Sunday, October 29, 2017

At work Kendrick finds comfort in his coworkers, they joke, they work hard, laugh, and they have fun. Kendrick was talking to one of his coworkers, until he heard a sweet voice speak.

Magdalena:"Excuse me.."

*He turns around*

Kendrick:"Yes ma'am, how may I help you?"

Magdalena:"Well... *she says shockingly*

Kendrick:"Is everything alright?" *Kendrick responded*

*Magdalena grabbed at her chest*

Magdalena:"Im so sorry...I didnt mean to seem like there was something wrong with me, it's just that...... well, never mind. I dont wanna break you out of character. haha"

Kendrick:"What do you mean?"

Magdalena:"Meaning, I dont wanna say what I wanna say and possibly cost you your job."

Kendrick:"Oh, thanks haha"

Magdalena:"Yeah, you're welcome love... well what I wanted to ask is where's your Lingerie?"

*Kendrick stiffens and his coworker Brenda spoke up*

Brenda:"Ill show you ma'am, follow me."

Magdalena:"Actually, I wanted.......*She looks at Kendrick's badge* Kendrick to show me, but thanks anyway."

*Kendrick takes a hard swallow before speaking*

Kendrick:"Brenda know's that area like the back of her hand, im sure she'll help you out in no time." *he insisted*

Magdalena:"But I asked" *She glared at him*

*Kendrick took a deep breath*

Kendrick:"Yes ma'am...right this way."

*He paused and turned back around to Brenda*



Kendrick:"Imma show her where the apparel section is, and ill be right back okay?"

Brenda:"Sure thing" *she smiles*

Kendrick:"Cool" *He turns to Magdalena and leads the way*

*Up the stairs they go, Kendrick finally strolled up to apparel and showed her where the dressing rooms were.*

Kendrick:"Well here you go, the Lingerie is back that way to the left and over there where that big mirror is, is where the dressing rooms are."

Magdalena:"Thank you."

Kendrick:"You're most welcome."

Magdalena:"Look, um... I just wanna say sorry if I embarrased you down there. I just didnt wanna say what I wanted to you and risk embarrissing you in front of everyone."

Kendrick:"Its aright..well what did you wanna say?"

Magdalena:"Eh.. It doesnt matter now, but what I do wanna know is why does a sexy shade of chocolate like you work at a place like this? If you dont mind me asking that is."

*Kendrick chuckles*

Kendrick:"I dont mind.. I actually got laid off recently from my other job. They needed to make some changes because the company was losing money so they ended up cutting some us, and I just happened to be one of them."

Magdalena:"Wow, that sucks.."

Kendrick:"Yeah, tell me about it..haha"

Magdalena:"Well at least you've got a job, not many can say that."

Kendrick:"Yeah, just wish my wife felt that way.."


Kendrick:"What? Whats wrong?"

Magdalena:"You said the "W" word.."

Kendrick:"What, Wife?"

Magdalena:"Ouch.... Yes! hahaha" *They laugh*

Magdalena:"You had to be married, huh?"

Kendrick:"Hahaha, I guess so. But why are you stressin it? Im sure you could have any man you want with the way you look."

Magdalena:"Yeah, but sadly I dont just want anyone. haha"

Kendrick:"I feel you.."

Magdalena:"So, how long have you and your wife been together?"

Kendrick:"Well my wife and I have been together since we were teenagers,but married for like 5 yrs now."

Magdalena:"Awww, you two were sweethars.. I wonder why she doesnt approve of you working this kinda job. Its an honest living."

Kendrick:"Well she seems to dwell a lot on the fact that I-...never mind. I dont wanna out my wife like that to a stranger...No offense."

Magdalena:"No, you're good love.. at least you're better than my friend."

Kendrick:"What do you mean?"

Magdalena:"My friend dogs her man to me all the time. I dont know him like that personally because my friend and I met though our job, but I think he's goin through something like you and she's always talkin about him. Its ridiculous."

kendrick:"Damn... well im sad to hear about that."

Magdalena:"Same.. well when's your shift over?"

*Kendrick looks down at his watch*

Kendrick:"Uhhhhhh...In about 30 mins.."

Magdalena:"Oh okay, well what are you gonna do when you get off?"

Kendrick:"Honestly im planning on goin home, taking me a nice shower, get somethin to eat, and maybe veg for a bit before passing out hahaha" *They laugh*

Magdalena:"Alright sweetie,well I dont mean to hold you up from your job."

