Friday, August 25, 2017

A couple days after Nana tried to call Red again, Red had finally started getting on good terms with Sentoria..
Red and Ian were playing the game, Xureila was out on a movie date with Kendrick "with her mother's permission", and Sentoria was stuck watching a movie in the other room.
After everyone went to bed, it was around 3:00 o'clock in the morning when there was a loud bang at the front door. **BOOM BOOM BOOM...** Then doorbell started to ring** BOOM BOOM BOOM**
Sentoria hops up out of bed and rushes to the door only to see Nana.... She cracks the door open and asks..

Sentoria:"Are you crazy? What the hell are you doin???"

Nana:"I need to speak to Red, is he home?"

Sentoria:"Yeah, but he's sleep..."

Nana:"Okay well wake him up, because I gotta talk to him..."

Sentoria:"No, he got work in the morning.... "

**Nana started getting impatient, and barged her way in the door nudging Sentoria out of the way**

Nana:"Look im sorry, but I need to talk to Red.. where is he??"


Sentoria:"Yo shut the fuck up!, my son is trying to sleep!"

**Red emerges from the bedroom angrily**


Nana:"well finally.... look, ive been tryin to call you all week"

Red:" what is it?"

**Nana looks Sentoria up and down and turns back to Red**

Nana:"Um...can we have some privacy please"

Red:"No, what ever you got to say to me you can say in front of Sentoria"

Nana:"Sentoria??? Oooooohh Sentoriaaa..... the wife.."

Nana:"I remember you now...."

Sentoria:"The fuck are you talkin about, you dont know me.."

Nana:"Oh yes I do sweety, Red's told me all about you... and well... Lets just say I know all about your nasty little affair too."

**Sentoria looks at Red in confusion**

Sentoria:"Red??..who is she?"

Nana:''Wow you really dont remember me do you??? *Nana giggles to herself* Well you should.. seemingly that Red chose you over me."

Nana:"Do you have any memory of a chick that was with Red the night you met him at a guy named Meech party awhile back?"

Sentoria:"I think so, well I do remember him talkin to some chick, but she just looked like your average thirsty ass bobble headed hoe if you ask me...all up in his face giggling and cackling and shit..Why?"

Nana:"Well that cackling bobble headed hoe was ME!"

Nana:"Before you I was the one Red was with, I was the one Red was fuckin on the regular, I was Red's main chick, it was ALL ME until you showed up!!! And then there you came outta nowhere, takin him from me..."

Sentoria:"Well first of all.. he wasnt yours to begin with, and if he chose me over you, then it just wasnt meant to between you two.. there was  obviously somethin he saw with me that he just couldnt see with you. So whats your point?"

Nana:"My point is..I would've never done that to him, and possibly woulda been a better wife & mother too!!! This man works hard for your ungrateful ass to have a decent living, and you go and fuck the next nigga all because you got a little lonely... "

Red:"Nana stop..."

Sentoria:"Nana?? So you're the one thats been calling and texting Red all times of the day and night???"

Nana:"You damn right honey!!! And you're obviously the one who answered his phone 2 days ago pretending to be him...."

Sentoria:"I sure did!! thats MY husband, and theres no secrets in a marriage."

Nana:"Oh cut the crap, sling that bullshit to someone else.... you already cheated, and kept that a secret long enough without the knowledge that he walked in on you"

Sentoria:"I already know, he told me.."

Nana:"And I care because????"

**Nana steps up to Sentoria putting her finger on Sentoria's chest**

Nana:"This whole pristine living that you got goin on was supposed to be MINE... your KIDS were supposed to be MINE, your RING was supposed to be MINE, and you LIFE was supposed to be mine.... and you snatched all of that away from me.. I became "Nana who?", do you know what its like to be left behind when your whole life was staring you in the face once upon a time.. only for some gutter bitch to steal it all away from you before it even got started??"

Sentoria:"Red you better get her ass, she dont know me...."

**Red tries talking to Nana, but she doesnt wanna hear it.... She looks at Sentoria and says**

Nana:"And you wonder why im here??? well lets see... maybe if you didnt cheat on Red like you did, he wouldnt have had come to me for comfort. And baby..did I comfort him.."

Sentoria:"What the fuck are you talkin about?"
**Nana looks at Sentoria laughing**

Nana:"Oh he didnt tell you??? Well..*she chuckles as she moves both hands to her pussy* While you were getting your lil pussy banged into submission by another nigga, Red was writing his name DEEP inside of mine.."

**Red finally had had enough and shouted**

Red:"ENOUGH NANA!!!.. I already told her that I cheated on her, so what difference would it be telling her now?? im sure you knew by now id tell her this.. I know you're not THAT stupid are you?!?"

 Nana:"The DIFFERENCE Red... is that she doesnt know that I might be pregnant!!! and its YOURS"

**Red looks over at Sentoria in shock**

Red:"Sentoria, I swear I had no idea.... *Red gulps* She never told me....."

Red:"Baby..... are you okay?? baby..."

**Sentoria couldnt move, all she could see was Red**


  1. I told y'all she was gonna be pregnant 😭😭😭 Damn two newborns on the way!!!

  2. I knew it!! That little heifer!!

  3. I cant deal with two babies!! If they just could have talked none of this would have happened smh Keep it home!!
