Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Visions of Kendrick and Magdalena together pasted through his mind in a flash. (kendrick......kendrick.....kendrick) he heard her sweet voice echo..Then he felt himself shaking and heard his name even loader this time, snapping out of it...he realized that it was all in his head. 


*He blinked his eyes rapidly shaking it off*


Magdalena:"So you're coming in?"

*Kendrick's head dopped and he exhaled and it was an exhale of relief, he shook his head and looked at Magdalena*

Magdalena:"So is that a yes?"

Kendrick:"No.. im sorry. I just cant do it, if I do you and I both know what'll happen. And you and I both know that it's not right. Look Magdalena, you're an amazing woman like I said before... and a great catch, but I just cant."

*Magdalena dropped her eyes in disappointment*

Kendrick:"Im sorry.."

Magdalena:"No, I understand..."

*They stand there in silence for a moment, and Magdalena fixed his shirt*

Magdalena:"Well alright Kenny... you be safe on the way home okay?"

Kendrick:"Will do." *They hugged and he started off on his way.*

*Kendrick drove home, took a cold shower, and hopped in the bed. After a few hours Xureila tuned over realizing that Kendrick was home. She nudged him*



*She nudged him a little harder*

Xureila:"Kendrick.." *He finally answered*

Kendrick:"Yeah baby?"

Xureila:"Wake up...we gotta talk."

Kendrick:"Do we have to talk about it right now?"

Xureila:"Yes.... I wanna talk this out cause im tired of being angry."

*Kendrick exhales softly and gets up, they sat on the edge of the bed and put everything out on the table.*

Kendrick:"Okay baby, whats on your mind?"

Xureila:"Everything... baby...we've been at odds for a min now, you're never home anymore, you're always working, we're at odds more than we're in the bed, we argue all the time, and we dont do the things we used to do anymore....im tired of it. I want it to go back to the way it used to be when we couldnt get enough of each other..you used to always hold me at night... now you're too tired to... you used to always kiss me passionately for the hell of it...you dont do that anymore...you never really needed a reason...you just did it, but you dont anymore...What's going on? Are you cheating on me?? Are you seeing another woman?? what? what is it, because ive never cheated on you and I dont want to go through what my parents already went through..."

Kendrick:"Well first, I didnt know that that's what you were feeling, I didnt know I made you feel that way.. you never told me, but ill be completely honest about everything, BUT you gotta let me talk so I can tell you my side.."

*Xuriela waits and nods*


Kendrick:"The day that I lost my job, it was the most embarrassing moment of my life.I knew that you're used to me bringing home expensive stuff, and I didnt know how you'd react to the news when id come home to tell you that I lost it.
I felt little, I felt embarrassed, I felt less of a man because my wife has a job and her husband didnt.. thats not how its supposed to be, so the night that your dad came to come get me, he saw me crying and he asked me what was wrong and I told him. I broke down and it was embarrassing doing it in front of him; he asked me what was wrong again and I told him. I told him that I didnt want you to think less of me as a man for losing my job, and I asked him not to say anything until I found work elsewhere. I got up every morning at the crack of dawn looking for something else, thats why you wouldnt see me in the bed in the morning when you didnt. I was out looking, and then when I found one at SimSmart it was because your dad helped me out..I was grateful that he did and I still am..I guess you can say my pride is was kept me from saying anything to you about it in the first place. Then when the night came that your dad told me to tell you I thought that you'd be a little more understanding because of the ordeal that I went through and that wasnt the case, instead you went off on me and-" *Xureila interrupted*

Xureila:"I was angry because you didnt tell-" *Kendrick interrupted back*

Kendrick:"I wasnt done baby....let me finish.."

*Xureila bit down in means to hold her tongue as Kendrick continued*

Kendrick:"You went off on me making me feel worse than I ever wanted to, I understood because I didnt tell you when I should've....but I didnt. Then as I continued to try to explain myself you brought my late mother into the situation and I blew up. I never once thought that you...my own wife...mother of MY child would talk about my mother and you know she's not with us anymore. So that hit me real bad, I could hear the sincerity in your voice after you saw my face, but I was too angry at you to even speak. Ive never been that angry with you in all our lives together and thats not something I ever wanna feel again..."

Xureila:"Yeah... me either..."

*He continues*

Kendrick:"Then when I actually had a couple days to myself I was sprawled out on the bed.."