Kendrick:"No, no... I actually enjoyed your company. Gave me something else to do."

Magdalena:"Cool, well im Magdalena by the way.."

Kendrick:"And you already know my name haha, but im Kendrick.." *They shake hands*

Magdalena:"I hope I see you again.."

Kendrick:"Well if it's anytime between 10-5 in the morning, you'll see me... haha all I do is work. I barely have time for my baby."


Kendrick:"Yeah, I have a baby girl back at home... I hate bein away from her."

Magdalena:"Awwww, so you're a family kinda man."

Kendrick:"Like you'd never believe... haha" *They laugh again*

Magdalena:"Its rare that I get to meet one, most guys I meet only want one thing ya know?"

Kendrick:"Yeah, but not everyone's like that. You gotta trust someone, cause if you cant be vulnerable with someone.. who are you gonna be vulnerable with?" *He smiles*

*Magdalena hangs her head as she blushed hard*

Magdalena:"True... I hate that you're right.."

Kendrick:"Well... if anyone could get to you to realize that, im glad I could. It's no fun bein alone."

Magdalena:"Right again..."

Kendrick:"Well alright Mrs.???"

Magdalena:"Ms.." *She corrects him*


Kendrick:"Ah..My sincerest apologies. Well Ms.Soto, it was a pleasure meeting you. However, I gotta get back to my colleagues before they start to wonder where I am."

Magdalena:"Like wise... take care hun."

Kendrick:"You too."

*After work Kendrick looked at his phone, and noticed that he got a text from Xureila saying:~we have to talk, call me as soon as you get this.~:Kendrick closed out of his messages, and headed next door to the bar.*

*Kendrick drank and drank his problems away thinking about his life, and everything that he's ever done. Next thing he know's Red walks through the door.*

Red:"There you are..."

*Kendrick looked quick*

Kendrick:"Pop!.... aw Pop, im so sorry... I frogot you dropped me off...."

Red:"Its alright.... I figured you'd be in here."*He get's the bartender's attention"

Red:"Ill take a Wrench on the rocks please"

Bartender:"Comin right up"


Red:"Cause it's where I was when Sentoria and I had a huge spat."


Red:"Shoot yeah, it wasnt here in this spesific bar, but none the less... I was in one."

Red:"Look son, I understand that you and Xureila have really been goin through it lately since you told her about your job..."

Kendrick:"Wow...even you know, huh?"

Red:"I may not say a lot.... but I see & hear everything that goes on in that house..."

*Kendrick looks up at Red.*

Kendrick:"Pop I love her so much..... I dont know why she's so mad at me over something so simple."

Red:"Well son, she's mad because she wasnt the one that you told first. I understand that you're a man, and man's gotta do what a man's gotta do... but son, she's your wife now. She's the one that you tell everything.. no matter what.. even when you dont want to."

*Kendrick sulks*

Red:"Im not saying that you did a horrible thing, all im sayin is that women are very sensitive creatures...they wanna be under us most of the time. They need love, honesty, protection, assurance, affection, and most of all (The Truth)..about everything that goes on in your relationship." You gave Xureila all of that and some... You just havent been very truthful when it came down to losin your job..ya understand what im sayin?"

Kendrick:"Yes sir.."

Red:"She's angry because you didnt say anything, usually you'd tell her anything...But you didnt tell her this, and it made her feel a little left out of your life. She doesnt wanna obligate you son....she just wanna be apart of your life and share every aspect of it with you. So when you didnt tell her it hurt, and finding out that she was the last to know made it hurt that much worse."


Red:"Thats all im tryin to say..."

Kendrick:"Well I didnt tell her because I was embarrassed.."

Red:"Even when you're embarrassed about it... tell her... cause at the end of the day, you have each other.. and there's really not supposed to be any secrets between you two."

Kendrick:"I got'cha.."

Red:"Good... well lets finish these drinks before they get watered down. hahaa. *They laughed*

*Xureila saw Aryah waddle into the kitchen to put her dishes away and she stopped her*

Xureila:"Hey hey heyy.... not with the precious cargo in there.... dang girl, look at'chu... you're as big as a house.."

Sentoria:"Nothing as big as you were when you were pregnant with Nia" *She snickered*

Xureila:"Ma! Really?!?"

