Thursday, September 14, 2017

One day Nikki decided to drop by since Ian had stopped taking her calls, we all know that he was good for it but it was his only way of disconnecting and being to himself for once. It wasnt right but that's how he got time to himself away from the string of relationships that he had been leading on all that time.

Nikki:"Hey, I dont mean to just drop by unannounced like this... I was just trying to see if Ian was home. He hasnt really been answering my calls or callin me back and im startin to get a little worried about him."

Kendrick:"Oh no problem Ms. but you just missed him... he's out with a couple of his boys.."

Nikki:"Dammit.. alrighty then.. thanks."

Kendrick:"No problem.."

*Red steps outside*

Red:"Ken.... Nia's up."

Kendrick:"Ah okay.."

Red:"Oh hey, you lookin for Ian?"

Nikki:"Yeah I was, but he just told me that he wasnt home."

Red:"Naw he's not, but ill let him know that you stopped by."

Nikki:"Is he always on the go like that?"

Red:"Yeah... kinda takes after his old man."

Nikki:"You dont look that old.."

Red:"Well thank you ma.."

*Nikki giggles softly as she bites down on her bottom lip*

Nikki:"So where's your wife?"

Red:"Sleepin, why?"

Nikki:"Oh nothin.. just wonderin. Im sure a good looking man such as yourself wouldnt be single."

Red:"I get it..."

Nikki:"What do you mean?"

 *Nikki moves closer dragging her fingertips across her cleavage, Red takes notice and steps back*

Red:"I know what you're tryin to do seem like the kinda girl who like older men."

Nikki:"I never said that Daddy Ramos...wonder whatever gave you that idea"

Red:"You're flirtin with me love... Look im flattered, really I am..but im married. And arent you seein my son anyway?"

Nikki:"We're just friends..."

Red:"Oh Ight... well the best of friends im sure."

Nikki:"Yeah.. well imma go. *She turns to Kendrick..*

Nikki:"You wont forget will you??"

Kendrick:"Nope..ill let him know."

*Back at the nightclub Ian and his friends were all dancing the night away until Ian spotted a lovely lady in red... it was something about her that caught his eye and made him interested in speaking with her, but he didnt have the right words...Until his friend figured out he was staring at the young woman from across the dance floor that is...*

Meech:"Yo nigga, what'chu lookin at?"

Ian:"Nun... "

Meech:"Nigga I know you lyin.. I see you lookin at that bitch ova there."


Meech:"And.. I mean... boy if you feelin her then go talk to her."

Ian:"Nah... im good."

*Ian hesitated*

Meech:"Man c'mone..."

Ian:"Nah man, I keep hella bitches already anyways..."

Meech:"So what's one more???"

Ian:"I dont know man.."

Meech:"AYE MA!!"

*Meech called to her*



Meech:"YEAH.... HIM.."

*Stricken with embarrassment, Ian tries to duck behind one of their other friends but it was too late... she saw him....Hazel walks over to the guys and began conversing..*

Ian:"H-Hey... wassup?"

Hazel:"Is this your boy??"

Meech:"Yeah... he wanna holla"

Ian:"Meech! Maaaan..shut up."

Hazel:"Thats cute... where ya from love?"

Ian:"Here...I dont live too far from here."


Ian:"You here by yourself?"

Hazel:"Yeah....sadly. I didnt have anyone to come with.. all my girls bailed on me last minute."

Ian:"Damn that sucks.."

Hazel:" is what it is I guess..."

Ian:"Well if I was with you I would've stood you up like that.."

Hazel:"Is that right?"


Hazel:"Mmmhm.. how old are you anyway?"

Ian:"Old enough to show you somethin new.."

*Hazel bites her lip and walks off*

Hazel:"Boy bye.... I dont have time for children.."

*Ian stands there watching her walk away and his friends began to nudge him to go after her*

Meech:"Man you finna let it end like that?? you betta go get her.."

Ian:"You think so?"

Meech:"Hell yeah!! Boy thats a bad bitch right there.. and ones that look like her are hard to come by. So yeah... I think you should."

Ian:"............Ight ight... hold on.. Ill be back."

*Ian chases after her*

Ian:"Aye! Ma wait.."

*Hazel turns around*


Ian:"I didnt catch your name before you left"

Hazel:"Thats cause I didnt throw it to you..."

Ian:"C'mon.. what's your name?"


Ian:"Stop lyin... for real.. what's your real name?"

Hazel:"Its Hazel... im not lying"

Ian:"Wow really?? Hazel?? Like the Color?"

Hazel:"No...." *she takes her shades off*

Hazel:"Like my eyes..."

*Suddenly it felt like every hair on Ian's body was standing up at attention, chills ran up his spine,  and he couldnt move... her beauty was absolutely breathtaking.*


Hazel:"Wow what?"

Ian:"Your eyes....."

