Tuesday, October 17, 2017

The next morning Red asked Ian to come outside real quick on his way out the back door, Ian walked up.

Ian:"Yes sir?"

Red:"C'mere...." *Red hugs him*

Red:"Son, I want you to know that im proud of you..."


Red:"You've become a man, and you put childish things to the side... now I can finally say that I could die a happy man."

Ian:"Dad, dont say that."


Ian:"I dont wanna hear you talkin about dyin, death, or anything close to it. I just wanna live while we're all here."

Red:"Ight ight... I just wanted to tell you that im really proud of you, and the man that you've become."

Ian:"Thanks dad, hey... uh.. c-can I ask you a quick question?"

Red:"Yeah, wassup?"

Ian:"Did yall hear anything unusual after Aryah got home yetsterday? Ma actin a little weird around me now."



Red:"Hell yeah... well "I" heard you at least.. your mother asked me what yall were up to and I told her."


Red:"Boy calm down, that aint shit to be ashamed of... you missed that girl. And it showed. I just wished you woulda gave my baby a pillow or somethin.."

Ian:"Omg Dad!"

Red:"Booooooooy you had her up in there singin like a mutha fucka.... I havent heard vocals like that since Mariah Carey old ass..."

Ian:"DAD!!! Omg!!"

Red:"Guess that Ramos blood do run deep.. I know what'chu did too.... You gave her dat ole hurricane like I showed you didnt'chu?"


Red:"Hahahahaaa I knew it!!! Thats my booy!! But aye be careful, cause thats how ya mother concieved you and your sister...

Ian:"Omg... I cant deal"

Red:"Its all good, it wont leave this conversation... I promise"

Ian:"I didnt realize we were that loud.."

Red:"Its ight, as a man I understand.. your mama however.... not so much, you know she'll always see you as little Ian. You're her baby... always will be."

Ian:"I know.... thanks dad."

Red:"You're welcome"  *Xureila yells from the back door(Breakfast is readyyyyy!!)*

Ian:"We're comin!"

*After breakfast, Xureila was on her way to the bathroom when she noticed Aryah coming from upstairs in her joggin fit*

Xureila:"Sis, you're not gonna eat? I said breakfast is ready.."

Aryah:"Oh no thank you, im not really hungry."

Xureila:"Oh hell naw, you're not turning into one of those anorexic type of models are you?"

Aryah:"Hell No! Girl, im fine. hahaha Im still full from last night."

Xureila:"Oh yeah... mama did cook lobster last night didnt she? haha"

Aryah:"Yeah... but after my walk imma take a nice hot shower, and maybe chill with Ian for a bit."

Xureila:"Mmmhm..... "



Aryah:"No, what? Mhm what?"

Xureila:"No really, im just glad that you're home.. I know Ian's happy."

Aryah:"Yeah he is, I love him so much.."

Xureila:"I know, as well as he loves you........" *Xureila hugs Aryah tight*

Xureila:"Welcome back home..... I missed you."

*Quickly throwing her arms back around Xureila, Aryah whispered back..*

Aryah:"I missed you too.."

Red:"Stop cheatin.....Stop cheatin!!!"

Kendrick:"Im not cheatin old man.... you're just too slow!"

Red:"Ight, I got'cha old man............haha! And what... TOLD YOU!"

Kedrick:"NAW! YOU CHEATIN!!! "

Red:"Oh suck it up pussy.."

Nia:"Daddy, whats a pussy?"

Kendrick:"uh... Nothin baby... grandpa was just messin with me... but dont go around sayin that okay?"

Nia:"But pawpaw said it.."

Red:"Pawpaw said it cause I can, im grown... you're not, so you cant say it.. okay?"


Kendrick:"Stop cheatin dad!........................see look at'chu, cheated for nothin....."

Red:"Whatever... I got a phonecall anyway.."

Kendrick:"Hahah, you just mad..."

*Kendrick notices that Nia's head is down*

Kendrick:"What's wrong with my little Cocoa bean?"


Kendrick:"You sure?"

Nia:"Yes sir, im okay.."

Kedrick:"Im not concinced.. what's wrong Nia?"

Nia:"...........Can I tell you later?"

Kendrick:"No... now" *She sighs softly*

Nia:".....I just miss mommy... she's always at work, she's never home anymore."

Kendrick:"Well thats because mommy's workin hard for the family just like daddy. We both love you very much so we're workin extra hard to keep a roof over your head, food in your stomach, and clothes on your back. Its not that we wanna stay away...Cocoa bean, if we could stay home with you always, we would......You understand?"

Nia:"I think so.."

Kendrick:"I promise you'll understand when you're older babygirl....Daddy loves you.."

Nia:"I love you too daddy!" *she says with a grin*

*Upon Ian's arrival home from work a young lady stopped him asking for directions*

Imani:"Hey, im sorry.. I need directions to Shea's Outlet, can you help me?"

