Sunday, December 10, 2017

After Nia grew up, she recieved a text from her school friend letting her know that she's finally legal and ready to party till Kendrick stepped over.

Ashay:~HAPPY BDAY BISHHH! #BlessingsNBestWishes~

*She texts back*

Nia:~thank you!... omg... it finally happened..~

Ashay:~omg i know boo, its your bday!!! you need to be out celebrating..~

Nia:~girl please, with whom? i dont know anyone like that out here but'chu, and you're at work so i really dont have anything to do xcept chill with the fam till you get off...~

Ashay:~thats ight, cause all thatll change as soon as them boys back at school see you.~

Nia:~you know!! lmaoo imma be the baddest one in my classrooms- bet.~

Ashay:~you already know it, although we gotta get you some titties cause you aint have none in middle school...~

Nia:~lmao! stfu heffa... i got titties, they bigger than before...~

Ashay:~mmmmhm, we'll see bout that....~

Nia:~you sure will, what time you get off?~

Ashay:~10, but im off tomorrow.. You wanna tag along with me to the mall? i gotta get some things~

Nia:~bet. i need to get me a few things as well...~

Ashay:~ight boo, ill swing by when i can~


*Kendrick interupted*

Kendrick:"Happy Birthday Cocoa Bean!"

Nia:"Thank you daddy.." *she smiles as he hugs her tightly*

Kendrick:"Baby girl you look more and more like your mother and your Grandmother everyday, id swear you didnt have any of my genes in your bloo-" *He stopped*

Nia:"Whats wrong daddy?"

Kendrick:"Baby girl, what are you wearing?"

Nia:"......Clothes?..." *she answers confused at his question as she scratches her head*

Kendrick:"No you're not, Nia.. Those arent clothes, thats what you call a thirst trap... you tryin to get someone killed over here??"

Nia:"Daddy... what are you talkin about? I am clothed.."

Kendrick:"No you're not... go to your room and put something else on..."

*Xureila overheard the conversation and went to feel it out*

Nia:"Daddy!" *she gocks*

Xureila:"Whats goin on?"

Nia:"Daddy called my outfit a thirst trap..."

Kendrick:"It is... Xureila look at her..."

Xureila:"I already looked at her, and from my point of view its alright... its not like she got her cleavage and nipples all out... shorts so far up her ass you see her ass cheeks..."

*Kendrick looks at Xureila and back at Nia*


*Nia stamps her foot and storms to her room slamming the door behind her*

Xureila:"Kendrick...outside.." *She whispered agrily*

Kendrick:"But baby...-"

Xureila:"I said!!!"

*Xureila pulls Kendrick outside to the back patio in a huff*

Xureila:"What the hell is your problem?!?"

Kendrick:"She's a young lady, she shouldnt be wearing anything like that..."

Xureila:"Kendrick, She's a TEENAGER... And the last time I checked,she's covered..."

Kendrick:"You call that covered?!? I think NOT!... Look, if it was your daughter with someone else you could dress her up anyway you'd like, but she's OUR daughter... with MY blood in her veins as well as your own...  I dont want any daughter of mine walking around looking like that."

Kendrick:"You didnt dress like that when I met you..."

Xureila:"Yes the hell I did!!!" 

Kendrick:"I woulda rememebered that if you did!"

Xureila:"You're so full of it you know that?!?  You sound JUST like my father!!!"

Kendrick:"Well your father was right, yall shouldnt be dressing up like that...."

Xureila:"Excuse me?!?"

Kendrick:"Baby, dressing up like that only does one thing that leads up to another... it attracts BOYS.... Boys mean flirting... flirting means kissing.. Kissing means touching.... and touching means sex!"

Xureila:"It doesnt always mean that Kendrick, its a new generation... thats the style now!"

Kendrick:"YES IT DOES!!! I dont want my daughter to wind up knocked up at a young age!!!"

*It falls quiet and Xureila jerks her head back asking softly*

Xureila:" me?"

*Kendrick stops for a second and realized what he just said whispering (aw shit..) as he exhaled*
Kendrick:"Baby..........I didnt mean it like that" *He reaches in trying to hold her*

*Xureila pulls away from him*

Xureila:"Yes You Did....... so you're calling Nia a mistake???"

Kendrick:"NO!.... God No!"

