Friday, September 29, 2017

Sentoria:"Hey baby, how are you?"

Aryah:"Oh hey mama Ramos, im doing good"

Sentoria:"Red let you in?"

Aryah:"Yes Ma'am.."

Sentoria:"Okay, I figured we wouldn't see you again after you and Ian's mishap."

Aryah:"I know, I was mortified at how you and Mr.Ramos would both see me after I calmed down. I thought you'd hate me...all of you that is."

Sentoria:"Oh noooooo, I woulda done something similar too if that were me. And besides, Red understood what was going on as well as we all did; Ian had no right doing that to you. You're a good girl, and you deserved better than that."

Aryah:"Thank you... how is he anyway?"

Sentoria:"..Eh..he's hangin in there. A little heartbroken for what he's done to you, but none the less he's hanging in there."

Aryah:"Well thats always good to hear, I really do miss him."

Sentoria:"I know....and he misses you too."

Aryah:"So ive heard.."

*Sentoria exhales lightly*


Aryah:"Yes Ma'am.

Sentoria:"........She's never been one to like an altercation"


Sentoria:"Yeah, thats always been her though. She like's for everyone to get along. haha Thats my baby."

Sentoria:"Did she tell you anything else?"

Aryah:"Yes Ma'am..."

Sentoria:"What'd she say?"

Aryah:"She told me how he's been since our argument, she told me that he's tried calling me, the works... Thing is, I was out of town."

Sentoria:"Ooooh I see."

Aryah:"Yeah, I needed to disconnect and get my thoughts together."

Sentoria:"No need to explain yourself, I understand. Really I do. I woulda lost my shit too."


Sentoria:"Shoot yeah... you betta ask Red about the last time he pissed me off."

*Aryah gocked*

Sentoria:"Mmhm....I left him with a black eye like you did on Ian. I dont play that mess."

Aryah:"Wow... I would've never guessed."

Sentoria:"We dont tell all of our business for a reason baby, but im really glad that you came back. I know Ian'll love-"

*Ian entered the room*

Sentoria:"Hey baby.."

Ian:"Hey mama.."

Sentoria:"How you feelin?"

Ian:"Im alright.."

*Ian paused to see Aryah in his living room*

Aryah:"................................hey Ian."

Ian:"Aryah... I thought-"

Ian:"I thought you were done with me.."

Aryah:"I was.....but.... but then Xureila got ahold of me."

Sentoria:"Ill leave you two alone.."

Aryah:"...........can I have a hug?"

Ian:"Y-Yes!......*he pauses shamefully* sorry, its just that I thought id never see you again and-"

Aryah:"Hush..... c'mere"  *They hug*

Aryah:"I missed you..........."

Ian:"..........I missed you more" *he embraces her tightly*

Aryah:" really hurt me."

Ian:"........I know."*he hangs his head in shame*

Aryah:"And I didnt deserve any of it...... I loved you....and you betrayed me."

Ian:"........I know."

Aryah:"I was even willing to forgive it when you admitted that you cheated on me. "

Ian:"..........I know."

Aryah:"But to find out that it was with not only one, but Two women........ Ian....I wanted to beat the hell outta you." *she pauses remembering that Sentoria was in the other room*

Aryah:"Im sorry mama Ramos!"*she yells out*


Aryah:"I wanted to hate bad.... for doing what you did to me. I never thought in a million years that you'd do something so fowl to me like that, and when you brought up the chance of having HIV to my attention I was utterly disgusted in you."

Ian:"...........I know."

Aryah:"Ian.. im sorry for bruising your face, but im not sorry for hitting you. I needed you to feel the same way you made me feel... Even though thatll never happen until the one you love lets you fall like you let me fall. But im not one to do that...when I love, I love hard, unconditionally, passionately, and intimately...and thats something that very hard to come by."


Aryah:"Y'know.... the Bible says that when a man finds a wife, he finds a good thing. Am I right?"


Aryah:"Married or no..... I am your good thing, and mistreating me was like slapping God in his face. How could you do something like that to me?"

