Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Since Red caught his wife having an affair, he's been super distant and basically stayed clear of Sentoria... Nana became the only person he spoke to about his problems, a shoulder to cry on if you will.
Whatever you wanna call it, Nana became his comfort.

*phone rings*


~Nana:"hey boo, how you feelin?~

Red:oh hey im good" *clears throat*

~Nana:"omg im sorry, did I wake you?~

"naw, you good ma, wassup?.."

~Nana:":nun much, just got home from work. I figured i'd check up on you and see how you doin.. yall made up yet?~

Red:"Naw to yet, im still undecided on when I wanna confront her about it....cause I dont want the kids to hear ya feel me?"

~Nana:"yeah,I feel you but you gotta tell her, and let her know how you feel about it.~

Red:"Yeah I know, but in time remember? you said so yourself.."

~Nana:"yeah yeah, I know... just dont wait too long.~

Red:"Yeah guess you right, but hey..why dont you come over for a bit.. guess I could use the company since im up.............Thats if you're not already in bed that is"

~Nana:"boy stop!.... im comin, just lemme grab somethin to eat and take a shower first and ill see you then okay?~

Red:" Ight ma, BET.."

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