Hazel:"What about'em?"


*Ian pauses for a moment gazing into her eyes, as Hazel blushes she bites down on her bottom lip gently*

Ian:"Im sorry, I didnt mean to stare... its just that..."

Hazel:"You've never seen eyes like mine before?"

Ian:"No ive seen Hazel eyes before... but yours are... so much more different than the ones ive seen on any woman."

Hazel:"Stop.. you're making me blush."

Ian:"Im sorry.."

Ian:"Im just tryin to see what it'd be like bein with a woman such as yourself... and it doesnt all have to be sexual.. im just sayin"

Hazel:"hahaha I like your honesty..."

Ian:"Thanks... "

Hazel:"Mhm... so you want my number huh?"


Hazel:"Why would I give it to you?"

Ian:"1 Shot is all im askin for.."

Hazel:"hmmmmmm.. but I dont fuck little boys.."

Ian:"Whats up with you females callin me a boy?? Dont let this baby face fool you baby.. ill take you places you never thought possible.."

Hazel:"Is that so?"

Ian:"You be the judge... but im really just tryin to see whats up wit'chu..."

*Hazel bites her bottom lip again*

Ian:"Look at'chu... bitin your lip n shit.... you cant hide it..."

Hazel:"And exactly what am I supposedly hiding... "baby"?

Ian:"The fact that you want me..."

Hazel:"You're a bit bold dont you think?"

Ian:"But its true tho right?"

*Hazel looks away*

Ian:"If im wrong ill leave you alone... but im if im right you gotta gimme a chance.."

Hazel:" you wanna chance..."

Ian:"Thats all im askin for.."

Hazel:"Here's my number....." *She caresses his cheek*

Hazel:"When you're really ready.... gimme a call.

*Back inside*

Meech:"Did you handle that??"

Ian:"...............Nigga you already know!"

(His friends):"My nigga...Thats wassup....Damn niggaaa"

*Ian came home from school the next day only to see Nikki waiting on him on his front step*

Ian (under his breath):"Damn..."

Ian:"Wassup boo"

Nikki:"Dont wassup boo me Ian.. why havent you been returning my calls?? I hope you dont think you was finna just fuck me and bounce like not that kinda girl.."

Ian:"Chill out baby!! Dont you think if I was just finna fuck n bounce I wouldnt still be with you right now???"

Ian"Look, ive been busy ight..damn.."

Nikki:"Im sorry... its just ive been done like that before and im really feelin you baby... I dont want the same shit to happen."

Ian:"Nah... I wouldnt do that to you...........c'mere"

*Ian kisses Nikki tenderly, Red see's them through the window and comes out*


Ian:"Dad!... look, we wasnt finna do what'chu were thinkin..."

Red:"Calm down... thats not what im talkin about.."

*Red looks at Nikki*

Red:"Just friends huh??..."

Red:"Excuse me... I need to have a couple words with Ian.......In private"

Nikki:"Okay.. ill just go inside..."

Red:"Yeah, you do that."

*As the door shuts behind Nikki, Red looks at Ian closely*


Ian:"Yes sir?"

Red:"What are you doin with that bobblehead?"

Ian:"Dad she's not a bobblehead.."

Red:"Yes she is... one min she lookin this way, then the next she lookin that way.."

Ian:"haha C'mon dad.....we're just friends.."

Red:"Friends...or fuckbuddies??? Ive had'em both at your age..."


Red:"And whatever happened to that Aryah girl? You seemed to be real sweet on her.."

Red:"IAN!... C'mon Man!!! That's a good girl.."

Ian:"I still see her dad... and at least we're not havin sex right now.....I took a break."

Red:"Why?? Did it get too real for you?"

Ian:"No...I just started feelin a weird way every time we did it... a way ive never felt before..."

Red:"Son...that called LOVE..... You actually do love that girl and it scares you."

Ian:"No it doesnt..."

Red:"*Red sighs* Are you at least bein safe?"

Ian:"Of course I am dad...I never go to battle without my armour"

Red:"Son!.....Damn... Ight.... Just PLEASE be safe.... thats all im askin."

Ian:"I will.."

Red:"Ight... you my only son.. I dont want shit happenin to you."

Ian:"I know dad.."

Red:"C'mere... I love you boy."

Ian:"I love you too dad."

Red:"Now hurry up and chill with this chick, so she can leave before she say the wrong shit and get all us killed..."

Ian:"Oh you speakin on mama??"

Red:"Hell yeah... who else... you know she crazy.."

Ian:"Hahahah...tell me about it.."


  1. Smfh I’m starting not to like Ian he a hoe

  2. SMH IAN!!!! Moving like Red was damn that boy gonna get hurt he keep playing around

  3. Wow Ian is a hoe ���� Aryah needs to stay away.

  4. I feel bad for Aryah. Smh. She such a nice girl. She don’t deserve this.