Ian:"..........I was selfish.......I didnt care...........I guess you can say that I was looking at what I wanted, and id do what I had to do to get my way. Not really realizing what I was jeapordizing in the process...Im so used to getting my way it was all I knew. Kendrick, my dad, my sister, my mom... they all tried to tell me... they all tried to warn me, and I didnt listen. I never meant to hurt you Aryah. If ive learned anything going through all this mess, its that you were my biggest blessing. No matter what I was going were right there, no matter how I felt, no matter what I looked like, no matter my flaws, no matter what I did or said... you were right-there. And I was too stupid to see it. And I made a solom promise to God that if I ever got you back......if I ever got to hold you in my arms again even if it was just for a second.. if I was to ever have you in my life again period.. that id be a better man, and that id love and treat you like I should have in the first place. Aryah, you're an amazing person, and im deeply sorry for the hurt that ive caused you. You're my heart, my soul, the very air that I breathed, the reason why I got up every morning besides God, and most're my best friend. And im disgusted in how I let greed blind me like that. If I could, id take it all back. Believe me.. Id take it all back............................................Im just sorry that I did it to you in the first place. Even if you dont anymore....I want you to know that I still love you."

Aryah:".....................................Ian......" *Ian pulls her in a passionate kiss*

Ian:"I love you Aryah.........and im truely...truely sorry."

Aryah:"I forgave you already........ and I love you too."

Aryah:"And if I take you back, you just have to promise me one thing.."

Ian:"Name it..."

Aryah:"NEVER betray me again...."

Ian:"Promised..... I swear..." *They kiss again*

Aryah:"If you have it or here with you 100%"

Ian:"Really? even after what ive done?"


Aryah:"When's your next appointmen?"

Ian:"Tomorro morning."

Aryah:"Im coming with you.."

Ian:"Are you sure?"

Aryah:"Yeah, I told matter what, we'll work it out and get through this together."


*Before they knew it, they were laughing and joking like it had never happened.They were up all night talking about their future, and how they plan on spending their lives together with Ian being positive until they fell asleep. Next morning Ian's phone rings and Aryah wakes up..*

Aryah:"......morning already??" *she nudges him*

Aryah:"baby wake up, your phones ringing."


Aryah:"your phone's ringing..wake up." *he sits up*


Dr.Sharp:~hello Ian?~

Ian:"yeah, who's this?"

Dr.Sharp:~its Dr.Sharp, you missed your appointment.. im calling to tell you about your test results.~

*Ian sobers up and answers (..okay?) as he braces himself for her response. Aryah takes notice of his posture and sits up with him*

Dr.Sharp:~ .....well your tests came back this morning, and the tests shows negative.~

*Ian grips the edge of his bed*

Ian:"Wait WHAT?!?"


Ian:"Yeah im here, but what did you say???"

Dr.Sharp:~your test is negative Mr.Ramos~

Ian:Oh my God...."

Aryah:".......what??? what is the Dr. saying?"

Dr.Sharp:~...yes, im so glad to give you the good news... but im going to ask that you come down to my office so that we can give you a few antibiotics to take for a couple day to flush out your system; and you'll be good as new.~


Dr.Sharp:~this does not mean that you're imune to HIV Mr.Ramos, you still can get infected by it.. think of this as your clean sleight. I encourage you to keep using protection, and PLEASE....NEVER do anything like that again.~

Ian:"Yes Ma'am, okay.."

Aryah:".....Ian, whats going on??"

Ian:"When do I come in?"

Dr.Sharp:~anytime thats good for you, just call the front desk.~

Ian:"Okay.... Thank you Dr."

Dr.Sharp:~you're welcome....buh-bye~

Ian:"....Bye." *he slowly hangs the phone up.*

Aryah:"Ian, whats going on?? Talk to me... What did she say?"

*Ian turns to Aryah and grabs her by her arms*

Ian:"You said that you'd be with me no matter what right?"

Aryah:"Yes... I promise..No matter what.."

*Ian takes a deep breath*

Ian:"Im negative.."



*Before he knew it Aryah knocked him back onto the bed into a kiss releaved that their prayers had been answered, Ian stood up and said..*

Ian:"Baby, imma do well on my promise to you....."

Aryah:"Im not the one you made the promise to first....*she points up*

Ian:"Understood......but still.... as of now, you're my number 1 priority.. and imma do whatever it takes to keep you happy."

