

 *Tears roll down Xureila's face as fast as she could open her mouth to speak*

Xureila:"But im not mommy dad.. I could never be anything like her.."

Red:"Think about it... you were always a fussy lil always wanted your way, you did bad things to get my attention and your mother didnt tolerate it....Now Nia's doing the same things you did when you were a tot and you're handling her like your mother did you..... you dont take bullshit from anyone, and you're quick on your toes're more like her than you think."

Xureila:"You really think so?"

Red:"I know so baby..and the only thing I think you got from me besides my charming good looks is your ability to love hard the way that you do... and when you love someone, you love'em hard like me."
Xureila:"Thank you daddy... I really needed this talk...."

Red:"You're welcome"

Xureila:"Do you really think I was THAT bad as a toddler??"

Red:"HELL YEAAAH!!!... Shit.. look.. this picture was taken when you threw your food everywhere, here's that lil face you used to always make when Sentoria would pop you and you'd to it to me cause you knew I was was a sucker for it, and here's one when your mother was givin you a bath and you splashed her all over.......Spilled your food on purpose right here...."

Xureila:"Omg! Dad really?!? You kept pictures?!?"

Red:"Hahahaha say what you want... these are MY memories.... and when Nia's old enough, imma show'em to her."

Xureila:"Daddy!!!.........wait...IS THAT ME?!?

Red:"Hahahahaha... yep... you filled that diaper UP... and your mother had me clean you up cause I was laughin at the face she made when she realized it was you smellin like that, like you took a grown woman shit."

Xureila:"Oh my god"

Red:"Hahahahaha you were doin the cowboy straddle for a good few minutes before we could figure out that you shitted...hahahaha"

Red:"You had that whole apartment stankin.."

Xureila:"Thats not funny daddy..."

Red:"It was for me.."

*Later that night at Chez Llama Kendrick wanted to make this night special for Xureila because after tonight...their lives would begin together as husband and wife.*

Kendrick:"The Mrs."

Xureila:"The Mr. .....hahahaha"

Kendrick:"Baby, I just want you to know that im going in this marriage with an open mind and an open heart, and that wherever you are is where ill be. You're my one and only, my soulmate, my life, the reason I breathe, the reason for me to work as hard as I do, and I cant wait to share the same last name with you.........Tonight is your night, and I want you to know that ill always love you no matter what."

*Xureila cries a little*

Xureila:"No, tonight's OUR night, because this wedding is about you too as well as myself. And I dont know what I did to deserve a man like you, you've been down with me since the day we met and im glad that I had the opportunity to meet you. I love you so much, you're a blessing to me, and I promise to be the best wife and mother that I can be to you and our child. I love you..."

*She dries her tears*

Kendrick:"I love you too baby..."

*Kendrick reaches for her hand looks her in the eyes as he grabs his glass*

Kendrick:"A toast... to us... Mr. & Mrs. Becham......*Xureila lifts her glass* May we live long and prosperous lives and never grow apart... *he smiles at Xureila* Cause God knows I cant live without you..."

Xureila:"Ill toast to that..."

Kendrick:"I cant wait to FINALLY call you my wife, even though you technically already are."

Xureila:"And  I cant wait to call you my husband, this journey is going to be wonderful..."

*They toast*

*The next morning in the powder room*

Xureila:"Mom ... what are you doing?"

Sentoria:"Im checking up on you.............................oh my little girl....."

Xureila:"Mom dont cry... please... you'll mess up your makeup."

Sentoria:"Im tryin not to, but its so hard.. I can still see you in my arms as a newborn... now you're all grown up and getting married..."

Xureila:"Mama please... you're finna make me cry.."

Sentoria:"No.... you'll smudge your mascara..Just keep your eyes on him and you'll be fine I promise."

Xureila:"Then dont cry PLEASE, cause im already fighting tears back... where's daddy?"

Sentoria:"Outside talking to Kendrick.. he's havin a heart to heart with him before he gives you away..."

*Sentoria tears up again*

Xureila:"MOM..... DONT....!"

Sentoria:"Im sorry just so proud of you..."

Xureila:"For what?"

Sentoria:"Accomplishing all that you have, even though you got pregnant at a young age you still made it work out for the better....Now here you are in your wedding dress on your wedding day, and its like im looking at myself in that dusty ol mirror in my dressing room all over again when I married your father....You're so beautiful baby.."

Xureila:"Thank you mama, and im sure that you looked very beautiful when you got married to daddy."

Sentoria:"Not as beautiful as you..."

Xureila:"Oh mama..."

Sentoria:"Here, lemme get your zipper.."

Xureila:"Thank you.........................for everything."

Sentoria:"You're so very welcome baby.... its what mothers are for."

Xureila:"Oh and mama..."

Sentoria:"Yes baby?"

Xureila:"When you go back out there.... please tell daddy I said not to let me fall when he walks me down the aisle."

Sentoria:"I will......."

*The ceremony was beautiful in many more ways than one... Kendrick got to tell Xureila how he's felt about her since the day they met to how he feels about her till this very day, and Xureila told him how she feels about him. With tears in her eyes, Sentoria cries softly looking at her only daughter as Red comforts her while shedding a few tears himself. Its a beautiful thing to see two hearts become one, it was hard letting Xureila go, but Red knew that his time of protecting Xureila was over, its Kendrick's turn. *

Xureila:"DADDY!!...."*She smiles*

Red:"Hey looked so beautiful up there."*He fights back tears*

Xureila:"Thank you daddy............I love you so much."

Red:"I love you more......."

*After while Xureila bumped into Aryah*

Xureila:"You came! Omg..."

Aryah:"I wouldnt have missed it for the world... you look absolutely radiant Xureila"

Xureila:"Thank you... I cant believe im married..haha"

Aryah:"I know..."

Aryah:"Where's Ian?"

Xureila:"He's around here somewhere..."

Xureila:"Oh there his is.... IAN!!! IAN!!!" *Xureila called*

Ian:"Whats up?!?"

Ian:" look.......................beautiful."

*Aryah blushes sheepishly*

Aryah:"Thank you, you dont look too bad yourself... I see you clean up well."

Ian:"Oh....I try.." *He studders*

Ian:"I had no idea Xureila invited you..........are you enjoying yourself?"

Aryah:"Yeah, and the food is wonderful too...who cooked?"

Ian:"Dad did.."

Aryah:"Old man knows his way around a grill huh? haha"

Ian:"Hahaha yeah.... Wow Aryah...."


Ian:"You're stunning..."

Aryah:"Stop Ian... before you make me blush.."

Ian:"Again you mean?"

*Aryah looks at Ian and smiles*

Aryah:"Yes again...haha"

Ian:"....................I missed you."

Aryah:"I missed you too............what's wrong?"


Aryah:"Ian, I know you..........what's wrong?"

*Ian embraces Aryah with tears in his eyes*

Ian:"Ill tell you later....but for now, please......just enjoy yourself.

Aryah:"You're starting to scare me Ian....... but okay. You owe me an explanation."

Ian:"I promise..."