Ian:"Yeah.....*He gives her detailed directions*

Imani:"Thank you so much, I asked a bunch of people on the way and no one seemed to be able to help me out. I was even taken in a complete circle."

Ian:"Oh wow haha... I hate that."

Imani:"Same here.."

Ian:"Yeah, well good luck on your trip."

Imani:"Thanks... oh... what's your name?"

Ian:"...Ian, yours?"

Imani:"Imani....Imani Stylez" *they shake hands*

Ian:"Nice name.."

Imani:"Thank you..not bad yourself."


Imani:" You seeing anyone?"

Ian:"..haha yes ma'am."

Imani:"Aw maaan... your girlfriend?"

Ian:"...My wife."

Imani:"Ouch... That's too bad. She's a lucky one... I usually like my men thick... like you.."


Imani:"Well alright, thanks again.."

Ian:"No problem.."

*Ian brushed that coversation off as quickly as it picked up, but little did he know Mrs.Ramos was watching*

Aryah:"Who was that?"

Ian:"She was just asking for directions baby.."

Aryah:"Yeah she certainly looked lost..."

Ian:"Baby please... im not tryin to do anything stupid.. trust me."

Aryah:"......I saw that pass she made at you too..."



Ian:"Then im sure that you saw that I brushed her off.........Look baby, I only have eyes for you. I dont want anyone else."

*Aryah thought about it and started to calm down.*

Ian:"After what I we went through, im lucky that you even stayed by me... Anyone else woulda dipped. You're my life now baby, you're my only... Im not lookin at none of these chicken heads... you're the only one I see."

Aryah:".....you promise?"

*Ian grabs Aryah and kissed her passionately*

Ian:"I promise... Im not steppin out on you again. I love you."

Aryah:"I love you too."

Ian:"Now stop all of that fussin"

Aryah:"And if I dont?"

*Ian holds her chin as he caresses her face*

Ian:"Then imma get'chu....... tonight."


Ian:"Mhmmm...Play wit it if you want to Mrs.Ramos......need I remind you of yesterday?"

*Aryah shivers and Sentoria steps in*



Sentoria:"Ma my ass, you outside.. NOW!! go cool off."

Ian:"But ma..."


Ian:"Yes ma'am.."

*Sentoria sighs*

Sentoria:"I swear, that boy's just like his father...."


Sentoria:"If you only knew..."

Aryah:"Im sorry mama, I didnt mean for it to get there that quick"

Sentoria:"No no... dont be sorry, its what husbands and wives do before they have really start havin kids."


Sentoria:"Mmmmhm... chile you shoulda seen Red and I when we got married...Even though I had Xureila BEFORE we got married... But after?..Uh.. on second thought.. mabye I shouldnt tell you."  *They laugh*

Sentoria:"Welcome home baby" They hug"

Aryah:"Thank you mama, I really did miss you all."

Sentoria:"And we missed you more, you shoulda seen Ian..."

Aryah:"What'd he do?"

Sentoria:"Ooo baby..it was horrible, he moped and  moped, and moped some more. It was like he lost his best friend, and he didnt know what to do."

Aryah:"Awww really?"

Sentoria:"Like you wouldnt believe..."

Aryah:"Awww my baby.."

Sentoria:"Mmhm, yall are so cute. Im glad that he realized the kinda woman you are and got his head straight."

Aryah:"Me too, im just kinda scared that he'll do it again."

Sentoria:"Baby you never know what a man's gonna do until he does it... they're men... same goes for women. Sometimes people get weak and cave in, but after what you two have been through.. I highly doubt that he'd do something that stupid again."

Aryah:"You think so?"

Sentoria:"Mmmhm, if I know my baby like I think I do.. I know so.. he learned his lesson."

Aryah:"I sure hope so,because I really do love him mama... I really do."

Sentoria:"I know, I look at the way you both look at each other."

Aryah:"Yeah..I cant wait till we start having babies.."

Sentoria:"Well thats something you gotta talk to him about, he's the one you'll have them from."

Aryah:"I know, im kinda scared that maybe he doesnt want them right now."

Sentoria:"Baby even if he wanted them now or not.... its not up for you to decide. You'll have them when its time."

Aryah:"True, do you know if he wanted any at all?"

Sentoria:"No, im not sure if he does or not but having sex is ment for reproduction.... as well as being close to one another."


Sentoria:"So everytime that you have sex, you're risking the chance of getting pregnant."

Aryah:"Yeah, im kinda scared that I wouldnt be a good mother."

Sentoria:"And you know what?...Xureila said the same thing when she was pregnant with Nia, and ill tell you just like I told her. You'll be fine."

Aryah:"Thank you mama"

Sentoria:"You're welcome baby."

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