Wednesday, August 23, 2017

With all that happening Xureila met Kendrick, he seems like a sweet boy, but Red dont like him like most dads wouldnt....
A nicely developed young girl mean boys, boys means dating, dating means sex, and in most cases sex can mean babies.. Thats his babygirl, he doesnt want anyone taking her from him, and he doesnt want that to happen to her.
Red's done his dirt before, so he know what boys are like and he doesnt want that for his only daughter.

 Kendrick:"Wassup ma, how you doin?"

Xureila:"Hey, im doin good, how are you?"

Kendrick:"Coolin,I see you lookin good tho.. you got a man ma?"

Xureila:"Nah, im single.. why?"

Kendrick:"Tryin not to step on any toes feel me?.."

Xureila:"Oh yeah, I feel you.. where you from?"

Kendrick" Well I just moved here from Willow Creek, im stayin with one of my homeboys."

Xureila:" Oh okay sounds good, whats your name?"

Kendrick:"Kendrick, im sorry... I did forget to ask you yours didnt I? haha my bad ma..Its just I start school next week and I got a lot on my mind. Kinda sucks bein the new kid at school"

Xureila:" No its okay,im Xureila. 😊"

Kendrick:"Sweet name.."

Xureila:" Thank you............wait.... Kendrick?... wait...Omg!! You must be the new kid everyones talkin about. 😃"

Kendrick:"Yeah, I guess haha"

Red:"Babygirl, where's your mo-....who the fuck is this??"


Red:" Who the fuck are you, and what'chu doin talkin to my daughter?"

Xureila:"DADDY!!!! Stop it... he's nice."

Red:"Yeah yeah, nice nikkas always turn into animals once they get'cha kitty...Now get in the house."
Xureila:"But daddy.."

Red:"Now Xureila.... dont make me say it again..and you... get the fuck off my lawn before I beat'cha ass for tryin to talk to my daughter.."

Kendrick:"😐😐😳..y-yes sir, im sorry..."

*Xureila catches up to him*

Xureila:"KENDRICK!! WAIT!!!"
Xureila:"Hey im so sorry about my dad, sometimes he can be a bit too over protective."

Kendrick:"No worries.. I respect his reason for doin it ma, and plus im not that worried cause ill get to see you at school right?"

Xureila:"Yeah, I guess you're right. *giggles* Well here...gimme your phone.."

Kendrick:"w-why? 😶"

Xureila:"Quick, give it here before my dad comes out...he still thinks im getting his plate."

*punches her number in*

Xureila:"Now you can text me whenever you want😊"

Kendrick:"Oh okay, thats wassup.."

Xureila:"Okay, see you later  "

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