*Ian pulls her close into another kiss*

Ian:"I love you"

Aryah:"I love you too."

Aryah:"When are you going to break the news to everyone else?"

Ian:"Later on when everyone's awake, but right now I wanna celebrate with you while everyone's asleep."

Aryah:"Sounds good to me"

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

No matter what Ian did, it didnt seem like Aryah wanted any part of it. Ian would call (no answer), Ian would text (no answer), he even went as far as stopping by and still....there was no answer.
He was utturly disgusted in himself and for the way that he treated Aryah, it's all he could think about. But the main thing that stuck out to him the most was the last time that he saw her face.
Depression became his new friend.. he stopped seeing his friends, he stopped answering calls, he stopped talking to other people, he completely closed himself off from the world; and it was as if a huge hole had been punched right through his chest. He didnt wanna see anyone, but it didnt stop him from trying to reach her..

Ian:".......please pick up"       (buuuuuuuuuurb...buuuuuuuuuurb)

Ian:"please...."  (buuuuuuuuuurb...buuuuuuuuuurb)

~voicemail~ (Heeeeey, you've reached Aryah Drake...sorry I cant come to the phone right now, but leave your name, number, and brief msg and ill get back to you as soon as I can. Byyyyyye!~


*Hanging the phone up Ian sobs with sorrow as his heart falls heavier in his chest, Sentoria walks by taking notice and she quickly pulls Red aside*

Red:"What's wrong baby?"

Sentoria:"Your son is whats wrong.... honey he doesnt even go outside anymore..all he does is mope, cry, and sleep.."

Sentoria:"Im worried about him"

Red:"He'll be alright baby. He's been through a lot, and might've just lost the only person who ever gave a damn about him.... just let him be. He needs time to heal."

Sentoria:"How much more time, because I dont know how much more of this I can take...its breaking my heart."

Red:"I know, mine too.... but we need to let him stand on his own. He made his bed, now he's gotta lie in it."

Red:"I promise, what ever the outcome is, he'll be alright.."

Sentoria:"I cant handle this Red.... thats my baby.... I dont wanna see him go through this."

Red:"Neither do I, but he chose this.... now he gotta deal with the consiquences. Just give him some space...PLEASE.."


Red:"It'll be alright."

Kendrick:"Hey man, how you feelin?"

Ian:"Like shit..."

Kendrick:"Yeah, you like it too.." *They laugh then Ian exhales slowly*

Kendrick:"I know man..."

Ian:"I didnt mean to hurt her..."

Kendrick:"I know, but hey..I told you not to do it. I warned you, didnt I?"

Ian:"please Ken, I really dont feel like havin an I told you so moment... Im already feelin bad enough."

Kendrick:"Well you should...."

Ian:"UGH...Now you sound like mom"

Kendrick:"Good! At least you know that im bein real with you"


Kendrick:"I dont wanna be the (I told you so) kinda person, but Ian if you think about it...I did. And look what happened.. You have a great family, a great life, and a great girl... Now... not so much of the girl cause you didnt know how to keep it in your pants."

Kendrick:"I was tryin to warn you because I know what kinda temptaion rest out there, and I know what it can do to a man.... Ya see, men... we're weak when it comes to sex.. we're the type to never pass up an opertunity unless we really dont wanna, and sometimes.. it can be one that we'll really regret later down the line."

Ian:".............boy am I regretin this."

Kendrick:"I know you are, and I wanted you to steer clear of them women.. I knew somethin wasnt right when you were with that Nikki girl... somethin just aint sit well with me there, but I let you do your thing cause im not your conscience. I cant be there with you all the time... I needed you to be the person to stop anything that went on between you two, and you didnt.. but its alright cause we all fall short sometimes.

Ian:"yeah I know, I just wished I listened when you were tryin to tell me before."

Kenrick:"Well if you did, then there wouldnt be a lesson to be learned now would it?"

Ian:"yeah I guess.."

Kendrick:"Its alright though, cause no matter what... you know we alway got'chu..... c'mere."

Kendrick:"I love you man.."

Ian:"I love you too Ken....and thanks for talkin to me."

Kenrick:"You're welcome, I just hope that you listen next time around.."

Ian:"Oh there wont be a next time.."

