Friday, August 25, 2017

After a couple weeks of unreturned phone calls and unread text messages, Sentoria works up the nerve to call Red yet again.
With hope in her heart Sentoria called Red, and as soon as she was about to give up hope and hang up on the 5th ring; Red answered his phone..




Sentoria:"Baby please come home..."

Red:~I dont wanna come home, im too pissed off at you..~

Sentoria:"Red please...look, we both  did our dirt, and right now I dont care about it anymore.. Im tired of arguing, and frankly just wanna put all of this behind us so we can move on."

Red:~how am I supposed to just "move on" when you're carrying a baby that could potentially belong to another nigga?!?.. knowing that you looked at him like you look at me, touched him like you'd touch me, and love him like you'd love me makes me nauseous just thinking about it...~

Sentoria:"Okay and you act like you didnt just fuck someone else outta hurt because I cheated... Red there's two sides to this argument, if you wanna start pointing fingers, I can easily blame you for making me feel so insecure about my position as your wife, but I wont... I can only take responsibility for what I did wrong, just like you can for what YOU did wrong."

Sentoria:"Yes I could've waited, and no I shouldn't have slept with him, but I did... and thats something that I gotta live with...Just like you have to live with the fact that you cheated on me for a second time. Baby.. When you cheated on me the first time I forgave you, and it wasnt for my own personal gain, it was for you...for us... and for Xureila at the time, because I knew if I hated you, there would be a chance that i'd end up hating her too because she looks just like you.... She's your air as well as Ian, and to hate you would mean the same for them, because id constantly would've been reminded of you at every turn; and thats something imma do. They didnt ask to be here, but we made them out of love, and with that love came a strong foundation and hard work. I didnt move until you moved, and when we were together I never felt stronger... So baby what im saying is... I missed your soul.. your company..and thats what I was missing all along"

**Red clings to the phone in silence**

Sentoria:"Baby please come home.... the kids miss you........................................................................................................I..miss you."

Sentoria:"Baby you have every right to be angry with me for my part, because I betrayed you when all you did was work hard for us..and I was completely in the wrong. Please forgive me and come home...............................................please...."

Sentoria:"Red say something..............anything..."

**Sentoria's heart falls deep into her stomach as she cries, and Red replies**

Red:~I forgive you baby..........~

Red:~and im sorry for cheating on you, im sorry for my part in this.., im sorry for making you feel insecure about your position in my life, and im sorry for all the times that ive done you just cut me deep as fuck to see the one woman I gave every bit of me to; give herself to another man; I didnt know how to feel, or how to act, and when I acted it just came out the wrong way....... and im so sorry."

Sentoria:"Its okay baby, but think about how I felt.... I feel exactly like how you felt the night you caught me cheating on you everyday-single-day, wondering if this is the day you're gonna up and leave me for someone else after all that we've been through, leaving me to wonder why I wasnt enough for you..."

Red:~never!.... dont say that, you're my wife, and I cant see me without you..~

Sentoria:"So does this mean you'll come home?"

Red:~yeah................. im comin~

** With Red finally back home, everything seemed to be okay until Red started receiving calls and text messages from a number that went by the name of:"Nana", and started making Sentoria a little suspicious...**

Sentoria:"Nana?? why does that name sound familiar??"

**The text reads** (Nana:Red... call me asap, I need to talk to you) (Nana:Why arent you answering your phone? Look, I know you dont wanna talk to me but theres something I need to tell you.. pick up the phone...")

Sentoria:"What the hell does she want with Red??"

**The next morning Sentoria notices that Red left his phone unattended and a phone call came in**

**Sentoria grabbed the phone, and ran into the bathroom quickly answering the phone in a voice as low as she could**


Nana:~who's this??~

Sentoria:"its Red.."

Nana:~no the fuck you aint. look....tell Red to call me when you see him~ *click*

**Later on that day another phone call came for Red, and he picked up with a hard sigh**


Nana:~why havent you been returning or answering any of my calls or texts?~

Red:"Maybe because we dont fuck with each other like that no more.. obviously. And besides, I didnt get any calls..I only know of your messages. But what do you want?"

Nana:~do you always have to be this rude when you're talkin to someone?~

Red:"Man whatever.. you're wasting my battery life.. what-do-you-want?"

Nana:~boy I dont give a fuck if im wasting your lil battery life, ive been tryin to-~ *Click*

**Red hangs up & turns his phone off**

Red:"*sigh* Aint got time for her bullshit...