Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Ian:"Dad, Mom... I have something to tell you."

Sentoria:"What's wrong??? Is everything okay?"

Ian:"Yeah ma."

Sentoria:"Is Aryah pregnant?!?"

Ian:"No MA!! haha Not yet at least..."

Sentoria:"Then what is it?"

Ian:"..................Aryah and I are gettin married.."


Ian:"Hahah...Yes ma'am. We're gettin married next month."

Red:"Why so soon?"

Ian:"Because honestly... I dont wanna wait. I love her dad."

Sentoria:"Boy when did you become a man?" *She jokingly says as she cries*

Ian:"Oh ha-ha mom... really funny: *He laughs as he hugs her*

Red:"Im so happy son, where is she?" *Aryah appears from the front door*

Aryah:"Here I am..."

Sentoria:"My babyyyy... I always knew that you were his star in the sky" *Sentoria says as she sobs harder holding Aryah tightly*


Sentoria:"Oh hush boy... *sniff* I told you she was.."

Red:"Guess its that "woman's intuition" huh?"

Sentoria:"Say what you want, women feel with their souls... we go based off of how we feel about the person too. But no, you dont need eyesight to tell that these two are meant for each other. You can tell just by how they speak to and treat one another."

Sentoria:"Welcome to the family baby.."

Aryah:"Thank you mama Ramos"

Sentoria:"Call me mom"

Aryah:" Yes ma'am"

Red:"I cant wait... FINALY get to give my son away."

Ian:"Yup.... my turn"

*Sentoria looks at Red*

Sentoria:"Its my turn to give him away."

Red:"Thats alright.. its meant for me to walk the woman down the aisle anyway, so id love to."

Sentoria:"Oh shut up.."

*Later that afternoon while they were eating Nia kept looking at Ian as she tossed her peas back and forth in her plate*

Ian:"What'chu want chunkamunk?"

Nia:"Uncle Ian, whats married? I heard you, pawpaw, gradnma, and aunty talkin about it in the kitchen..."

Ian:"You'll understand what its like to go through that when its your turn."

Nia:"Does it hurt like shots?"


Nia:"Is it nasty like peas?"

Ian:"Hahahahaha.. no... its when two people who love each other very much gather all of their family and friends together, and they all meet up in one spot, and the bride and groom come together as man and wife before God."

Nia:"Oh... uncle Ian... do you want my peas? I dont want them. Mommy's making me eat them and their gross. But I cant have any dessert until I finish them.."

Ian:"Mommy's making you eat them?"

Nia:"Yeah... I hate them."

Ian:"Aw.. their good for you tho."

Nia:"Thats what she says too, but I dont like'em"

Ian:"Well I cant tell you to throw them away.... your mommy'll have my head if I do."

Nia:"What does that mean?"

Ian:"Youll understand once you're older Chunkamunk"

*Nia giggles*

Ian:"Here... give'em here and go get your ice cream. Ill eat'em for you, but dont tell your mommy?"

Nia:"I wont."

*Wedding Day*

*Aryah nervously fidgets with her lipstick and her crown*

Aryah:"Ugh.... does this look okay?"

Xureila:"Oh stop! You're beautiful Aryah...."

Aryah:"Do you think Ian'll like it?"

Sentoria:"Yes baby... im sure he'll love anything you wore walking down that aisle. You're stunning."

Aryah:"Thank you mama" *she says with a smile*

Xureila:"Here, lemme get your crown.. you keep tilting it."

Aryah:"Im so happy... I never thought id ever get here."

Xureila:"With Ian?"

Aryah:"Yeah, what if im not a good wife to him?"

Sentoria:"Stop, you'll be a wonderful wife. All that is, is cold feet talkin to you."

*Aryah chuckless to brush off some of her jitters*

Aryah:"I guess you're right... Were you two this scared when you were getting married?"

*Xureila and Sentoria both giggled*

"Yeah... yes.." *They both said*

Xureila:"Mom had to talk me down, I was thinking the same thing about me with Kendrick. Now look at us... all worn in like an old glove."

Sentoria:"Yeah.. except yall aint old YET.."

*They laughed and joked around to calm Aryah down*

Sentoria:"You got this baby, like I told Xureila on her wedding day... just focus on him."

Xureila:"And remember to breathe, we dont want you passing out up there."

Aryah:"Hahaha, ill make not of that."

*Outside Ian was talking to his friends and Red pulled Ian aside.*

Red:"Xcuse me young'ens, I need to speak to my son."

Red:"How you feelin son?"

Ian:"Honestly? Im scared..."

Red:"Dont worry, being scared is completely normal on your wedding day."

Red:"You look good.."

Ian:"Thanks dad.. where's Aryah?"

Red:"Oh you should know that by now hahaha"

Red:"She's with your mother and Xureila getting dressed.."

*Ian fidgests with his tie*

Red:"Here.. lemme get it."

Red:"Son... I know that I havent said it all the time, but I want you to know that Im VERY proud of you. You grew up... not only just physically... but mentally, and spiritually too. And I know  you're gonna be a great husband."

Ian: How do you know?"

Red"Boy, you got me runnin through them veins....That's how I know."

Ian:"Thanks dad... But what if I mess up?"

Red:"Then man up to it, no woman respects a liar.."