Kendrick:"Theres always a next time.... Temptation is everywhere, it just a matter of seeing if youll listen this time around or not."

Ian:"True....I will."

Kendrick:"Thats my boy..."

*Listening nearby was Xureila who got a call from Aryah*



Xureila:"Hey Aryah, how you holdin up sis?" alright i guess. how are you?"

Xureila:"Im doin good.... you missed Nia's birthday today."

Aryah:~I sorry, Ill make it up to her I promise..I just didnt think I could face Ian.~

Xureila:"Oh..I understand.. Look. Aryah, you two really need to talk."

Aryah:~No, he's already said enough.~

Xureila:"No really, you two need to talk."

Xureila:"Why dont you just come over for a little while."

Aryah:~I dont know....~

Xureila:"............fine.. Well why dont you let me take you out for some dinner between the two of us. And we can talk...Sounds good to you?"

Aryah:~...........okay, im coming.~

Xureila:"No, its dark out.. im comin to get on my way."

*Back at the restarant*

Aryah:"This is really nice.."

Xureila:"I know, Kendrick took me right the night before our wedding."


Xureila:"Yeah.. But enough about us, you know what we came out here to talk about."


Xureila:"I know you miss him...."

Aryah:"I dont.."

Xureila:"Yes you do...."

Aryah:"How do you know?"

Xureila:"He's your first................ thats how I know. That and you keep checking your phone.."

Aryah:"....I was just reading the other texts he left me. He's texted me ever since that today.."

Xureila:"Sounds like a lot of messages"

Aryah:".........It is."

Xureila:"Are you gonna reply?"

Aryah:"No......not yet at least."

Xureila:"You know you cant avoid this like it never happened.."

Aryah:"I can try.."

Xureila:"Thats not fair Aryah.."

Aryah:"Fair??? Whats not fair is giving yourself to a man that you thought would never hurt you only to find out he's been fucking 2 other chicks aside from yourself.... and 1 of them has HIV."

Xureila:"And you have every right to be mad, but-" 

*Aryah slams her fists on the table*


Xureila:"Calm down...."

Aryah:"Im sorry, im still kinda angry at him because he could've put my health at risk as well as he did for his own."

Aryah:"Im sorry to say it but, thats so selfish of him."

Xurila:"I dont blame you for being angry at him Aryah , he did you dirty... trust me, he had that black eye comin."

Xureila:"But what im tryin to say is that I know that he was selfish, and I think he know that he was too."


Xureila:"Cause ever since the day you dumped him he's been in his room... he'll come out to eat ever so offten, play with his food, and then he'll go back inside."

Xureila:"He cries, he beats himself up, he calls you, you dont answer, he texts you, you dont reply, he visits you, you dont come out.."


Xureila:"Yeah, he's been going to your house to see if youll talk to him face to face but you never come out. He's done it for the past week and half."

Aryah:"Oh... I wasnt even home."

Xureila:"Really??? Where were you?"

Aryah:"I stayed with my aunt for a little, I left my phone here.. I had to get away.."

Xureila:"Oooh okay, well I understand...That must be why you never came out and stuff."

Aryah:"Yeah.................It just hurts ya know?"

Xureila:"Yeah, but look.... I didnt ask you out here to talk you into doing anything your heart's not ready for, I just asked you to come out so I could tell you how much he really misses and loves you."

Aryah:"Xureila, if he really loved me then love shoulda brought him home to me... I would've never done that to him. Every chance a guy got to ask me out, I turned them down because Ian's the only man I want. I would've never slept around on him"

Xureila:"And you're the only one he wants believe it or not.."

Aryah:"Would I be wrong for assuming that he doesnt?"

Xureila:"YES!!"................."'re my best friend and I know how you feel about Ian. I know that Ian has done some  fucked up shit, but believe me when I say he's paying for it...because he IS paying for it."

Xureila:" Ya know... there's a saying that says that Sometimes God has a way of giving us hints to wake us up......maybe this was his hint."

Aryah:"I dont know.......he hurt me pretty bad Xureila."

Xureila:"I know he did, but everyone deserves a second chance....Even him."

Aryah:"You really think so?"