Sentoria:"Dont come for my baby unless she sends for you..." *she snaps three times, and turns back to her phone*

*Aryah laughed*

Xureila:"I thought I was your baby.."

Sentoria:"You are, and you spoiled as all hell too.."

*Xureila shook her head and headed towards Aryah*

Xureila:"Omg.....You look so beautiful Aryah.."

Aryah:"Thanks, im hoping its a girl."

Xureila:"Awww!! Then Nia can have someone to play tea party with...I bet Ian want a boy huh?"

Aryah:"Surprisingly, he wants a girl too."


Xureila:"You've gotta be kidding me..."

Aryah"Nope, he wants a girl... so he can treat her like how Kendrick treats Nia. (In his words) I swear."

Sentoria:"Lawd.... that boy's gonna get a double barrel watch."

*They laugh as Xureila reaches for Aryah's belly*

Xureila:"How far along are you now?"

Aryah:"In my 2nd trimester, Ian and I are going back in a couple weeks to see the sex of the baby."

Xureila:"Aww, okay..."

*Xureila hugs Aryah*

Xureila:"Im so happy for you sis, I cant wait to see it."

Aryah:"Thank you, im excited to see it too..."

Xureila:"Does it kick yet?"

Aryah:"Sometimes haha... I know it kicks when I see Ian."
Aryah:"I guess its because my heart races when I see him."

Xureila & Sentoria:"AWWW!!"

*Ian walks in*

Ian:"Everytime you see who?"

Aryah:"Hey baby!" *She hurrys to him*

Ian:"Whoa whoa.. take it easy."

Sentoria:"Hey son"

Ian:"Hey mama.. Hey Xureila.."

Xureila:"Hey fatface haha"

Aryah:"How was your day?"

*Ian kissed her tenderly*

Ian:"Its lookin much better now."

Sentoria:"Alright now.... thats how she ended up pregnant in the first place, you betta stop."

Ian:"Hahaha. Yes ma'am."

Aryah:"It's kicking...the baby's kicking.." *Ian puts his hands on her stomach*

Ian:"Hey lil bit.." *He rubs her tummy*

Ian:"I honestly cant wait to meet you.."

Aryah:"Me to.."*She says softly*

Ian:"Aaaaaaand what are you doin outta bed anyway, didnt I say no walkin around?"

Aryah:"Yeah, but I got thirsty and I didnt wanna bother anyone."

*Ian sighs*

Ian:"Hard headed... well since you're up, go get dressed. I wanted to take you out to eat anyway."

Aryah:"Okay! Gimmie a few minutes, ill be right out."

*At the restaurant Ian requested a table, and the host showed them the way.*

Aryah:"Aww, this is cute."

Ian:"I knew you'd like it... what do you wanna eat?"

Aryah:"Well this Roasted Salmon Fillet with Lemon-Rosemary Butter Sauce looks good.."

Ian:"You want it?"


Ian:"Alright, what kinda drink you want?"

Aryah:"Ill just have some sparkling apple sider"

*The waiter comes*

Waiter:"Hello, im Apolo... Ill be serving your table tonight.. what can I get for you this evening?

Ian:"Hey, uh.. Ill have the Creamy Cajun Shrimp and Steak Linguine with an Amber Ale please, and my wife will have your Roasted Salmon Fillets with Lemon-Rosemary Butter Sauce with a Sparkling Apple Cider..And make sure that you bake the salmon all the way done or it'll get real ugly up in wife's pregnant, and I dont want anything to happen."

Apolo:"Oh-,yes sir...ill inform them right away..."

Ian:"Thank you..."

*Once Apolo left Aryah looked at Ian*


Aryah:"You didnt have to be mean.."

Ian:"Yes I do, you're carry our child and it's my job to protect you..."

Aryah:"Im sure just letting him know that I was pregnant woulda been enough"

Ian:"These days you've gotta put your foot down and mean business when you want something done right."

Ian:"Im not takin a chance of them givin you undercooked food... Hell.. Id rather them damn near burn the shit than to give you salmonella."

Aryah:"But baby, I take risks with everything that I eat."

Ian:"Yeah I know, but im making sure that its cooked. Or all hell will break loose. They can try me if they want to. They dont wanna fuck with me."

Aryah:"I swear, ever since you got that Attorney position you've been that much worse. hahaha" *she giggled*

Ian:"Yeah, but thing is..They dont need to know that."

Aryah:"You're so bad.." *She grins*

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