Wednesday, October 18, 2017

A couple weeks goes by and when Nia woke up, she ran right to Sentoria while She and Red were having a conversation.

Nia:"Grandma, grandma..."

Sentoria:"What baby? whats wrong?"

Nia:"I had a dream mommy ate a big watermelon, and her tummy got HUGE."

Sentoria:"Is that so?"

Nia:"Uh-huh... it was so big I could fit in it. I asked mommy why she ate it all and she said because she wanted to."

Sentoria:"Hmmm... imma have to talk with mommy when she gets home."

Nia:"Where is mommy?"

Sentoria:"Aw you just missed her pumpkin, she's at work."

Nia:"Mommy's never home anymore...but daddy told me that she works so much because she loves me."

Sentoria:"She does pumpkin, your mommy loves you very much and would do anything for you. Always remember that."

Nia:"Yes ma'am."

Nia:"Hi Pawpaw!"

Red:"Hey baby, you hungry?"

Nia:"Yep! did you cook?"

Red:"I sure did.. I made your favorite.."

*Nia gasps really and shouted*


Red:"You bet I did, c'mon... lets eat"

*Later during the day Sentoria saw Aryah sitting down on Nia's bed, and wanted to know what was worng*

Sentoria:"Hey baby... whats wrong?"

Aryah:"Oh nothing really, just sittin here thinking."

Sentoria:"Oooo thats not a good thing to do.... especially if you're doing it often. If you think too much you're mind will wonder in places that you wish it didnt."

Aryah:"I know, I was just thinking..... y'know.. about our talk last week."

Sentoria:"What, about being a mother?"

Aryah:"Yes ma'am, I wanna ask Ian about it but im scared of what he'll say.."

Sentoria:"Dont be baby.."

Aryah:"How? Its kinda hard"

Sentoria:"Well because first of all, he's your husband... this decision is yours just as much as it is his. Secondly, because you're a woman... its built in us to want children, and thirdly..I think I know what's goin on with you."


Sentoria:"Baby fever..."

Aryah:"Baby fever??"

Sentoria:"Mmmhm, baby fever will make a woman go crazy. All you'll want is a baby, and {baby baby baby baby baby} will always be on your mind."

Aryah:"Ugh... I dont like this."

Sentoria:"All you can do is embrace it, every woman goes through it."

Aryah:"Even you?"

Sentoria:"Do you really think Xureila and Ian would be here if I didnt?" Hahaha"

Aryah:"*she chuckles* I guess not." 

Sentoria:"Exactly.. just talk to him baby, im sure he'll listen."

Aryah:"Yes ma'am."

*Ian was outside swimming so Aryah joined*

Aryah:"Hey baby, what'chu doing out here by yourself?"

Ian:"Eh, just swimming.. Nia just left me. haha"


Ian:"Yeah, we were playin marco-polo.. she thought I was cheatin so she got out."

Aryah:"hahaha.......were you?"

Ian:"A little... hahaha"

Aryah:"You're so bad... haha" *They laugh*

Aryah:"Mind if I join?"


*Aryah changes into her swimwear and sits down on the side of the pool, and Ian follow suit*

Ian:"Y'know, even though you've been home for 2 weeks it still kinda feels like you just got here."

Aryah:"Really? It feels like I never left. Hahahah"

Ian:"Yeah.." *he scoots closer*

Ian:"I really missed you Aryah..."

Aryah:"I missed you too.." *she gazes into his eyes and she moves closer*

Ian:"Can I ask you something though?"

Aryah:"Sure, anything.."

Ian:"What did you do while you were up there anyway?"

Aryah:"Where, on tour?"

Ian:"Yeah.. Im sure there's lot that you've done."

Aryah:"Honeslty?? We really didnt do much besides model... I mean yeah we'd go shopping, and out to other places to eat and stuff, but that was about it. I actually do love modeling... and doing it only made me love it that much more."

Ian:"I bet.. what about babies?"