Xureila:"Know so.... I mean, this boy barely eats now, he sleeps all day, wakes up and cries himself to sleep all over again, he doesnt go out anymore, he doesnt talk to his friends anymore, he stopped talking to everyone basically...... and he prays."

Aryah:"Prays?? About what?"



Xureila:"Yes you........ I've never seen him this way before. So I know its something real. I've heard him say how if he ever got another chance to hold you in his arms that he'd do right by you, and swore never to take your for granted again, and how sorry he is for ever hurting you in the first place..."

Xureila:"Let's just say ive never seen him like this.....but not trying to make you do anything you dont wanna do."

Xureila:"If you still dont wanna be with him thats fine, just please... at lease be his friend. Because he needs one now more than ever, and I dont like see you both like this."



Xureila:"Just think about it... thats all im asking.. I gotta pee ,ill be right back."

Aryah:"Take your time..."

*As Aryah ate another bite of her food, she let out a long sigh...*

Aryah:"I guess she's right... I guess I do still kinda love him..." *She sighs again*


*Aryah picks up the phone*

Aryah:"...........hey..its me. me." *she hangs up*

Xureila:"Okay...what I miss??"

Aryah:"Nothing.. im done actually, the waiter just collected my dishes."

Xureila:"Oh okay, I guess we can go now huh?"

Aryah:"haha...yeah, I guess we can."


Aryah:".......Thanks for talking to me Xureila"

Xureila:"You're welcome, I love you.... my parents love you, kendrick loves you, Nia loves know she calls you aunty right?"

Aryah:"Yeah.."*she smile*

Xureila:"Yeah she does... that and Ian loves you too.... We all care... I wouldnt have said anything if we didnt. You're pretty much part of the family already. haha"

Aryah:"Thank you.." *Aryah hugs Xureila tightly*

Xureila:"You're very welcome"

*The next morning*

Aryah:"Good morning Mr.Ramos.."

Red:"Goodmorning, how you doin?"

Aryah:"Im doing okay, um... Is Ian home?"

Red:"Nah, you just missed him.. Kendrick took him out to get some fresh air... but I can tell him that you stopped by if you want me to."

Aryah:"Actually, id like to stay if thats alright. I kinda wanna talk to him face to face."

Red:"Thats alright with me, you know you're always welcomed. Well Xureila's at work, Nia's at school, and Sentoria's on her way home. Just let her know that I let you in ight?"

Aryah:"Yes sir.."

Red:"Ight baby, take care."

Aryah:"You too, have a good day at work."

Red:"Will do."

Sunday, September 24, 2017

A week later Ian asked Aryah out for a breakfast date, and reminded her of the promise that he made to tell her about everything that'd happen to him.

Aryah:"Hey baby,I missed you!"

Ian:"I missed you too"

*Ian pauses for a split-second as he notices long jet black hair flowing behind Aryah in the wind*

Ian:".......woah...."*he whispers to himself*

Aryah:"What?...........oh my hair? Yeah, I got it straightend."

*she pulls it forth to play with it nervously*

Aryah:"...Do you like it?"

Ian:" look....."

Aryah:"Cute?.."*she says self-consciously*

Ian:"No!..... Amazing.."*He stares*

Aryah:"You really like it???"

Ian:"Of course I do...and I see you went shopping too huh?"

Aryah:"Yeah, I got kinda tired of wearin those bumpy old clothes....I wanted something new, and I wanted to surprise you"

Ian:"Well mission complete, cause im speechless. *They laugh*

*Back at the restaurant*

Aryah:"Wow, this is beautiful."


Aryah:"The restaurant..... you get to eat outside as you watch the sunrise with whomever you're with"

Ian:"Yeah....its my favorite place to come to when I wanna be real greedy."

Aryah:"Hahaha I bet!..."

Ian:"Y'know,I really missed you.. I miss this, and I missed us."

Aryah:"Aww I know baby, I did too... I couldnt get you off my mind. It was a little distracting during training actually." *They laugh*

Ian:"Im sorry.."

Aryah:"No dont be, it was just me thinking about you.... Its all I could do since we were apart."

Ian:"I cant help it, what if I messed you up?"

Aryah:"Im not worried about it, you're my lucky charm. *she smiles as she holds his hand* At least I came over when I could."


