Thursday, October 26, 2017

Red was in the kitchen cooking breakfast for the house, but Sentoria wanted to go out to eat. He knew he couldnt resist giving her what she wanted so he caved in.

Red:"Goodmorning beautiful"

Sentoria:"Hey baby, what'cha cookin?"

Red:"Nun much, just some scrambled eggs, some bacon, and pancakes... you want some?"

Sentoria:"Nehh, I want some frech toast with some raspberries and some sprinkled shredded chocolate ontop"

Red:"Hmmm.. that actually sounds good, well if I know you like I think I do then im sure I have a hunch to the place you're hinting at."

Sentoria:"Pleeeeeeeeeease baby....."

Red:"*he sighs* Ight... go get dressed."

*Sentoria shrieks with joy and Red smacks her ass on her way back to the room*

Red:"Spoiled ass.." 

*At the restaurant*

Red:"You really like this place dont'chu"

Sentoria:"Uuuuuuuum yesss...."

Red:"Hahaha, why?"

Sentoria:"You should already know why... Red I swear.. if you cant tell me why I like this place so much imma hit'chu. Stop playin." *She pushes him as she giggles*

Red:"Yeah yeah, I know.."

Sentoria:"Why then?"

Red:"Cause we had our first date here..... and this was our table, you wore your hair down your back and you wore that long emerald green dress that I loved so much on you."


Red:"You were the most beautiful thing i'd ever set eyes on.."

Sentoria:"Awww babyyy...."

*Before they knew it the waiter came*

Amira(A-My-Ruh):"Hello there, im Amira... ill be your waiter. What can I get you this morning?"

Sentoria:"Hi love, ill have your Chocolate-Raspberry French Toast, with some herbal Tea please."

Amira:"With pleasure, and for you sir?"

Red:"Yeah uh... Ill have some Black coffee, with some of your Fried Eggs, Toast with some Butter on the side, and some grilled Sausages please. And please, tell them not to burn the sausages like they did last time."

Sentoria:"Red! Dont say that.."

Red:"What do you mean dont say that? They did!"

Sentoria:"They'll probably spit in your food for sayin somethin like that!"


Sentoria:"*Sentoria sighs heavily* Im so sorry, you'll have to forgive my husband."

Amira:"hahahaha.. no problem ma'am. Ill make sure that they wont. Promise."

Red:"Thank you."

Amira:"Very welcome sir.. will that be all?"

Sentoria:"Yes.. thank you."

*Amira starts walking back to the chef's station and came to a complete hault in her tracks.... she remembered Red's face, and turned back around*

Amira:"Wait... you're that guy.."

Sentoria:"Im sorry?"

Amira:"Your husband... I remember you from my other job at SimSmart. You'd drop off a guy named Kendrick every now and then."

Red:"Uh yeah... thats me."

Amira:"Cool, well its nice to finally meet you. He's one of my best friends.... do you think you could give him my number and tell him that I said hello if its not too much to ask?"

*Before Red could get the girls written number, Sentoria took it*

Sentoria:"He sure will.... thank you."

*Amira left to place in their orders and Sentoria looked at Red...*


Sentoria:"SimSmart???? When were you gonna tell me this? And since when did Kendrick start working there?"

Red:"Baby please....not here."

Sentoria:"Then when? Cause I wanna know."

Red:"I promise, ill tell you later. Okay?"

Sentoria:"Fine.. but you got some explaining to do."

*Amira comes back*

Amira:"Here you go guys... Enjoy!"

Sentoria:"Thank you hun."

*Later after they ate breakfast, Red took Sentoria out to the park and told her everything as promised. Surprisingly she understood, and they went home. Upon arrival, Sentoria saw Kendrick putting books away. She called out to him.*


Kendrick:"Yes ma'am?"

Sentoria:"Hey baby, some girl that waited our table said that she knew you, her name was Amira.."

Kendrick:"Oh, yes ma'am."

Sentoria:"Here, she asked that we gave you her number and told you that she said hello."

Kendrick:"Thank you.."

Sentoria:"You're welcome..........*She paused*

Sentoria:"Oh and Kendrick.."

Kendrick:"Yes ma'am?"

Sentoria:"There's nothing wrong with what happened, things happen everyday. You shouldn't feel ashamed."

Kendrick:"What do you mean?"

Sentoria:"Red told me...."

Kendirck:"He did?...... you must be ashamed of me, huh?"

Sentoria:"Ashamed? No!... Baby im proud of you. You lost your job and you found another one. You did exactly what a man's supposed to do. You knew that even though you got laid off you still have a family to support, and you went looking for another job. And the thing that touched me was the fact that you went to Red for support and you never let that stop you from doing what you had to do as a man, a father, and as a husband."

Kendrick:"Yes ma'am... I felt like he'd understand. He brought me to countless interviews, and looks out for me when I need a way to work... Sometimes ill even ask to borrow his car so that im not rusing him, or bothering him to come get me when he's sleep. I didnt know what the rest of you would think once you found out that I lost my job, so I asked him not to say anything."

Sentoria:"Well no worries.. even if you didnt find one right away, we'd still understand. Sometimes thats how the world is... But im VERY proud of you, and NEVER be too ashamed to tell us whats goin on. We're family... we're here for one another."

Kendrick:"Yes ma'am" *She hugs him*

*Later on in the day Aryah wasnt feeling too good, so she figured she'd lie down for a while till her stomach settled.Ian noticed how much she'd visit the bathroom and went upstairs to check up on her.*

Ian:"Baby.." *He called out softly*

Ian:"Baby..." *He called out again a little louder till she moved*

Aryah:"hmm?" *She answers muffled*

Ian:"What's wrong? You feelin okay?"

Aryah:"No, not really. My stomach's turning.."

Ian:"Aw my poor baby... c'mere.."

*She get's up and Ian holds her in his arms*

Ian:"Whats the last thing you remember eatting?"

Aryah:"I dont remember, I cant keep anything down since last week."

Ian:"Damn baby... last week?"

Aryah:"Yeah, im scared to eat any-" *She stops*

Ian:"What's wrong?" *He rubs her back and Aryah pulls away*


*Aryah runs to the bathroom and Ian follows her*
(BLEH.................BLEH) *she spits*

Ian:"Omg baby!!" *she spits again*

Aryah:"Mmm-mm.. get outta here, I dont want you seeing me like this."

Ian:"For better or for worse remember? Imma always be here, no matter what."

*Aryah flushes the toilet, and brushes her teeth*

Ian:".........Baby,do you think you could be-....."

Aryah:"What?..... I could be what?"


Aryah:"Pregnant?!?............I-...I dont know."

Ian:"Well we've been goin raw since that night at dinner, you remember?"

Aryah:"..............Omg." *She grabs her stomach*

Ian:"So imma be a father?"

Aryah:"You just might... But I dont want anyone else to know until we're certain.I want you to be the first to know if I am."

Ian:"Yeah, me too..."

Ian:"Imma make an appointment to see the Dr. first thing in the mornin okay? We'll slip outta here early so no one will see."

Aryah:"Why so early?"

Ian:"Cause you know my mama by now... she'll ask questions."

Aryah:"True, alright.... let's do it."

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