Thursday, August 31, 2017

Red:"Thank you for talkin me down the other day, I didnt mean to beat that kid up... its just .."

Sentoria:"Xureila's your only daughter... I get it baby.. but what you gotta understand is that she's grown up now. She's just about done with school gettin ready to enroll into college, and planning to move out... Ian's the one im worried about tho."


Sentoria:"'Cause he's always hangin with that little girl...and I saw him gettin smooth with another little lady the other day."

Red:"Oh, thats just his talkin about the one with the puffs right?"

Sentoria:"Yeah, and I think shes more than just a "friend".. I saw them kissing on the couch."


Sentoria:"Yeah...damn... He certainly IS his daddy's son."

Red:"hahaha..what? Look, its not my fault he wanna be like his old man."

Sentoria:"Yeah, but juggling two women at once?? Red, talk to him."

Red:"Alright, alright...but can it wait till after the game?"

Sentoria:"Ughhh... fine."

Red:"Thanks baby.." *smacks her on the ass*

Red:"Oh baby, one more thing..."

Sentoria:"Whats up?"

Red:"Can you get me a beer please??"

Sentoria:".......Do I look like a maid to you?"

Red:"No... just my loving wife..."


Red:"Baby.. please!!!"

Sentoria:".......................FINE!!!😑 ol big baby ass"

Red:"Thank you!"

**During the game Red gets a call.. but from whom?**




Red:"Man stop playin on my damn do you want?"

Sentoria:"Whats wrong?"

Red:"Its Nana.."

Sentoria:"What the hell does she want now???"

Red:"I dont know, but whatever it is she playin around.."

Sentoria:"Hold up..listen.."

**Even tho they could hear Nana, she couldnt hear them. Red called out again.."


Sentoria:"Shh. Red wait... I think she butt-dialed you and dont know it yet.."

Red:"How the hell you gonna butt-di-"

Sentoria:"Shhhhhhhh..... put it on mute."

Red:"I think she said my name.."

Sentoria:"Did she?? I didnt hear it, turn the volume up."

Red:"How bout I just put it on speaker.."

**They listened carefully as Nana talks to someone that seems to be a close friend of hers, indeed Red did hear his name**

Nana's friend:~girl your big as a house..~

Nana:~chile i know, i need to talk to red tho, but i havent been over there since the night i fought his main bitch~

Sentoria:"Record it..."

Red:"What for?"

Sentoria:"If I know this bitch like I feel I do, you're gonna need to trust me.. Record it."

Red:"Ight.." *Red presses the record button*

Nana:~i miss him tho i cant lie~

Nana's friend:~aww i know you do, from the sounds of it yall was good together..~

Nana:~i know right.. its always gonna be me and him.. no matter what.~

Nana's friend:~so what is it~

Nana:~a girl, and two boys~

Nana's friend:~TRIPLETS?!?~

Nana:~yeah i know... but they're not his..~

Nana's friend:~what do you mean, you said you been fuckin him right?~

Nana:~yeah but i was fuckin someone else too...~

Nana's friend:~well damn... how'd you find out?~

Nana:~i went to my doctor and got an early test, i got a sample of my side nigga first... and sure enough they're his.~

Nana's friend:~damn! well what are you gonna tell red?~

Nana:"nothin, imma act like they're his..."

Nana's friend:~but thats not right, you know they're not his kids~

Nana:~you dont think i know that?!? i want something of his.... his wife stole him from me and left me with no one and nothing~

Nana's friend:~you got me... we've been like sisters for yrs..~

Nana:~you right...but to be first at something in his life was all I ever wanted~

Nana:~so what she gave him two kids... i can give him three..~

Nana's friend~it sounds to me like you're a little jealous of her~

Nana:~jealous of who?? that bitch?? man, fuck her... i could care less... but i do need to talk to him tho~

Nana's friend:~you finna call him up?~

Nana:~yeah...hold on~

**Nana picks up her phone and realizes that someones on the other line, she paused for a moment....~

Nana:~ooooh SHIT@!!!~

**She realized it was Red..**

Nana:~hello?... hello?~

**Sentoria looked at Red giving him the okay to answer..**


Red:"And I heard everything...."

Nana:~what are you talkin about?~

Red:"stop playin dumb... we both heard you're conversation"

Nana:~we?? we who?~

Red:"My Wife and I!"

Nana:~what am i supposed to do red??? HUH?! she took you from me...  what the hell am i  supposed to do now??"


**Sentoria snatches the phone from Red and hangs up**

Sentoria:"Well now I guess we can say you're really off the hook now cant we?"

Red:"What'chu mean by that? I was already off the hook"

Sentoria:"Not really cause you POSSIBLY got another bitch pregnant..remember?"

Red:"Nah.. I didnt, but I was already off the hook tho"

Sentoria:"Oh yeah? and how'd you figure that?"

**Red pulls Sentoria up on his lap and kisses her**

Red:"Cause you've been givin me some ever since our trip.."

Sentoria:"Fuck you..." *she giggles*

Red:"Ehhh, you already doin that...."