Thursday, October 5, 2017

The next morning Aryah was getting dressed for the day, she figured she'd put her new makeup vanity that was given to her as a gift on her wedding day to good use.
She made herself up, and went into the bedroom to finish getting dressed when she remembered that Nia gave her a card at the end of her wedding day for to call Tammy the next morning. Aryah picked up her phone and began to dial.

Tammy's Assistant:~Tammy's Modeling Angecy, this is Brenda may I help you today?~

Aryah:"Oh hi.. Im Aryah Ramos, I was calling to speak with Tammy."

Tammy's Assistant:~Oh im sorry ma'am, Miss. Jackson doesnt allow us to accept any applications over the phone, if you want to try out for it you'll have to come up here and audition for a position like everyone else."

Aryah:"No, im not calling for that.."

Tammy's Assistant:~then please state your business ma'am..~

Aryah:"Look.. Im only calling to speak to Tammy, because she gave my neice a card to give to me to reach her with when the wedding was over...... It was my wedding that she took pictures at for her magaizine. She told me to call her, and all I need you to do is transfer the call so I can speak to her."

Tammy's Assistant:~Im sorry ma'am, I cant do that... Ms.Tammy-~

*Before Brenda could get anoyther word out, someone took the phone from her and answered it.*


Aryah:"Hello? Hi?"

Tammy:~hi, who am I speaking with?"

Aryah:"Aryah Ramos. I was calling because Tammy came up to my wedding the other day, and she gave my neice a card to give to me to reacher with when the wedding was over. Ive been trying to talk to her but Brenda didnt want to help."

Tammy:~ahhhhh Aryah, this is Tammy..."

Aryah:"Oh FINALLY......So she transfered the call after all?"

Tammy:~unfortunately not, but luckily for you I was on my way back into my office when I heard your conversation.....hang on for a sec love.~


*Aryah heard mumbling, so she listened carefully as she heard Tammy tell Brenda when someone says that she gave them a card telling them to call her; she's warned to transfer the call, because next time it'd be her job. She doesnt want to lose clientele due to an uppity brown-noser.
Tammy picks the phone back up, and there was a soft "click" on another line letting them know that Brenda had hung up*


Aryah:"Yes, im here.."

Tammy:~im so sorry about that, she's still sortta new...."

Aryah:"Oh, well it's alright."

Tammy:~no its not, i can lose clients behind her doing that. she's been through training so she should know not to do that. ESPECIALLY when its a client saying that they have a card..... so im very sorry for the inconvenience, but rest assure that im gonna speak to the trainee about this later.~

Aryah:"Its okay"

Tammy:~now.... lets get down to business... First of all I want to congratulate you and your new husband on your wedding, it was spectacular."

Aryah:"Thank you, we enjoyed having you there with us. I just hope that it was nice enough for your magazine."

Tammy:~oh it most certainly was, and you were stunninh... you looked absolutely radiant that dress my dear."

Aryah:"Oh my goodness, thank you so much. And thank you for lending it to me, I have it at the cleaners now so I can send it back to you when it's ready."

Tammy:~oh noooo! keep it, it's my gift to you.~

Aryah:"But Tammy,that dress is super expensive...I cant afford it."

Tammy:~its your wedding day present from me to you my dear, no worries.~

Aryah:"Oh my god...thank you!"

Tammy:~you're very welcome, I mean... I couldnt take it back after seeing how beautiful you looked in it, but the reason why I had you call me is because I know that you're fresh outta school and you're looking for work; that and I just so happen to be great friends with your mother in law... She knew my mother growing up, and she's the main reason why my company is so successful as it is today...She even used to babysit me when my mom would work late nights before she got married, and I want to do everything that I can possible to fall into place whereever she may need me. And since you need a job, I figured id offer you one as one of my personal models.~

*Aryah gocked..*

Aryah:"M-Model?!.... I dont think I could be a model. I dont know the first thing about it, and im not that skinny."

Tammy:~oh please, you dont need to be thin as paper to be a professional're beautiful honey..why not show it off?? That and you'll be under my contract so no one can terminate you.~

Aryah:"You mean, like take me under your wing?"

Tammy:~exactly, and you can start whenever...just let me know, and ill be down there to pick you up personally.~

Aryah:"Pick me up?"

Tammy:~of course, you'd start my fall collection if you chose to start now.... but if you'd like to wait until the next tour I completely understand."

Aryah:"You sure?"

Tammy:~oh of course honey, you just got married. I know you'll wanna spend time with your husband and the rest of the family... sooooo like i said, when you're ready...give me a call.~

Aryah:"Oh my god thank you!......"

