Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Who doesnt know about Kendrick right? He's taken wine and dined her for 2 whole sims months and he asked her out again.

Kendrick:~hey beautiful, what'chu up to?~

Xureila:"Hey baby im doin good, just gettin off the water slide.. wassup?"

Kendrick:~get dressed, im taken you out.... put on something real nice~

Xureila:"Ooo, sounds nice.. alright."

Kendrick:~cool, im on my way..~

**Kendrick ended up treating Xureila out to a romantic dinner for two, and lets just say he really knew how to set the mood**

Xureila:"I cant believe you thought i'dd be stuck up....do I look like I am, do I act like it?"

Kendrick:"Noo not at all, just never thought that such a beautiful girl like you would even give me the time of day.. so in all honesty.. I was scared when I first met you."

Xureila:"haha nooooo, you were sweet, I had to talk to you.."

Kendrick:"Not as sweet as you.."

Xureila:"Kendriiick..." *she blushes*

Kendrick:"haha.. oo shit.."

Xureila:"What, what's wrong?"

Kendrick:"Your dad will kill me if I dont have you home by 10:30..."

Xureila:"My dad doesnt even know im seeing you..."

Kendrick:"Then how have I been able to take you out all this time?? Please dont tell me you've been sneaking out..."

Xureila:"hahaha Noooo, my mom.."


Xureila:"My mom's the one who's been letting me see you.. she know's my dad would never let me have fun.."

Kendrick:" Oh okay, well still... I wanna get you home before it gets too late."


**Back at the house**

Kendrick:"Xureila, ive really been enjoying myself with you... you're an incredible person."

Xureila:"Thanks, I just like treating people the way I wanna be treated.."

Kendrick:"I feel you.. "

Xureila:"Thank you for another wonderful night, I really enjoyed myself.."

Kendrick:"No problem, goodnight beautiful."

**Kendrick pulls Xureila in slowly and kisses her as he caresses her ass**


**Xureila pulls back slowly from the kiss breathing heavily**

Kendrick:"Whats wrong?"

Xureila:"You've never kissed me like that before..."

Kendrick:"Im sorry, was that too much?"

Xureila:"No....... do it again.."

Kendrick:"Are you sure??"

**Xureila looks up at him and kisses him deeply, Kendrick places both hands on her ass and kisses her back until Xureila stops him..**


Xureila:"Come inside... I dont want my nosey ass neighbors looking."

Kendrick:"Are you crazy?? I dont wanna die, your dads in there.."

Xureila:"No he's not, both my parents are gone for the rest of the week.. they wont be back till friday night.."

**Xureila leads Kendrick inside, and unlocks her bedroom door**

Kendrick:"What about your brother?"

Xureila:"Out... he's at the movies with a girl he met a little while ago.."

Kendrick:"Oh so you're pretty much by yourself.."

Xureila:"Yeah.. pretty much"

**Xureila flops down on the bed next to Kendrick and begins to kiss him**

**Xureila stops**

Xureila:"I wanna try something.."

Kendrick:"Whats that?"

Xureila:"You remember when we were talking about waiting??"

Kendrick:"Waiting??... Oh yeah, yeah.. why?"

Xureila:"Well... I think im ready, and I feel completely comfortable with you..So I dont see why not.."

Kendrick:"Baby look.. sex is a life changing experience, and once you do that theres no taking it back.."

Kendrick:"Dont you wanna wait just a lil while longer, cause I dont ever wanna make you feel like you're being pushed to do this if its not what you want."

Xureila:"No I want to.... and I dont see what other opportunity ill have once my parents get back, so I wanna seize the chance while I still have one and not be completely rushed.."


Xureila:"Please....."*scoots closer as she begins to kiss him*

Kendrick:"Baby... I dont think.."

Xureila:"Kiss me..."

**Kendrick lies Xureila down as they kiss, seductively stroking and caressing one another; Xureila bites his bottom lip tugging gently. Kendrick undresses Xureila as Xureila undresses Kendrick. Kendrick asks:**

Kendrick:"Are you sure? cause I dont want you to look back on this night with any regrets..."



Kendrick"Does that hurt?"

Xureila:"A little bit... but dont force it."

Kendrick:"I promise, I wont."

**Before they knew it they were making love for the first time, and Kendrick stopped once he noticed that Xureila started breathing heavily**

Xureila:"Why'd you stop?"

Kendrick:"Catch your breath.."

Xureila:"Why does my body feel like its on fire??"

Kendrick:"Feels good doesnt it?"

Xureila:"yess, please keep going"

**After what seemed like forever they finally finished, Kendrick kissed Xureila good night and she went to bed with moments to spare before Ian walked in for the night**

Kendrick:"I love you.."'

Xureila:"I love you too.."

Kendrick:"Good night beautiful"

Xureila:"good night..


  1. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lol If she ends up preggs I'm done haha Red is gonna kill somebody...

    1. They used a condom, Sentoria already had the woohoo talk with her
      Lmaoooo But im sure that Red would kill the both of them if he ever found out

    2. Lol!!! Red better not find out!

  2. Please don't let my baby be pregnant lol but I love how he didn't force her to do it.

  3. WHAT? What happened to my baby girl! Aww, she's all grown up.