Kendrick:"When I woke up something told me to try talking this out with you again because we both had something to say and I didnt like feeling that way towards you.... you were up stairs and I heard you talking to someone on the phone. I dont know who it was, but I know that you were talking to them... and to make matters worse, you were talking about me and everything that we were going through instead of coming to me about it... you dogged me out... left me high and dry and you even told them about OUR problems.. So I stood there waiting for you to stop and then your mom came in. She talked to you, chewed you out, and yall made up....but I was still there... behind that wall... hurting....listening...so I left. And the morning that you asked me to talk again, I was still angry with you and it seemed like no matter what you still couldnt shake your attitude with me.. and I already had to be to work so I left. I know that it wasnt fair to you and I want to apologize for it, but you hurt me too so in another way..at that time I didnt care.....That same very nigh when you left me a message to call you when I got a chance; I looked at me phone, closed out the messages, and went to the bar next door. Your dad knew id be there because in his words (He may not say anything, but he see's and hears everything that goes on in this house.)..and when he and mama Ramos was having their spat that he went to a bar too...."

*Xureila looked shocked as Kendrick told his side.....She didnt know he was there, she didnt know that he heard everything, and she didnt realize how bad she hurt him...she just hung her head as Kendrick continued*

Kendrick:"Your dad spoke to me and he shed light about why were so angry with me, and I began to understand why you were so angry like you were... we share a bond that no one can break, and as husband and wife there are NO secrets....I understood that then, but when your dad broke it down for me.. it made that much more since. I came back home that night and it seemed to me like all you did was wanna argue so I broke it off... I went to bed, and I never spoke on it again...and in honesty, I met someone too."

*Xureila jump in shock repeating back to him*

Xureila:"Met someone??? What do you mean you met someone?"

Kendrick:"Its not like that, she and I met when I was at work, we've been hanging out as strictly friends.."

Xureila:"So she WORKS with you?!?"

Kendrick:"No... baby she was a customer in the store, she started out as a shoulder to lean on in my time of need, and in time we became friends till I found out she wanted to hook up with me"

Xureila:"So you're cheating on me?!?"

Kendrick:"Wait......what?!? Baby-" *She cuts him off*

Xureila:"You ARE arent you?!?"


*Kendrick tries to explain as Xureila looses it, she gets up ready to to storm out and Kendrick gets up stopping her so that he could tell her that its not what she thinks*

Kendrick:"Baby wait!"


*Kendrick grabs at her arm with means to calm her down*

Kendrick:"Baby wait! Its not what you think!!"


Kendrick:"NO! Baby listen to me..-" *Xureila intterupts him again*

Xureila:"LIAR!! ~SMACK~

*Before she knew it, Xureila's anger had gotten the best of her and she ended up slapping Kendrick. He body shook with emotional anguish, fear, and regret..She realized that she hurt Kendrick and began to cry.*

Kendrick:"Nothing happend Xureila.... I promise....." *He assured her walking up slowly behind her*

Kendrick:"I told her that she and I couldnt be anything more than what we already were and I left...."

*Kendrick put his hands around her and whispered in her ear*

Kendrick:"I love you....... Id never do anything to risk losing you. Baby, the day you officially became my wife I made a vow to ALWAYS be here for you, honor you, cherrish you, respect you, and most of all love you no matter what. I couldnt do that to you..I couldnt do that Nia.. I love you both too much..."

*Xureila wipes her eyes as Kendrick comforts her*

Xureila:"So you didnt?"

Kendrick:"No...... I couldnt live with that kinda misery and guilt...I couldnt do it to you... so I left."

*Xureila cries, not in hurt but in relief...her world went from a nightmare to a dream come true....she realized that with in an instant another woman could take her husband from her just like her mother said, and she shed tears of joy to know that her husband wasnt the man that would give in. She broke down.*

Xureila:"Im so sorry.....Im sorry for everything that ive said and done to you.. you do your best and I couldnt see it at the time... you didnt deserve it...I dont deserve you.. Im so sorry" *She sobbed*

*Kendrick grabs her bringing her into his embrace*

Kendrick:"We deserve each other... and we both had our faults, and I wanna put this past us.... Im not goin anywhere just as you arent.........* 

*He whispers in her ear*

Kendrick:"You are my life......you always have been...and you always will be..."

*Xureila looks up and Kendrick kissed her passionately, holding her tightly to him so that she knows that he'd never her let go.*

*Sentoria walks in upset because of the commotion, only to walk in on something she wasnt ment to see*

Sentoria:"What the hell's goin on-" *She stopped in her tracks and turned beet red*

Sentoria:"Aw shIt, im sorry baby...." *She rushed out the door walking back into her room where a very tired hubby rested*

Red:"What happened?" *Red asked in a cracked voice*


-Bet yall thought I was really finna let my boy go out like that.... hahaha... SIKE!

Monday, October 30, 2017