*Aryah pauses for a moment.*

Aryah:"Im not sure, I didnt think of that."

Ian:"Well dont you think that its something that maybe we outta think about?"

Aryah:"Yeah, I guess I just wasnt thinking..."

Ian:"Tell you what, we'll talk more about this over dinner tonight.."

Aryah:"Just me and you?"

Ian:"Just us.. no one else.. I gotta get my baby alone."

Aryah:"Alrighty" *she blushes*

*Later that night when Xureila got home from work*

Kendrick:"Hey baby, how was work?

Xureila:"It was alright, just long."


Xureila:"Not now baby... im tired"

*Sentoria comes out*

Sentoria:"Uh-uh, dont do him like that Xureila.... he's only tryin to do what husbands are supposed to do."

Xureila:"Im sorry, its just that I had a long day... my boss made me mad, and my partner never filed our paperwork; so I had to go behind her and do it all over again myself when I was the one who typed it all out and made all the phone calls to the recipients............Sometimes I feel like im doin all this work by myself."

Sentoria:"I understand that, and I understand your frustration, but that doesnt give you the right to take it out on your husband when all he's tryin to do is take care of you."

Xureila:"Yes mama......" *Xureila turns to Kendrick*

Xureila:"Im sorry baby, I really am. I dont mean to take it out on you."

Kendrick:"Its alright baby, I understand."

*Sentoria hugs Xureila and goes back into the house, she goes into the hallway and shouts*

Sentoria:"PRECIOUS, MAMA'S HOME!!!"  *out came a screeching little one*


Xureila:"Hey babygirl" *she hugs Nia tight*

Nia:"I missed you!"

Xureila:"Mommy missed you too! How was your day?"

Nia:"It was great! I played with Uncle Ian all day! And we played marco-polo too!"

Xureila:"hahaha thats great baby! Im glad you had fun, it's 8:30.. what does pawpaw tell you do to on school nights?"

Nia:"To go to bed early so I can wake up early, cause the early bird gets the worm"

Xureila:"Who wants to be that bird?"


Nia:"But mommy... I dont like worms.." *Xureila and Kendrick laugh*

Xureila:"You wont be getting any real worms baby, but you do gotta go to bed so you can get up for school in the morning."

Nia:"Aw do I have to mommy?"

Kendrick:".....Nia, do as your mama tell you."

Nia:"Yes daddy.."

Xureila:"C'mere baby, give mommy her love" *Xureila kisses Nia on her cheek giving her a warm hug, turns her around and taps her on her tushy"

Nia:"Goodnight mommy, goodnight daddy!"

Kendrick:"Goodnight Coco bean"

Xureila:"Goodnight baby, I love you."

Nia:"I love you too! Oh mommy, do you have to go to work tomorrow?"

Xureila:"Nope! Im all yours for the next 3 days."


Xureila:"So you'll see me when you get home"

Nia:"Okay!" *And off Nia goes to bed*

*Kendrick turns to Xureila*

Xureila:"Baby, im so sorry... its just work had me so stressed out it wasnt funny..."

Kendrick:"Baby.. I understand. Sometimes work can beat'chu down and it literally makes you into a crabby betty. hahaha" *Xureila chuckles*

Xureila:"haha so im crabby now, huh?"

Kendrick:"Hahaha, yup!... but'chu know what?"


Kendrick:"You're MY crabby betty." *they kiss*

*At dinner*

Aryah:"Wow, I didnt think you'd bring me here..."

Ian:"A special night for my special lady.."

Aryah:"Aww baby.."

Waiter:"Omg! You're Aryah Ramos!!"


Waiter:"Omg omg omg, can I have your autograph?!?"

Ian:"Hey.... you're here to take our order, not bother her like a groupie"

Waiter:"And who are you?"

Ian:"Her HUSBAND!!! Disrespect us like that again,  and I promise you... itll be your job!...."

