Sunday, December 3, 2017

*Bleeding Red:{After The Pain}       ((SERIES 2))

After the Death of their parents, Xureila cried herself to sleep and Kendrick tried to comfort her but all she wanted to do was be alone.
Its seemed like nothing he did helped her any, and it killed him inside to see the love of his life in this position; so he went to talk to Ian.

Kendrick:*Sigh* Hey Ian, am I interupting?"

Ian:"Nah, wassup?"

Kendrick:"I feel like im giving this all my effort, and nothing that I do makes a difference.......Like she doesnt want me to touch her, hold her, kiss her, or bother her in any other way."

Ian:"Who Xureila?"

Kendrick:"Yeah.... I mean, I understand the pain of losing your parents... I lost my mom before meeting Xureila... So I really do understand y'know, but im over here trying to comfort her and it seems like every time I try talking to her; she brushes me off and she acts like she doesnt wanna be bothered. What can I do?"

Ian:"Just give her some space, I feel like thats the only thing you can do. Xureila's a bit much to handle when she gets emotional, and since of both our parents just died she's taking it pretty hard."

Kendrick:"I know, thats what im saying... they were your parents too and you're taking this a lot better than she is........" *he pauses*
Speaking of which, why arent you crying?"

Ian:"Ive cried, many times... I just havent cried in front of you all because I want to be strong not only Xureila, but for Aryah as well. She's taking it hard too.... My mom was like her mom y'know? Even when we were teenagers, she's has a special spot for my mom... And vice versa with my mom for her, so yeah... She's taking it pretty hard too."

Ian:"So when Aryah asks me to leave her alone, I do until she's ready for me to hold her.. BUT I never take my eye offa her."

Kendrick:"And what does that mean?"

Ian:"Meaning that im not too far from her, even though she wants space it doesnt mean that she wants you to completely leave her alone... Give her all the space she asks for BUT dont go too far.

*Kendrick looked down and sighed*

Kendrick:"Y'know something, you're right man...... Thanks.." *They hug*

Ian:"No problem.."

Kendrick:".....I just thought of something.."


Kendrick:"You're starting to become more and more like your old man...  I can pick up a LOT of pops vibes from you..Its kinda creepy actually." *He chuckles*

Ian:"Really? I feel the same... Loosing both my parents just put life into perspective for me I suppose..."

Kendrick:"Just dont get ta killin anyone, you know pops almost killed me..." *They laugh*

*Xureila's cries get louder and louder and Kendrick looks at Ian*

Ian:"Go to her.... she needs you now."

Kendrick:"How do you know?"


*They both listen carefully and Xureila's cries sounded so heartwrenching it would bring a new born to tears*

Ian:" gotta go to her..."

*Kendrick goes and comforts Xureila and she welcomed him with open arms, he consoled her and told her that every thing would be alright*

*3 weeks later Nia grew worried of her mother, and decided to ask Kendrick what was wrong*

*Nia taps Kendrick and he sits up*


Kendrick:"Oh hey Coaco Bean, whats wrong? You had another bad dream?"

Nia:"No, just been doin some thinking.."



Kendrick:"Is everything okay?"

Nia:"Yeah, I just see that mommy cries everyday ever since pawpaw and grandma passed away... when will she get better? She makes me want to cry too."

Kendrick:"Noooo, nooo, dont cry baby.... its alright. Mommy'll be fine, she just really miss your grandparents...thats all."

Nia:"I miss them too daddy."

*Kendrick hugs Nia tightly*

Kendrick:"We all miss them baby..."

*For a split moment Kendrick thought to himself and thought up an idea*

Kendrick:"Y'Know what I think would cheer mommy up?"


Kendrick:"Lets get a puppy...."

*Nia's eyes bightened and they widened with excitement.*

Nia:"A PUPPY?!?"

Kendrick:"Shhhhhhhhh... yes, a puppy. You wanna ride with me?"

Nia:"Right now?"

Kendrick:"Yeah, right now.... "

*Nia ran into her room, got dressed as fast as she could, and she was out the door and sitting in the front seat of the car before you know it.*

*The next morning Xureila woke up to the sound of soft panting filling her room, she rolled over to the edge of the bed, looking over her shoulder only to see a small little puppy sitting right beside her. She got out of bed scooping the puppy up, hugged it, and as she hugged it she noticed a piece of paper attached to its collar reading:{I know things arent the best right now, but I hope this can be the start of a beautiful friendship.. My name is Duchess, will you be my mommy?" I hope she helps you feel better baby, I love you. ❤️ Kendrick}*

*Xureila ran out of the room, and into Kendrick's arms in a tender embrace as she cried*

Kendrick:"Are you alright baby?"

Xureila:"Im better than alright.... thank you baby."

Kendrick:"For what?"

*He took a second to think*

Kendrick:"Oh, you're very welcome baby... I dont like seeing you like that, and I didnt know what else to do so I figured that Duchess would help cheer you up."

Kendrick:"I just wanted you to feel better..."

Xureila:"Thank you baby.."

Kendrick:"You're welcome."

*Xureila leans in kissing Kendrick, and Kendrick grabbed her pulling her in the rest of the way. Aryah took notice and tapped Ian gesturing towards Kendrick and Xureila, and Ian shouted...*

Ian:"Get a room... you know lil bit's right there dont you?"

Aryah:"Shush... let'em... C'mon, lets go on the back patio"

Ian:"But we were here first...."

Aryah:"Ian!... lets go.."

Ian:"Alright...alright... Im comin, but Kendrick owes me..."

*Kendrick flicked him off while still kissing Xureila, as Ian and Aryah laughed while making their way out the door*