Friday, October 27, 2017

The next morning when they woke up, Xuriela wanted to talk to Kendrick about last night but Kendrick wasnt having it.



Xureila:"About last night....I-"

*Kendrick backs up defensively*

Kendrick:"Oh no... im not goin there with you this morning....."

Xureila:"Kendrick...look, I just wanna say that I did-"

*Kendrick interrupted again*

Kendrick:"And im just trying to tell you.....that im not gonna go there with you this morning. Obviously I made a mistake by not telling you, but what you need to know is by me being a man its a lot that rests on my shoulders....... Im not one of those deadbeats out there that dont care about his.... I do, so I felt like keeping that a secret was best because you're my wife. You shouldnt have to work."

Xureila:"I dont care about that.. what I do care about is you not tellin me in the first place..."

Kendrick:"But I do!.....*Kendrick pauses for a split second throwing his hand up as he exhales quick* You know what? I dont even know why im doin this.... I just said that I wasnt gonna do this with you..Im gone."

Xureila:"So you're just gonna walk out like that?"

Kendrick:"Im going to work...we'll finish this when I get home, thats if you're awake."


*He walks out the door*

*Later that night while Kendrick was sleeping he got a light tap on his back, he turned over to see Nia beside him wiping her eyes..she looked like she'd been crying.*

Nia:"Daddy *she sniffs* wake up....please..."

Kendrick:"..Hey....hey Cocoa Bean, whats wrong?"

Nia:"I had a bad dream.." *she cries*

Kendrick:"Aw, c'mere... daddy's here... I got'chu. Nothings gonna get you I promise."

Nia:"Thats not it..."

Kendrick:"Then what was the bad dream about baby?"

Nia:"You and mommy left me"

Nia:"I called you, and I called you, but nothing I did made you come back.. it was like I couldnt move, but I could see you walking away."

*Kendrick pauses, looking at her with his tired eyes and placed her head on his chest gently pulling her close to him*

Kendrick:"No.........*he said again softly*  No......Never...........We'd NEVER leave you. We love you."

*He picked her head up slowly and assured her that they would never leave*

Kendrick:"Hey....Cocoa Bean, look at me."  *She picks her head up*

Kendrick:"We'll NEVER leave you..... we'll always be here for you."

Nia:"Do you promise?"

*Kendrick holds out his pinky with a grin, and Nia laced her pinky back with his as Kendricked whispred*

Kendrick:"I promise...."

*Kendrick kissed her on the cheek and and gave Nia a big hug, then walked her back to her bedroom.*

*He walks into Nia's room and looks around*

Kendrick:"Y'know, I think it's time to redecorate your room."

Nia:"What does that mean?"

Kendrick:"Meaning that I wanna put new paint and other new stuff in here, like a new bed. You like Anna and Elsa right?"


*Kendrick chuckles*

Kendrick:"Shhhh, keep it down Cocoa Bean... or youll wake mommy up"

Nia:"Please daddy!!!"

Kendrick:"hahahaha...Okay, okay...but only under one condition.."


Kendrick:"You gotta go back to bed and dream happy dreams only..."

*Nia hopped into her bed in a hurry*

Nia:"Okay daddy! Will I get them?"

Kendrick:"They'll be here after you get home from school, I promise"


Nia:"Goodnight daddy, I love you."

*Kendrick leans in and kisses her cheek, then tucks her in*

Kendrick:"I love you too baby, goodnight."

Kendrick:".....Remember... happy dreams only.."

Nia:"Yes sir!"*she says sweetly with a smile*

*Later that afternoon while Kendrick was sleeping, Xureila figured since everyone was pretty much gone she'd vent to one of her co-workers... Magdalena(Mag-da-lane-nuh) was her name.*

(Phone rings:Buuuuuuuuuuurb............buuuuuuuuurb....*click*)

Magdalena:~hola chika, como esta?"

Xureila:"Bien e tu?"

Magdalena:~hahahahaha, you're getting better doin fine,whats up?~

*Xureila sighs*

Magdalena:~noooo, not again..~

Xureila:"Yes again..."

Magdalena:~awww, what happened mami?....Spill~

Xureila:"I was only tryin to tell him that I was sorry and get my point across about how he made me feel last night, letting me be the last to find out that he lost his first job."

Magdalena:~i understand, but what you gotta understand is that at least he found another one. you did say that right?~

Xureila:"Yeah, at "SimSmart".."

Magdalena:~oh wow, well at least he has somethin right?~

Xureila:"Yeah I guess, but you cant even call that a real job. I bet I make more than him now...."

Magdalena:~you know you do, but you gotta realize  least he found somethin boo~

Xureila:"True, but he still coulda told me..."

Magdalena:~yeah, at least you know now...i mean, he coulda still kept'chu in the dark about it. but he chose to tell you.~

Xureila:"My dad told him to tell me.."

Magdalena:~ouch, well at lest you know..~

Xureila:"Yeah,but just bothers"

Magdalena:~girl you betta get offa that.... its you know... move on~

Xureila:"Yeah, but now im thinking about what else he could be hiding from me."

Magdalena:~did he apologize?~


Magdalena:~then hop off his dick..he's doin his job.. I mean.. he's a real good man 'Reila,if you're not happy ill be glad to take him off your hands..~

Xureila:"Hahaha STOP!.... No, he's mine."

*Sentoria gets up from her nap and walks in the room*

Xureila:"You're a mess, you couldnt have him even if you tri-  *she pauses*........MOM!"

Sentoria:"Hang it up..."

Xureila:"But mom.."


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