Aryah:"Yeah..but uhh... you ready to talk to me about whats been bothering you lately?" *He looks around*

Ian:"Nah, not yet at least.... lets finish breakfast first,so I can officially get you alone, then ill tell you. Deal?"


*They get to Ian's favorite spot in Windenburg where Ian guides Aryah to his seat by her hand*

Aryah:"Wow, this is amazing..Do you always come here?"

Ian:"When I wanna clear my mind...Cry, pray, Scream or do whatever.... So yeah."

Aryah:"There's nothing wrong with that...."

Ian:"Guess not, but... I think im ready to tell you what's been botherin me lately."


*He sighs heavily*

Ian:"Baby.....I know that we havent been making love much lately since before you started your training classes,and im to blame for that; but its because I was feeling things with you that I never knew existed....At first I didnt know what it was, there were many nights that ive laid in my bed wide awake wondering what it was was that I was feelin everytime we did it, and it scared me for a min."


Ian:"And so I backed off from you,it wasnt natrual to me to feel that way after sex.. Ive never felt like that before, and so with that being said.. I did some things that im not proud of, and I just know you're gonna hate me after I tell you."

*Aryah pulls away slowly*

Aryah:"..what did you do?"

Ian:"Its honestly the hardest thing ive ever had to tell you.....and im scared you're gonna hate forever for it. I mean, I cant be mad because im the one that was in the wrong."

Aryah:"'re starting to scare me...just tell me."

Ian:"Okay, but I want you to know that I love you....."

Aryah:"And you know that I love you, now please...tell me. *she braces herself*

Ian:"Aryah, all the while when we werent having sex, I stepped out on you and did my own thing like I usually would...."

Aryah:".......Aaaaand what does that mean?"

Ian:"....(*he sighs again*)..It means that I cheated on you.."

*As Aryah's heart began to feel heavy with sorrow, she knew that she didnt want to let Ian go. Afterall he was not only her first, but he was also her first real love.. She would've stood in fire, rain, sleight, and snow for him.
She knew that she didnt wanna lose him, so she did the only thing that she knew would comfort him in this moment... I mean.. he did confess right?.*

Aryah:"....................I dont care...its okay." *She said quickly while caressing his hands*


Aryah:"I mean, I understand that you said you cheated on me... but I love you too much to end this over one mistake. We'll work through this togther.."

Ian:"....Baby im honestly shocked..but sadly it wasnt with just one woman.. It was with two."

*Aryah takes a hard swallow as tears run down her eyes while Ian continues to tell her everything else*

Ian:"And the last one had HIV........ so theres a possibility that im infected"

*Aryah jumps from her seat*


Ian:"Nothing baby... Im sorry..... and im not sure if im infected or not yet."


Ian:"The second test hasnt come back yet.. my result is still up in the air right now until next week."



Ian:"No, my Doctor and I highly doubt that you are... we werent active at the time."

*Still screaming and crying, Aryah sat in her seat rocking back and forth as her knee bounced.*


Ian:"No!........Aryah please, calm down..........and I dont love them...I love you."


"Ian:"Baby please.........." *He reaches for her as she gets up*


*Aryah's rage had gotten the best of her and she punched him in his face*


Ian:"Okay..I deserved that, but I dont wanna lose you....Please Aryah!!!"
Aryah:".................................too late."

*Back at home all Ian could do was lie in his bed, he cried himself to sleep, and when he woke back up..he'd cry himself to sleep again. His heart ached at the loss of his relationship with the only person he truely loved.*



Sentoria:"Get up..."

*Ian gets up and scoots over*

Sentoria:"hmm..You told her didnt you?"

Ian:"....yes ma'am, how'd you know?"

Sentoria:"Your face is swolen..Turn your head....Damn, quite a shinner she gave you."

Ian:"Yeah...but I cant be mad at her..I deserved it. That and I know dad told you. Are you angry with me?"

Sentoria:"....Try Furious! Ian how could you do that?? How could you be that selfish and low?? How could you do that to Aryah? She didnt do anything to deserve that......Ian we taught you better than that...."

Ian:"..I know mama.. I guess I was just too stupid to see it."

Sentoria:"That too! But you morely couldnt see past all that ass,attention, & coochie to see it either... I swear if you aint Red's son.. Ugh!."

