Wednesday, August 23, 2017

*Sentoria being caught in the act of have sex with another man was taken down in the group..Sorry*

After catching Sentoria cheating on him with another in their bed coming home from a long day at work, Red went to the bar to have a couple drinks and one of his old friends just so happened to be there.
He told her what was bothering him and she lended him some advice, pushing him to talk to Sentoria about it before it got worse.
She knew she always had love for him, but was never aware how much...

Nana: "Well don't worry boo, it'll be alright.. in time I guess.. Just sit her down one day when the kids aren't home, and talk to her about it."

Red "Yeah, don't think that'll happen.. I cant even look at her, let alone share the same bed"
Nana:"Nonsense, you'll be fine... But hey I gotta go, the boss asked me to come in early tomorrow so ill text you later okay."

Red:" Alright ma, and thank you again.."

Nana:"For what boo?"

Red:" Bein here for me when I need a shoulder of comfort in my time of need, and makin me feel better about it."

Nana:" Oh you welcome boo, it's what I do best. I don't like to see you hurt in any way  But imma go, see ya later.."

Red:"Ight ma"

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