Red:"Same goes for them..If you mess up, own up to it like a man and do your very best not to mess up again. I know that you love that girl, so I highly doubt that you'd do anything to harm her on purpose again. And if you're doing something that she says that she doesnt like or agree with, then you do well to fix it... Keep peace with her, love her, respect her, never hit her, love her, and most importantly.... Do well by your vows for the rest of your life. Cause son... I love you... but if I ever get word that you were fuckin around on her again or even as much as put a hand on that girl... Thats your ass. I may be old, but ill never be too old to whoop that ass you hear me?"

Ian:"Yes sir..."

Red:"Cause I taught you better than that, BUT I know that you wouldnt because I raised you better."

Red:"Im just sayin it as a fair warning...... that girl loves you Ian. And a woman that loves you like that is a woman worth doin your VERY BEST for. Ya feel me knockin?"

Ian:"Yes sir.."

Red:"Well let me in.."  *They hug tightly*

Red:"Im so proud of you son......"*The chimes to let everyone know that the bride was on her way out started*

Red:"..............Let's go get married".

*As they were on their way to the front, a young man strolled up to Xureila*

Jacob:"Wassup ma, how you doin?"

Xureila:"Im doin great thank you... how are you?"

Jacob:"Im doin ight.. you lookin nice. You here by yourself?"

Xureila:"No im actually here with-"

*Kendrick jumped in between them laying a heavy kiss on Xureila before she could say another word... grabs her ass in front of him causing Xureila to jump forward towards him making it clear to Jacob that his territory was marked and says..*

Kendrick:"She's happily taken bruh. Go hop on someone else."

*Xureila pops Kendrick on his chest*


Xureila:"That was mean... you didnt have to do that"

Kendrick:"Baby, he was tryin to see "whats up" with you..."

Xureila:"I know that...."

Kendrick:"Then why aint you curve him?"

Xureila:"Because you took my chance..."

*She fixes his tie, kisses him softly and says...*

Xureila:"You dont gotta worry about me baby... Seems like a lot of my dad dun rubbed off on you."

Kendrick:"No, when a man is serious about someone he'll protect her no matter what."

Kendrick:"Its my job to take care of you... you're my wife."

Xureila:"I know baby, but until I need you to fight my battles... let me handle my own fights okay? Im a big girl."


Xrueila:"No?.. Baby im not a child anymore, im a grown ass woman who can handle her own. I dont need you to fight for me."

Kendrick:"Yeah you are grown, and no you may NOT need me to fight for you, but IM YOUR HUSBAND...... Doing thate is part of my job. Like it or not Mrs.Beckham, ITS - MY - JOB." *He grabs Xureila by the chin gently, kisses her lips tenderly, and says..*

Kendrick:" I know that you can handle your own baby, but imma do what I have to do to make sure that you're safe and taken care of. That was one of my vows, and I intend to keep them... got it?"

Xureila:"Yes baby.."

Kendrick:"Now c'mon, the wedding's starting."

*As Aryah makes her way down the aisle, she grabs Red's arm tightly. Red holds her up firmly as he walks her down the aisle slowly*

Aryah:"Dont let me fall.."

Red:"I wont baby, I promise.."

*Aryah takes a deep breath and they began to walk... Once they come out to the aisle, everyone stands up and Aryah holds her breath.She looks at Sentoria and Sentoria mouths "Breathe".. Aryah nods and lifts her eyes. Once she looks ahead, there she saw Ian. Ian smiled with tears in his eyes as Kedrick rubbed on his back for comfort...Aryah never broke eye contact with Ian as she made her way down the aisle with Red. Ian takes Aryah's hand and they turn to the pastor and said their vows befor God and everyone at the venue. The family sat there with tears in their eyes as Ian began his vows, Red wiped Sentoria's eyes..Before you know it the ceremony was over with Ian and Aryah's last words of "I do";  and everyone began to cheer.*

Pastor:"I now pronounce you Man and Wife, you may now kiss your Bride.."  *They kiss*


*Nia saw a woman in red taking pictures of Nia and desided to talk to her*


Tammy:"Well hello little girl, how are you?"

Nia:"Good, who are you?"

Tammy:"Uh...well im Tammy, im here to take pictures of your mommy get married in one of my latest wedding dresses for my magazine."

Nia:"Thats not my mommy, thats my aunty."

Tammy:"Oh, well im here to take pictures of your Aunty in one of my dresses."

Nia:"Thats your dress?"

Tammy:"Yes, but I gave it to your Aunty for her special day..."


Tammy:"What's your name honey?"

Nia:"Nia Becham"

Tammy:"Thats a pretty name, can you give your aunty this card for me? Tell her that Tammy Wright needs to speak with her as soon as possible."


Tammy:"Thank you love."

Nia:"What do you want her for?"

Tammy:"I would like to offer her a job if she's interested.."

*Aryah looks at Ian with tears in her eyes, and Ian wiped her tears away as she clung to him*

"Ian:"Aryah.. if ive never been certain about anything else, I know im certain about this...... Outta all my fuck-ups, you were the only right decision i've made in my entire life..." *He wipes more of her tears away*


Aryah:"I feel like ive waited forever to hear you say that.."

Ian:"I love you."

Aryah:"...........And I love you.."

*Ian laced his fingers with Aryah's*



Pastor:"It'd be my honor to introduce to you for the first time...Mr.& Mrs.Ramos!"

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