Wednesday, October 11, 2017

After their honeymoon and some much needed time together Aryah made up her mind to take up Tammy's offer, and she left with Ian's blessing.
Aryah was gone for what seemed like forever, and Ian decided to give her yet another call.

Ian:"Hey baby........(sigh) ....... Just wanted to call and say that I miss you. I saw you on the TV last night at the awards ceremony and wanted to say how beautiful you looked up there. I called you but there wasnt an answer so I just left a message, im sure that you're busy...I just wanted to call you and say that I love and miss you. Call me back once you get this.............Bye."

*The next morning Sentoria was cooking breakfast and Red saw how sad she looked*

Red:"What's wrong baby? Why's your face all tore up like that for?"

Sentoria:"Ian's whats wrong with me...."

*He sighs heavily*

Red:"What that boy do this time??"

Sentoria:"No.... its not like that...."

Red:"Then what did he do?"

Sentoria:"He's moping around....he's sad... Ever since Aryah left, it's like he lost his best friend."

Red:"Oh... is that all??"

Sentoria:"Yes.... Baby, I dont like seeing him like that."

Red:"Well it is like he just lost his best friend baby... I mean, after having an episode like he did with her, tested negative, FINALLY get engaged and then married to the woman thats been holdin him down since day one..., and having a honeymoon spending time with her in less than month...Yeah..... I'd feel like that too if it was you."

Sentoria:"But id come back..."

Red I know you would, and so will she...she's just making her money. I cant be mad at her baby. She's doing something that most little girls only dream of. Respect her hustle...."

Sentoria:"I do respect it.... I mean...she's makin money... who wouldnt respect that?.... Im just worried about my son. What if he feels so lonely till he feels like stepping out on her again would fill that hole he's feelin... y'know?"

Red:"Calm down baby... I know he miss her, but it's not to that point. And besides............ I know he wouldnt do that again. He gave me his word."

Sentoria:"And what's that supposed to mean?"

Red:"It means that he'd do well to respect that.... I always taught him that a man is only as good as his word, and they dont go back on it. He gave ME his word....thats my boy.... I know he'll keep that promise."

Sentoria:"Okay, well can you at least talk to him?? I dont like looking at him mope like that. Its depressing."

Red:"Ight.. I got'chu baby..."

Sentoria:"Thank you."

Red:"You're welcome."

*Ian felt so lonely without Aryah there, so he'd get a few of the many magaizine's that had her in it to see her smile again. Sentoria was walking by and saw him looking sad again so she went into the bathroom where Red was*

Red:"WHOA!!!! AYE!!!! IM IN HERE!!!"

Sentoria:"Shhh... calm down, its just me."

*Red pulls his pants up*

Red:"What's wrong now?"

Sentoria:"I think you know...."


Sentoria:"..........yes..He's moping again..."

Red:"Well let him mope baby.... all he's doin is missin his wife."

Sentoria:"Did you talk to him yet?"

Red:"No, not yet..."

Sentoria:".......*she hits him on the arm* You promised!"

Red:"I never promised anything, I just said I got'chu..... You gotta wait."

Sentoria:"You talk to my baby NOW or he wont be the only one lookin blue tonight...."

Red:"Whats that supposed to mean?"

Sentoria:".................Them lil things you call balls down there..... talk to him NOW!"

Red:"Mmmm.... Ight, ill talk to him first thing in the mornin..... But for the record... I wasnt the one pushin up on you other night cause I was in the mood..." *Sentoria gocks as Red recites the words she whispered softly to him that night back to her in her ear*

Red:".......(daddy...c'mon,I need it..).. "

Sentoria:".....shut up.."

Red:"Blue balls that.." *He smacked her ass and walked out, the next morning Red saw Ian sitting on the couch looking at more magazines featuring Aryah in them*

Red:"Hey son.."

Ian:"Oh... hey dad, whats up?"

Red:"Nothin really, your moms kinda worried about you."

Ian:"I didnt do anything.."

Red:"I know, she just see's how you are since Aryah left for her modeling career. She thinks that you might step out on Aryah again since she's not here."

Ian:"NO!!! HELL NO!! sorry...I didnt mean to say it like that dad, no disrespect."

Red:"No I understand, just dont let it happen too offten ight?"

Ian:"Yes sir....I just really miss her."

Red:"I know you do, but you gotta keep it movin. She's comin back, its not like its forever."

Ian:"I know.... its just hard not havin her here y'know?"

Red:"Yeah, I know... But cheer up ight...Its all gonna pan out and she'll be back sooner than you think. Okay?"

Ian:"Yes sir.."

*Later that evening there was a knock at the door, and Ian couldnt believe it.*


Aryah:"Hey lover....... you missed me?"


*Ian wrapped his arms around her quickly kissing her within an instant*

Aryah:"Wow... I wasnt excpecting that. *she giggles*

Ian:"w-when did you get in?"

Aryah:"This morning... after our last trip to paris Tammy asked if I wanted to take a break and go home for a little and I told her yes.."

Ian:"Why, you didnt have to do that.. You could still be out there making more money."

Aryah:"......Modeling or not, ill always make money... but you.... baby theres only 1 of you, and I missed my husband."

Ian:"You missed me that much?"

Aryah:"You have no idea..."

*Sentori walked by and said:"You're not the only one...He missed you too"*


*She turns to Aryah*

Sentoria:"Hey baby.."

Aryah:"Hey mama"

Ian:"So you knew she was comin home?"

*Sentoria yells out*

Sentoria:"Nope! I just saw her before you did..."

*Aryah laughs*

Ian:"I really did miss you though baby... theres not a night that went by that I didnt think about you. You're literally all I could think about."



*Aryah caresses his cheek*

Aryah:"Well no more worries baby... im home. I cant wait to show you what ive picked up for you on the way"

Ian:"Oh you brought gifts?"

Aryah:"Mmmmhm.... and I think you'll like this one.."

Ian:"Is that so?^^"

*Ian lays a heavy kiss on her and she slowly backs up*

Aryah:"w-What was that one for??"

Ian:"I think you can guess....."

*After a while of lovemaking, and a long hot shower together the two rested and Aryah pushed Ian onto the bed*


Aryah:"My turn...."

*Red heard an oddly familiar melody coming from upstairs and walked out metting up with Sentoria outside. Red looked flushed with embarrassment and Sentoria took notice. Red began to chuckle to himself and Sentoria walked up to him.*

Sentoria:"Whats wrong?"


Sentoria:"Okay... well how are those two doin?"


Sentoria:"Ian and Aryah.... who'd you think I was talkin about?"

Red:"Oh... uh.. they ight."

Sentoria:"...................Im not convinced...... Whats really goin on?"


Sentoria:"....Fine, ill go check."

Red:"NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! mm-mm... dont do that."

Sentoria:"What.... why not?"

Red:".......Just dont okay? Let them come down when they're ready.."

Sentoria:"Baby just tell me... what are they up to?"

Red:"What'chu think?"


Red:"My boy KILLIN IT.."

*Sentoria pushed Red as he laughed*

Sentoria:"I dont wanna hear that!!! EW!!"

*Red laughed harder*

Red:"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Well you asked!!"