Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Red had been working very hard for weeks to pull off a luxurious trip that he had planned out for Sentoria, and on his last work day he went outside and found Sentoria sitting on the bench by herself.
Sentoria had just gotten out of  the pool and she seems to be doing better since the baby, but Red knows better.. So with high spirits he says:

Red:"Hey baby.."

Sentoria:"Hey, how was work?"

Red:"Eh..it was work, but I cant complain. How was your day?"

Sentoria:"It was alright, I just did some cleaning and Xureila helped me with dinner"

Red:"Oh lawd, you teachin her how to cook now?"

Sentoria:"Yeah, I mean.. when she's old enough and gets married, she's gonna want to cook for her husband. And then later down the line for their babies.."

Red:"Shh... mm-mm, no talkin about babies for a while.... "

Sentoria:"Well like it or not baby, she's gonna get married and have kids one day...and theres nothing you or I could do about it."

*Red exhales slowly* "Guess you right... "

Red:"Well guess what?"

Sentoria:" What?"

Red:"I booked us a round trip ticket to Granite Falls for a WHOLE week.. No kids, no bills, no cooking, no cleaning, no nothing.. just you and me, and miles and miles of nature..How does that sound?"

Sentoria:"Baby....y-you didnt have to do that"

Red:"Oh yes I did, we both need this... but I morely had you in mind"

Sentoria:"What do you mean by that?"

Red:"What I mean is, ever since the baby..... Ive felt like you just need a break from our everyday life. You've been through a hell of a lot and I wanna help in anyway that I can."

Sentoria:"Aw baby.... thank you" *She smiles as she wipes her eyes*

Red:"Well we gotta tell the kids today because we leave friday morning..."

**The next day Sentoria took Xureila out**

Sentoria:"Baby, I want you to know something..."

Xureila:"Omg, mom are you pregnant again?"

Sentoria:"No baby.. calm down.."

Xureila:"Oh, im sorry.... its just the last time that you took me out like this, you ended up telling me that you were pregnant.. and honestly mama, I dont think that I could handle another surprise like that again.."

Sentoria:*Chuckles* "No baby, no worries.. However... Your father and I are leaving for a week to Granite Falls, and I want you and Ian to be on your best behavior while we're gone."

Xureila:"L-leaving?? why? Oh wait, is it because of... the baby?"

Sentoria:"Its everything honestly,but this was something your father put together for the both of us. He just asked me to tell you.."

Xureila:"Oh okay, well I hope that you have fun mama... you deserve it after what you've been through."

Sentoria:"Thank you baby"

**Friday morning at Granite Falls**

Red:"Welp, what do you think?"

Sentoria:"Its huge..."

Red:"*snickers* "haha..."

Sentoria:"What, whats so funny?"

Red:"Thats what SHE said..."


Red:"You said its HUGE, so I said (Thats what SHE said)....get it?"

Sentoria:"*Sucks her teeth and pushes him* Boy stop!"

Red:"Hahahahahahaha.... you fell right into it.."

Sentoria:"What ever....what ever.."

Red:"awwww.. baby mad?? no no no.. baby BIG mad??"

Sentoria:"hahaha... shut up Red"

Red:"haha...gimme kiss."


**Red and Sentoria spent their vacation catching bugs, stargazing, telling stories while roasting marshmallows, fishing, playing horseshoe, and cloud gazing and Sentoria realized that she had forgotten what it was like to really laugh. Red took Sentoria by the hand and lead her to a nearby stump overlooking a glamorous view of the lake, and Sentoria said:**

Sentoria:"Baby I wanna thank you..."

Red:"For what?"

Sentoria:"For doing this, for all that you do and have done, and also for loving me like you do...."
Red:"No, I should be the one saying thank you.."

Sentoria:"For what??"

Red:"For being the very woman that you are to me... Ive never seen a  flame that burned so hot until  I met you."

**Sentoria giggles**

Red:"No im serious.. I mean, you're loving, you're goofy as shit, you're the right kinda freaky, you're caring, you're sweet, you're bubbly...but you can also be cut throat, down, real, bad, and you hustle hard for yours like I do for mine in the same token. You dont let anyone push you aside or sweep you under the rug, That and you quick to put me in my place when im wrong...."

Red:"You a lil ratchet at times too... but I love that.."

Sentoria:"Im not ratchet...... just a tad crazy, but never ratchet. haha"

Red:"Hahahaha, no but for real.. You're a good woman, and a wonderful wife and mother to our kids.... and I know I dont say it much; but im happy that you're the one that I get to spend the rest of my life with. Cause I honestly dont know what id do without you."

Sentoria:"... you're gonna make me cry.."

Red:"Nooo, please dont do that..."

Red:"Just always know that what I feel for you is beyond words........ only death can keep me from you unless you say otherwise."

Sentoria:"You really tryin to get in these pannies tonight arent you??"

Red:"Maybe just a lil...."

**They both laugh**

Red:"I love you.."

Sentoria:"I love you too"

**Later back at the cabin**



**Sentoria sneaks around the corner**

Sentoria:"Looking for me??"

**Red stops as he quickly notices her red lingerie**

Red:"w-Where did that come from??"

Sentoria:"I got it a couple days before we left.....you like it?"

Red:"Hold that thought....."

**Red puts the food up and carries Sentoria back the bedroom**

Sentoria:"whats wrong baby?? You're not hungry anymore??"

Red:"Oh no!  Daddy's hungry... but food aint want im hungry for..........."

~~~~~~~gimmie that honey looooooooove~~~~~

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