Saturday, September 9, 2017

Red:"Babygirl, can I talk to you?"


Red:"I know that I havent been the best person to be around since you got with Kendrick, and I wanted to apologize."

Xureila:"It's oka-.."

 *Red interrupts*

Red:"But im NOT sorry for being what I am...."


Red:"Your FATHER......."

**Red looks at Xureila holding her every feature in his eyes**

Red:"Baby, what you gotta understand is that... im your father. Once I became your father, I made an oath to protect you no matter the cost. A parent's love is something thats unexplainable, and you wont know what its like to feel that way for someone until you have your baby."

Red:"You think you know that feeling already but you really dont, not until you lay eyes on a being thats flesh of your flesh; like how it was with your mother and I when we had you...... You were this bright eye'd yella baby with the straightest jet black hair, and cheeks to match."

Red:"The Doctor said that you were the cutest thing she's ever laid eye's on in her entire career..."

Xureila:"Must've made you proud huh?"

Red:"You damn right it did... and still do. And when I held you for the first time....It was a feeling I still feel when I look at you till this very day. Sometimes I wish you'd just stop growin and give me more time to be there with you ya know?... I guess what im tryin to say is that, no matter how old you get imma always be your father whether you like that or not.. its my job. And it'll be my job till the day I take my very last breath, and you'll learn that feeling soon.. and you'll see why I was so protective over you all these years."

Red:"I just never wanted any harm to come to you is all baby, daddy didnt mean any harm. Im just a man who wants the best for his only daughter like any real father would."

Xureila:"Aw daddy"

Red:"I never meant to hurt you in anything that you do, you're a great girl and you deserve the best. Thats all I ever wanted for you...that and I wanted to tell you that i've backed off a bit cause this is your life."


Red:"Imma always be on standby just incase, but I feel like everytime that I do try to stop you; you end up runnin right to him. So imma back up a bit."

Xureila:"That's because I love him daddy... Kendrick's a wonderful guy. Honestly, I just wish you'd take some time to actually get to know him. You never know daddy, you just might like him."

Red:"I doubt it.."

Xureila:"Daddy.... you never think anyone's good enough."

Red:"That's because they're not..... I see your worth...."

Xureila:"And so does he daddy... Kendrick has a big heart, he cares about me, he loves me, he's patient, he's sweet, and just about everything you can think of."

Red:"Dont bring up patient, cause if he was really that patient you wouldnt be pregnant now..."

Xureila:"Daddy he's the one that wanted to wait."

Red:"Que??? (mean's What in spanish)"

Xureila:"You heard me right.... Kendrick is the one the asked to wait because he didnt wanna rush anything. Im the one who asked him to."

Red:"So you mean to tell me that YOU'RE the one that pushed him to do it?"

Xureila:"I wouldnt say it like that... but anywho thats besides the point."

Xureila:"The point is daddy... Kendrick is a wonderful man and he's done so much just to be with me despite the fact that he's been threatened, beaten, and had a gun pointed at his head. And he STILL wanna be with me. I know In know ive got a good one"

Red:"Well as long as you're happy baby.... I'm happy."

 *Red looks down at Xureila's belly*

Xureila:"Mhhhm, pretty soon it'll be official and you'll OFFICIALLY be an old man. hahaha"


Red:"Damn girl, you've gotten hella big."

Xureila:"I know, its gotten to the point where its hard for me even stand and my belly feels heavy"

Red:"Sounds like the baby dropped.

" *Red rubs her belly*

Red:"Hey in there, it's grandaddy"

Xureila:"You're a mess dad"

Red:"What?? Its what I did when you and Ian were in your mother's belly... This one's gettin the same kinda love."

**Xureia smiles as she and Red hug**

Red:"What'chu so dressed up for anyway?"

Xureila:"Kendrick's taking me out to eat, I hope its alright with you."

Red:"It is... well go baby, enjoy yourself"

**Kendrick strolls up to Xureila:"

Kenrick:"How's my baby doin?"

Xureila:"I'm fine"

Kendrick:"Thats always great to hear, are you ready to go?"

Xureila:"Are you sure I can go dressed as I am, I feel like a house..."

Kendrick:"Baby stop... you know you look sexy in anything you wear"

Xureila:"I knew I could always count on you to make me feel better when im depressed"

Kendrick:"Always, I love you"

Xureila:"I love you more.."

Kendrick:"Now why you gonna lie like that?.."

 *They laugh*

Xureila:"I just love you so much.... I dont want anything breaking us up. Ever..This feels so perfect"

Kendrick:"And I love you that much more, you're not like anyone ive met before.. it was always somethin about you that's been burnin in my heart since the day I laid eyes on you. I never want that feeling to stop."

Kendrick:"You're my baby, my one and only, and if I had to give my life for you Xureila.."

**Xureila gasps in shock**

Xureila:"You would?"

Kendrick:"Yes.... forever with you is where I wanna be for the rest of my life."

**Back at the diner**

Xureila:"Wow baby, this is nice.."

Kendrick:"You like it? It's just a burger joint...haha"

Xureila:"Well they did a really good job... it kinda gives off a formal kinda vibe."

Kendrick:"True.. I thought the same thing too when I first came here."

**As time went by the two enjoyed their lovely evening together, but thats not where the date ended.. Kendrick had one more surprise for his beloved.**

Xureila:"Thank you so much for this day baby, I really needed this...that and I had so much fun."

Kendrick:"Im glad you did, I wanted to make you as comfortable as I could."

Xureila:"Well mission accomplished.."

Kendrick:"haha.. And you call me a mess."

Xureila:"Well you are, but you're MY mess... so I guess its alright. haha"

Kendrick:"You right.... as well as you're mines... but.."

*Xureila turns around in curiosity*

Xureila:"But what?"

Kendrick:"What if.... what if I wanted to be your mess forever??..."

Xureila:"What do you mean?"

Kendrick:"Meanin, what if was your mess for the rest of our lives.. what would you say?"


Kendrick:"You'd say yes??"

Xureila:"Yes... I love you, why wouldnt I want you to be?"

*Kendrick gets down on one knee*

Kendrick:"So if I were to propose to you right now, would your answer still be the same??"

Xureila:"Of course baby..."

Kendrick:"Good, cause thats what I wanna do right now...."

*Xureila pauses for a second*

Kendrick:"Xureila, I wanna know would do me the honors of becoming my wife??"

Xureila:"OMG!! YES!!! YES KENDRICK!!! OMG!!"

*Xureila jumps up and down screaming until...*


*She grips her belly*

Kendrick:"Whats wrong?"

Xureila:"Baby.... I think its time!!"


Xureila:"Call my mom..... its time!!"

**After hours of labor, the Ramos's welcome Ms.Nia Becham to the family**


  1. Omg yassssss living for this go ahead Nia came and wedding underway awww im happy for Xurelia and Kendrick and imma pray for Ian lol