Tammy:~you're very welcome....~

Aryah:"Okay, well imma bring it up to my husband and see what he says, think about it, and ill get back to you."

Tammy:~sounds good to take care hun."

Aryah:"You too."

*As soon as she got off the phone with Tammy, Aryah ran down the stairs to tell Ian.*


Ian:"Hey beautiful, wassup?"

Aryah:"I just got off the phone with that Tammy woman..."


Aryah:"Yeah Tammy, the lady who did the photoshoot at our wedding for her magazine."

Ian:"Oh yeah, what did she want?"

Aryah:"Baby you wont believe it.."

Ian:"Try me.."

Aryah:"I just got off the phone with her, and she offered me a job as one of her personal models!!"

Ian:"Wow! Really?!? Babe, go for it.."

Aryah:"Are you sure? that would mean id have to leave you every now and then, because we'll be traveling."

Ian:"I know... Look.. *He scoops her up* If its something that you really wanna do, do it and ill support you 110%. Dont let anyone hold you back from doing something that you really wanna do... Not even me. All I ask is to have some quality time with you BEFORE you leave."

Aryah:"I understand, that's why she's willing to wait for me until the next tour...she understands that we just got married and want to spend quality time together first."

Ian:"Cool, at least she understands..."

Aryah:"I love you."

Ian:"And I love you...Mrs.Ramos."

*Aryah giggles*

Aryah:"Okay now put me down, I gotta go get breakfast started."

Ian:"Ooo so you cookin for me now??"

Aryah:"Yeeess, BUT this time im helpin mama. She's needs the help since theres so many of us."

Ian:"Yall want my help?"

Aryah:"No...*she softly kisses him*....we got it."

Aryah:"Ill call you when its ready."

Ian:"Ight baby."

*Later on that night Sentoria saw Red outside shooting ball by himself, and decided to join in.*

Sentoria:"Hey baby, what'chu doin out here all by yourself?"

Red:"Im not technically out here by myself ya know, Nia's over there in the pool.."

Sentoria:"Im talkin about over here.....playing basketball by yourself smartass..."

Red:"haha okay okay. I was tryin to see if I still got it."

Sentoria:"Im sure you do."

Red:"Yeah............. I do."

*Red looks Sentoria up and down*


Sentoria:"Hmmm what?"

Red:"You just reminded me of when we first played one on one together , and how you beat me."

Sentoria:"Yeah? What about it?"

Red:"Kinda wondering if im good enough to beat you now...."

Sentoria:"I know you better be talkin about in basket ball honey, cause you aint beatin nothin ova here..."

Red:"hahaha DUUUH... You should know that id never hit you."

Sentoria:"Mmmmhm... better not."

Red:"Or what?!? You gonna call the cops?

Sentoria:"I dont need the cops to handle you when I can do it by myself."

Red:"Ight, since you think you're such hot shit... lets go."


Red:"You heard me... just you and me... right here...right now.. lets see what'chu got old woman."

Sentoria:"Fuck you Red, dont make me break on your ass.."

*Red passes her the ball checking it to Sentoria, and they duke it out between the two*

Sentoria:"Stop cheatin Red!"

Red:"Aint no one cheatin, you just slow.."

Sentoria:"Ight, I got somethin for that ass..."

*Sentoria shoots a 3 point shot clean through the hoops, and gloats behind Red twirling the ball on her finger*

Sentoria:"Is that all you got old man?? whats wrong? Dont tell me your arthritis started actin up.."

Red:"Shut up and pass me the ball,Imma beat'chu this time...Bet!"

Sentoria:"Mmmmhm....we'll see." *She checks it to him*

*Every shot Red made seemed to be in vein, until he finally got his big break and dunked the ball perfectly in after so many loses.*

Red:"Yeaaaaaaaaah... wassup now??? Told yo ass... So whats really good??" *he flexes*

*While rubbing his personal victory in Sentoria's face, he made a huge mistake... he left himself wide open, and Sentoria took her chance. She snatched the ball back from Red, faked him out slamming the ball as hard as she could shattering the glass of the goal leaving Red speechless."

*Sentoria walks up to Red asking softly..*

Sentoria:".....You were gonna beat who?"


Sentoria:"...50 Years later and I can still dust your old ass off on the court, how does that make you feel.. (old man)?"

Red:"I give it to you.... you still go it."

Sentoria:"Oh but thats not what you were saying a second ago, you was poppin all that good shit at the gums like you knew you was about to whoop my ass..."  *They laugh*

Red:"Naaah but seriously baby.... you still got it." *He kisses her cheek tenderly*

Red:"As well as my heart.."

Sentoria:"Aww baby.."

Red:"I love you."

Sentoria:"I love you more." 

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