Monday, October 2, 2017

Ian:"Hey beautiful, you up for a little time spent in the park?"

Aryah:~hey baby, yeah im up for it. when do you wanna go?"

Ian:"Anytime that's good for you, I just wanna spend some time with you."

Aryah:~awww baby..... you know im always down to see you, lemme grab a quick shower and ill be on my way to your house in a bit.~

Ian:"No, call me when you're done gettin dressed and ill come get you. No since in walking like that and you just got out of the shower."

Aryah:~aww alright baby, ill call you when im ready.~

Ian:"Ight baby."

*Ian went and picked Aryah up at her house, and off to the park they went. They looked at the fish swiming, they fed the birds, and they walked around. Nothing felt better than being with the one woman he loved*

Aryah:"You really missed me huh??"

Ian:"Hell yeah, Ive never felt so lost in my entire life until you left me. It was like having a personal hell on earth."

Aryah:"Wow, I had no idea you loved me that much."

Ian:"Neither did I until you walked outta my life.."

Aryah:"Well you do know that it would've never happened had you not messed with those other women, and actually stayed faithful to me. Right?"

Ian:"Yeah, I know that now. I never wanna experience that kinda loss again. That was like worse than a family death."

Aryah:"I know that's right.. I never wanna feel like that again either."

Ian:"And I swear to you that ill never make you feel that way or put you in that position ever again."

Aryah:"I know" *she smiles*

Ian:"Is there anything else that you might wanna do before the sun goes down?"

Aryah:"Hmmm, well do you know how to play chess?"

Ian:"A little, I learned from Dad."

Aryah:"Oooooo bring that ass here boi...." *She wiggles her finger telling him to come to the table*


Aryah:"Oh you heard me....C'mon"

Ian:"Maaan dont be cheatin bae, im not the best."

Aryah:"Naaaah, nah,nah, nah.... Im not gonna do you like that. We're just gonna play for a little so I can see where you are. You're mom taught me how to play ^^."

Ian:"You any good?"

Aryah:"Ehhh, I guess you can say that. Im not the best tho, but im still learning. I wanna see if I can kick your ass or not."

Ian:"Okay well since we're both not that good at it, care to put a little wager on it?"

Aryah:"Okay, what do you have in mind?"

Ian:"Hmmmm, lets see....." *He runs his fingers through his beard*
Ian:"I got it! If I win, you stay at my house for 3 whole weeks doing whatever I wanna do.."

Aryah:"And if I win??"

Ian:"Then Ill buy you a nice dinner tonight."

Aryah:".............Okay, deal."

*They played and played until the sun started to set, and of course Aryah won. It was all apart of Ian's plan*

Ian:"So I gotta buy you dinner tonight,huh...."

Aryah:"Yup! Looks that way, so put something real fancy on... cause I wana go to that restaurant that we were looking at for a minute now. You remember the one that I showed you before with the nice view of flowers?? It even has that cowplant in the center of the walkway.."

Ian:"I think so.. we'll just have to see about it when we get up there."

Aryah:"Alrighty, what time are you going to pick me back up?"

Ian:" like 7, im tryin to give us both time to have nice showers and get really cleaned up."




Ian:"I just want you to know something."

Aryah:"What's that?"

Ian:"I want you to know that I love you very much, and that imma step up to the best of my ability.. I never want you to want for anything."

Aryah:"Baby, you dont have to keep proving yourself... I forgave you already."

Ian:"I know you did, but I also have a promise to uphold.....So that means no matter what, you come first."

*Aryah shed's a few tears of happiness, and Ian dries them away as he kisses her tenderly. Later on that evening*

Ian:"Are you sure that this is the right place...?"

Aryah:"Yes, you dont see the cowplant over there?"

Ian:"Oh yeaaah!!! I remember now."

Aryah:"Yeah, this is the place that we were talking about before a while back.. remember now?"

Ian:"Yeah, this is the place my parents got engaged at.... remember when I told you that?"

Aryah:"OH MY GOD!! Yeahhh!! I completely forgot..." *She gocks*

Aryah:"Well I hope we have a great night."

Ian:"I think we will." *Ian snaps his fingers*


*During dinner Ian stared at Aryah quite a bit, and Aryah took notice. At first she didnt say anything because she didnt wanna ruien the moment, but it was a look that he kept giving her that seemed to spark her she turned to him*

Aryah:"Whats wrong?"


Aryah:"No really, whats wrong? Tell me."

Ian:"Nothings wrong baby, I was just admiriing you is all."