Waiter:"im sorry sir." *he leaves and comes back with their food*

Waiter:"Here's your food sir........again...I am very sorry. I meant no disrespect."

Waiter:"I just wanted her autograph is all..."

Ian:"Then you ask, dont do that."

Aryah:"Okay baby... *she signs her napkin and hands it to him* Here ya go"

Waiter:"Thank you so much, my friends arent gonna believe that you actually ate here tonight on my shift"

Aryah:"hahaha, well there's something that you can show'em..."

Waiter:"If you both need anything, PLEASE... dont hesitate to flag me down."

Aryah:"haha, okay.. thank you."

Waiter:"You're welcome.".
*Aryah looks at Ian*


Aryah:"Did you have to be that mean to him? haha"

Ian:"Im sorry baby... I dont know what came over me.. All I know is that he came too close to quick, and I didnt like that."

Aryah:"Now you see how I felt when that girl approached you that day... dont feel too good do it?"

Ian:"No... it doesnt.. I dont like that feelin, its like my blood boiled or somethin.. I cant explain it."

Aryah:"Its alright, you were just protecting me, but thats something that you're gonna have to get over. Cause people are going to want my autograph, and they're gonna want to take pictures.. so they're gonna have to be close to me.*she grins*

Ian:"Ugh! I dont wanna think about that...but back to our convo from earlier.."

Aryah:"Which one???......Ooooh yeah"

Ian:"Yeah, bout the whole baby situation. what are we gonna do if we had a baby and you had to go back to work modeling?? Ill never see you, and ill practicaly be raising the baby by myself"

Aryah:"No you wouldnt, ill take a break so I can be with my family.... how could you say something so selfish?"

Ian:"I didnt mean it that way baby.... omg..I really didnt"

Aryah:"Sure you didnt.."

Ian:"Aryah.. I didnt. Okay? Im sorry.. I really didnt mean it like that."

Ian:"I just got a little nervous thinking about it is all.."

Aryah:"Wait.. so you think about having a baby?"

Ian:"Well I really didnt start thinking about it until you started talking about it in your sleep."

Aryah:"Wait, what?"

Ian:"When you worry about something, you talk in your sleep."

Aryah:"What?!? Why didnt you ever tell me?"

Ian:"Cause I didnt wanna hurt your feelings, I know how sensitive you can get sometimes and I didnt know how to bring it up to you without making it seeming like I didnt want any. I over heard you talkin to mama in the room about being scared to talk to me about it too..."


Ian:"Yeah, I want you to know that we can discuss it at any moment when you're ready. I wanna do whatever makes you happy.."

Aryah:"Its not that simple Ian, I cant just want one... you gotta want one too"

Ian:"Can I be honest with you?" 

*Aryah rolls her eyes sucking her teeth and gets up from the table*

Ian:"Baby wait! hold up!"

 *he flings the money for the evening on the table, and chases after her*

Ian:"Baby!! Wait!!"

Aryah:"Why? Only for you to tell me that you're really not ready for one??? Look Ian, im not finna beg you to give me a baby... Its not like im tryin to force one on you... hell... I dont even know why im feeling like this anyways.. Ugh!"

Ian:"Calm down baby!.... let me finish..." *he pulls her to him*


*Ian kissed her tenderly*

Ian:"I was gonna say that I do..."

Aryah:"Do what?"

Ian:"Want a baby..... I cant tell how many times ive thought about giving you one."

Aryah:"Really?.... so you wanna try?"

Ian:"Of course I do....starting a family with you is what ive honestly dreamt of secretly when we first started dating.. I just never brought it up because I didnt wanna scare you away."

Aryah:"Awww baby.." 

Ian:"And we can start whenever you're ready.."

Aryah:"Really??? Well... can we try tomorrow?"

Ian:"Why not tonight? ^^" *he pulls her closer for a passionate kiss.*

Aryah:"Mmmm, damn that charm.."

Ian:"Its a gift."

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