Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Even though Red was re-living the feelings that he had always felt for Nana (nah-nah), there was always that huge bit of him that yearned for his wife.
Her touch, her smell, her feel, her laugh, her company, and her soul was all he could think about.. Sentoria is burned in his heart and not even an old fling could wipe that away.
Try as he may, everything about her is what called out to him... and he just knew that he couldnt keep this going on any longer than he let it; so he called Nana over.
Nana came as quickly as she could, but she got a conversation that she clearly wasnt expecting...

Nana:"Hey baby, I thought about you all day.."

Red:"Same, how was your day?"

Nana:"It was great, the only part about it that I hated was you not bein there.."

Red:" haha bet..."

Nana:" Yeah, well how was your day?"

Red:"It was ight I guess, just got a lot on my mind is all..."

Nana:"Like what baby?"

*Red exhales slowly*

Red:"Honestly.... about this.    About us....& about what we're doin"

Nana:"What do you mean?"

Red:"Look, I know that what we have between us will always be special but...."

Nana:"But what Red?"


*Nana interrupts*

Nana:"Wait.. I know what this is... You're dumping me arent you???"

Red:"It's not easy bein in this position ma.."

Nana:" Nah... you finally get to fuck me and then you wanna slide me aside like some cheap ass hoe.. Im NOT your average bitch Red.. You dont just fuck me and walk off.. What the fuck do I look like?? A cheap piece of ass to you?!?"

Red:"No Nana.. you dont understand, you deserve much more than that... its just that I got kids with her.... and shes my wife. Its not the same when you're married... Old me woulda still been fuckin you, but.. im married now.. and the old me is dead."

Nana:"You not that much dead baby cause you did fuck me... over and over and over again... forgot about that??? You finally dun wrote'cha name on this pussy and now you wanna quit it? THE FUCK?!? NO!! She cant have you back... I want you, come and be with me like we've talked about."

Red:" Nana stop! Look you're a beautiful woman and im sure you can get whom ever you want.... im not the only nigga out here.. theres more where I come from."

Nana:"BUT I WANT YOU!..... Ive always wanted you.. thats not fair Red..and you knew I wanted you.."

*Nana cries to herself*

Red:"Im really sorry that its gotta be this way Nana, but I love my family.."


Nana:Y'know what, fuck you and your damn family.... youll never taste this again. BELIEVE THAT!"


  1. Ooooooo 👀 Giiiirrrrlll you would have been mad if he smacked yo back 😂

    1. Lmao! Nana was PISSED you hear me?!

    2. Nana!!!! Sentoria catch wind of you hitting Red you gon be in a body bag by the time you blink and open ya eyes!!!

  2. I didn't expect her to be trouble.

    1. I didn't either!!! Now im scared cuz this trick is crazy!

  3. I mean she knew what she was getting into when she slept with him and now she mad when he wants to be with his wife lol why do you think she's wifey

    1. RIGHT!!!?! I mean a hoe gonna be a hoe, but when it comes down to it, Red wants to be with his wife. BUT we'll see how he feels when he finds out about that baby........... *sips tea*

  4. Goodness!!! Yesssss now him and Sentoria need to get it together. She better love on him quickly and tell him that baby his. I don't want to see him kill her behind that. Its one thing for him to be thinking about getting back on good terms...and then to be slapped in the face with a another man?? Lord help Sentoria lol.

    Unless Nana pregnant...then they even.