Aryah:"But ive never seen you look at me like that before, is it something in my nose?"

Ian:"No haha. I've always looked at you like this."


Ian:"After we'd make love

*Aryah paused for a moment to look at him*

Aryah:"Really?, but I dont remember you looking at me tho"

Ian:"That's because you'd be asleep by that time, i'd just lie there with you exploring all of your different facial expressions, and how you'd look in your sleep. Like you have this cute way of scrunching your nose up when you're having a bad dream, and how when its a good one you hum in your sleep... those kinda things."

Aryah:"I didnt know you watched me like that."

Ian:"Yeah, the way you sleep is sorta facsinating to me"

Ian:"Oh and theres also this cute way that you look at me when you wake up to see if im still there. How you'll feel around for me is what made me stay the first time I stayed at your place with you."

*Aryah blushes as Ian tells her everything that facinates him about her*

Ian:"Im sorry, was that too much?"

Aryah:"No, im just shocked that you noticed those things about me."

Ian:"Ive always noticed things about you, it was what I did best until I took my eye off the prize... My only downfall was that I wasnt familiar with the emotions that came with making love to you."

Ian:"I was never really sure if it was real love or not, because I was never used to getting it outside my family. I mean real genuine yours.. I wasnt used to it, so it scared me and I ran the other way. Not knowing that you were the right way that I was supposed to be run to."

Ian:"I was used to hustling like my dad, just another day another chick, and when I met you..... it was like I couldnt speak... I couldnt think, when id be pissed, sad, angry, or whatever you were always there to console me. And the day that you learned that I betrayed you was like a  hot knife through my heart. The look you gave me was something I never thought id ever see. It was like my whole world was taken from me in the blink on an eye....Then my heart raced, it felt like I couldnt catch my breath, my head was spining, and it literally felt like someone just punched a huge whole in my chest. And it literally felt like there were burning edges of my heart that was left. Everytime I saw your picture,heard your name, or even thought about you it burned and I wanted to scream cause the pain was so unbarable."

Ian:"The pain that I felt was nothing that id ever felt before, and I knew that you were the only one who could stop that pain..... I went to sleep many nights crying, woke up crying, and cried myself back to sleep at the loss of you. My very soul wrenched everytime I even visiulize you in my head knowing that I couldnt touch you... hold you, or even kiss you like I used to."

*Aryah cried as Ian continued*

Ian:"I never thought to think about what I was doing to myself, let a lone you when I was doing my dirt.. and I think what hurt me the most was the fact that I hurt the one person who was always there for me no matter what. I cant tell you how many times I called and text you, I even called just so I could hear your voice again on your answering machine. I never missed anything or anyone like that but you."

*Ian grabs her hand*

Ian:"So when I tell you that ill never do anything to harm you again, please know that I mean that from the very bottom of my heart & soul. And id rather die than to hurt you like that again."

Ian:"Aryah you're my life and I wanna tell you that from today on you have my heart.... I give you my soul and I give you all of me in return for all of you. There's not another day that I wanna go without you in my life.. you're everything to me, and the day that you take on my last name will be the day God smiles down upon me."

*Ian wipes Aryah's tears away and get's down one knee in front of everyone to see as he takes her hand*

Ian:"Aryah I want you in my life....No..... I NEED you in my life...... and I wanna give you everything that I have to give with no restrictions. I need all of you.... I need your heart and your soul right here and now... cause right here before God, I promise that you have every bit of me from now until the day I die."

Ian:"You're the only woman that I want to spend the rest of my life with, and im not taking no for an answer because I cant live in a world where we dont exist....."

Ian:"Aryah lilith Frank, will you do me the extrodinary honor of becoming my wife?"
*Aryah breaks down while trying to compose herself, she takes a deep breath and mutters (....yes!) the very best she could before breaking down yet again. Ian slipped her ring on, kissed and embraced her passionately and whisptered to her*

Ian:"Do you remember when I told you that you reminded me of someone that I knew, but couldnt remember who it was?"

Aryah:"..yes" *She dries her tears*

Ian:"I finally figured out who remind me of..."


*Ian whispers softly*

Ian:"My mom..."

*Aryah dries his tears*

Ian:"You're strong just like her, you love like her, you carry yourself like her, and if you had to..I know you'd lay your life down for family JUST like her...."

*Ian kisses Aryah passionately and says*

Ian:"Forever is where I wanna be with you, and I cant wait till the day that Take on my name...............Mrs.Ramos".