Monday, October 2, 2017

The next day Aryah came over to see the family and noticed Nia doing her homework.

Nia:"Hi aunty, where were you on my birthday?"

Aryah:"Oh Aunty's sorry baby, I just had a lot going on and I couldn't make it..but I promise to make it up to you. We can go where ever you'd like to go.


Aryah:"Yes anywhere, but you have to have all your homework done first.."

Nia:"I hate doing my homework.."

Aryah:"Well like it or not, all of this will help you later on in life?"

Nia:"Yes ma'am.."

Aryah:"What'chu got there?"

Nia:"Nothing really.. just math. I cant seem to get this problem..."

Aryah:"Lemme see if I can help"

Nia:"You like math?"

Aryah:"It was my favorite subject in school."

Nia:"..BLEH! I hate math"

Aryah:"Hate is such a strong word NiNi, dont say that."

Nia:" Yes ma'am, well can you help me with this one please?"

Aryah:"Sure, lemme see.

*They both worked together to solve all of Nia's eqations, and Nia wanted to talk more about Aryah making up for missing her birtday*

Nia:"Aunty, where are you going to take me?"

Aryah:"Ill take you where ever you wanna go, but again...your homework MUST be done before we go anywhere."

Nia:"Oooo can we go to LegoSims Land? and then out to eat?!? Ooooo please can we...pleaseeee can we, can we?"

Aryah:"Hahaha, calm down Nia, your uncle and I will take you anywhere you wanna go okay?"


*The next evening once they got home*

 Ian:"hahaha" *Aryah laughs*

Ian:"That was funny.."

Aryah:"What was?"

Ian:"Remembering the face you made when we got on Simsticle SlingShot"

Ian:"Ive never seen you that scared before...hahaha"

Aryah:"Shut up!It wasnt that funny..haha"

Ian:"Oh YES it was hilarious, you didnt see your face when he dropped that fake piece to the ride on the floor infront of us, right before they slung us out."

Ian:"You screamed all up in my ear..."

Aryah:"Well thats their fault, I thought they dropped an important piece to our seats....... I thought we were gonna die..hahahaha"


Aryah:"Oh shut up" *She pops him*

Aryah:"I think we wore Nia out tho, she was passed out in the back.."

Ian:"Oh yeeeeaaah, she went nuts over that damn tea cup ride..."

Aryah:"Yeah, I almost threw up."

Ian:"I know, and you were facing me too.. thats why I had them stop us, cause you wasnt about to mess up my fit."

Aryah:"Boy bye..."

Ian:"I still love you tho"

Aryah:"Yeah, yeah...sure you do."

Ian:"Nah really, I do... I love you."

Aryah:"and I love you too..."

*Ian looks at Aryah in her eyes and pulls her close to him*

Ian:"Baby, I wanna thank you."

Aryah:"For what?"

Ian:"Giving me another chance... because you really didnt have to."

Aryah:"I know, but a wise person reminded me that everyone deserves a second chance..That and I still love you very much."

Ian:"Im glad....... cause I dont know how much longer I coulda been without you. Its kinda like you came back in time before I hit rock bottom. I felt like I completely lost you...."

Aryah:"I know, but im still here. Cant get rid of you Ramos's."

Ian:"Hahah naaaah, never."

Aryah:"Mhm... that Ramos charm runs deep."

Ian:"Mmmhm, but that aint the only thing runs deep ^^"

*Aryah pushes him playfully*


Ian:"What?, what I do?"

Aryah:"You're so nasty......"

Ian:"Meh, I was born this way."



Aryah:"So you Lady Gaga now?"

Ian:"Oh I see you got jokes.."

Aryah:"You taught me everything I know."

Ian:"You think you slick, huh?"

Aryah:"Nah, I know I am." *he laces his fingers with Aryah's*

Ian:".......................Marry me.."

*Aryah pauses*


Ian:"haha you heard me......."

Ian:"Marry me."



Aryah:"Cause im not convinced that you're ready for that kinda commitment..."

Ian:"Aryah... marry me..."

Aryah:"no" *She giggles softly*

Ian:"Really?.... you gonna make me beg?"

Aryah:"And whats so wrong with begging?"

*She leans in and kisses Ian softly*

Aryah:"......I like it when you beg"

Ian:"mmmmm..*he bites his lip*

Ian:"And you call me nasty..."

Aryah:"Thats cause you are.."

Ian:"I see I dun rubbed off on you if that's the case.."

*Aryah rolls her eyes as she gets up, and Ian pulls her back down onto the couch*

Ian:"Naaaah, where you think you're goin?"

Aryah:"Im cold"

Ian:"Ill warm you up.. " *he kisses her*

Aryah:"Boy stop.. Your parents are still here as well as Nia is, you're not finna get me cussed at."

*Ian pulls her closer and kisses her tenderly touching her spot*

Aryah:"Baby stooooooop, thats not fair.. you know these walls are too thin, and your family is far too nosey. They'll hear everything"

*Ian ignores*

Red:"Damn son.."

*Ian hops up*

Ian:"Dad!...we werent doin anything I swear.."

Red:".....Not yet that is."

Aryah:"Hi Mr.Ramos"

Red:"Hey baby, you know you can call me Dad right?"

Aryah:"But- im not married into the family.."

Ian:.........Yet that is."

Aryah:"Not until you prove that you're really ready for a commitment like that. Something like that is forever.... Not just a few months, thats a lifetime commitment that you're asking for."

Ian:"You'll be my wife,...Bet."

Aryah:"Are you askin me or tellin me?"

Ian:"Neither, im predicting it.."

*Aryah giggles*

*Ian sighs, and Red whispers*

Red:"Marriage huh?? you thinkin about gettin married son?"

Ian:"Yes sir..."

Red:"You gotta prove that you're ready for that kinda thing.Especially after what yall just went through."


Red:"Do what you feel is right from the bottom of your heart... Find what you need there, and show it to her. All she wanna know is if you're really ready...cause niggas can ask a woman to marry them, he'll propose with a ring, and they'll never make it to the wedding day. Marriage is a big step son, and it takes lots and lots of work to uphold a healthy one. You're gonna have those moments when yall cant stand each other, and then there'll always be those moments when you cant live without each other....she'll become strong where you're weak, and you'll become strong where she's weak. Its a game of give and take, and you cant slack off cause theres always a watchful eye on what'chu got. That's a good girl you got right there son, and she'll do anything for you...."

*Ian looks back at Aryah and turns back to Red*

Ian:"I know..."

Red:"She's been your ride or die since yall met, and I dont think you'll find another one like her."

Ian:"..........I know dad..."

Red:"Son...." *Red grabs Ian's shoulder and whispers softer*

Red:"If you're really ready for this kinda thing...go for it, but you gotta really mean it. And remember, once she carries your last name..... She-Comes-FIRST."

*Ian pauses for a moment and takes a deep breath*

Ian:"............Dad, I love her.....................Im ready."

Red:"........Thats my boy."