Ian:"Im sorry mama........... please..I already feel bad about it, I dont want to argue.

Sentoria:"You should!....Ian, do you know how much that girl has given up for you?"

Ian:"yeah mama... I know now."

Sentoria:"Clearly you DONT!....Ian...the cooch will always be there... it aint everything, and what you had with Aryah was a once in a lifetime kinda thing baby..Not everyone's blessed to find and experience true love at a young age, but somehow you and Xuriela were. You however just chose to run away from it...Baby,Aryah loved you like I know you love her, and no matter what.. yall were always together.... I also saw the way you looked at her at your sister's wedding too."



*Sentoria grabs Ian's face and pulls him close*

Sentoria:"Baby, all this mess might've cost you your health.....and more importantly..your LIFE. Was it all worth losing everything??"

Ian:"No ma'am......"

Sentoria:"No,no its not...Ya see honey, women can be alot like jewels in most cases. You'll ALWAYS come across cubic zirconia.......Yeah it looks legit, but one day you'll realize that its fake and that its not really worth anything... But then one day when you're not expecting it, you'll find you a real one..... and when you do, she'll be worth ALL the riches of the world. And baby......I really do think that Aryah was your real jewl."

Sentoria:"Only mark ive seen like that, is one that I gave your father when he was messin around on me waaaaaaaaaay back then."

Ian:"Really??? you bruised dad like this?"

Sentoria:"Shoot yeah................when you love someone and has given them all of you, certain things like this will make you go crazy."

Ian:"pshh no doubt, just learned that first hand today.."


Ian:", do you think she'll ever forgive me?"

Sentoria:"Of course I do, but it just sucks that you had to go through all of this in order to realize what you had. *Ian cries and Sentoria places his head on her chest* I know baby..I know hurts, but you gotta think about all that you've done, and realize that this is the outcome."

Ian:"I know what I did wasnt right, but I didnt think that HIV would be my punishment."

Sentoria:"Well baby, Karma wont tell you how she's comin for you really cant be ready for it. If that was the case, we all wouldnt do a lot of things that we do."

Ian:"I guess you're right...I just wish that I could take it all back."

Sentoria:"I know...well if you ever get another chance to talk to her again, PLEASE make sure that you make it a point to express how you feel about her... and let her know how sorry you are.  If you dont think she'll come back...leave it. But IF she does you fight, and I mean you FIGHT to get her back. That means if you gotta wine and dine her every week-do it, hell I dont even care if you gotta do the most simplest of things like checking in and out with her every now and then. This is a hurt that she'll always remember, thats just how we women are... She'll forgive you, but she'll never forget it.... and if she ever brings it back up in an argument that might start cause you made her feel insecure; then you take it, because you made her insecure....She was good to you, and you betrayed her trust, so now you gotta fix it if given the chance to.."

Ian:"yes ma'am"

Sentoria:"I love you.."

Ian:"I love you too mama..."

Xureila:"Ouch, what happened to him?"

Sentoria:"He told Aryah..."

Xureila:"Are they still together?"

Sentoria:"No, but we'll see what happens.."

*Ian goes to play the game to get his mind off of everything, Red see's him sitting by himself and figured it was best to comfort him in his time of need*

Red:"Hey son"

Ian:"Hey dad, wassup?"

Red:"Nun really, how you feelin toda-" *He pauses*

Red:"Boy what the hell happened to your face?"

Ian:"Aryah's what happened..."

Red:"Ooohh, you finally told her huh?"

Ian:"Yes sir.."

Red:"I can tell... well son, all you can do now is give it time. Just give her some space to be alone and think about what she wants... im sure she'll come around."

Red:"Damn! I aint seen a black eye like that since your mother back in our day.."

Ian:"Dang dad, what did you do??"

Red:"Eh..I cheated on her."


Red:"Oh shut up boy, that was before your sister and you were even thouht of... but she did get me tho."

Ian:"I bet...."

Red:"Pshhh yeah, her right hook aint somethin you sleep on...BUT... thats another reason why I love her tho."


Red:"Ha! Gives me a challenge.^^"

Ian:"UGH!! Dad! Ugh! I-Ight... im done."