Kendrick:"She's the best thing that's ever happened to me aside from ever meeting you..."

Xureila:"Then what part of my pregnancy scared you like this???"

Xureila:"I dont know what's gotten into you, but I dont like it.... I dont like it at all... thats a HELL of a girl in there.... She studies hard, she does what she's supposed to do without bein told to, she keeps her grades up no matter what she's goin through or how she's feeling, and she LOVES-HER-FATHER with all her heart-And you've got the nurve to embarrass her in front of the whole family like that over a gotdamn outfit?!?   HOW DARE YOU?!?"

*Kendrick went to speak but he couldnt, the look on Xureila's face left him speechless and when she went to walk away he tried to hold her again and she pulled away.. Yet again..*

Xureila:"That girls not even thinking about sex, im not saying that she wont one day... but you gotta get over the fact that it'll happen....everyday is a risk... everyday.. not just today, tomorrow, or the next day.... She could get pregnant even if she wore a full body length dress that touched the bottom of her gotdamn shoes!!! She's a BEAUTIFUL young girl with a smile thatll brighten up ANY room that she walks in, and believe me... EVERYONE CAN SEE IT. The world dont stop for you all because you have a fear... She's growing.... GET OVER IT!!! And you owe her an apology too!!!"

*He reaches out to grab her hand, and Xureila pulls away*

Xureila:"DONT TOUCH ME!.... You got the couch tonight... I cant deal with this shit!"

Kendrick:"Im sorry!.... Xureila....!!! XUREILA!!!"

*{BOOM!} She slams the door*

*Back in Nia's room, on the phone talking to Ashay*

Nia:"Girl yes... he completely went off on me over some clothes."

Ashay:~mmm-mm-mmm... you dont deserve that boo.~

Nia:"I know, I over heard my momz yellin at him tho.. I think daddy's angry at me."

Ashay:~i dont think so... you aint do nothin wrong boo~

Nia:"Yeah, but'chu didnt see his face... he's never looked at me that way before."

Ashay:~girl please, he's just a dad doin what dads do...."protect". i hate bringin niggas home ova here, my dad wont even let'em in the damn house to say hi.~

Nia:"Oh hell naw.. hahaha" *They laugh*

Nia:"Thats TOO gotta breathe somewhere in there. Dang."

Ashay:~i know right? i get tired of tellin him to be nice, he dont take no ones shit. but then again, thats what i like about it... cause even when you think they're just bein mean to the nigga you bring to'em, they really be feelin them out for you... and later on down the line you REALLY get to see them for who they are, and you be glad that he did. its all good tho, dont be mad at your dad boo... he just want the best for you..~

Nia:"Yeah... I guess you're right..But im not gonna change the way I dress to please him. This is my body."

*Nia's phone buzzed*



Nia:"You remember that boy david morgan from middle school? The one who would made fun of me cause I wore my hair out in a curly fro?"

Ashay:~yeah, what about him?~

Nia:"How bout his ass just added me on SimsSpace..."

Ashay:~ewwww, you serious?~

Nia:"Yup... I declined it. I dont got time his ass."

Ashay:~he prolly wanna holla..~

Nia:"DONT TRY ME! hahaha" *they laugh*

Ashay:~im just sayin... ya neva know~

Nia:"Fight me bih..." *they laugh again*

Ashay:~ anyWHO,you still up for goin to the mall with me tomorrow?"

Nia:"Hell yeah.. I need to get outta the house for a min"

*As they talk Xureila calls out*


*Nia calls back*

Nia:"YES MA'AM!"

*Nia turns back to the phone*

Nia:"Girl,I gotta go.."

Ashay:~ight, i gotta hop my funky ass in this shower anyways... smellin like burgers n sweat. ugh... ight boo...~

Nia:"Ol'Burger-Booty ass..."

Ashay:~fight me...~ *they laugh*


Ashay:~Gnight~  *click*

*At the mall is where Nia and Ashay spent the remainder of the day, Nia ended up waltzing into electronics department. ogling some new pc's, she just couldnt resist. She looked around until a voice spoke*

Emanuel:"Hey, I know you..."


Emanuel:"Yeah you, dont you go to SimsWood high right?"

Nia:"Yeah, who are you?"

Emanuel:"Emanuel, but everyone at school calls me Manny....I think I have you in my english class."

Nia:"Oooh yeahh,you!..."

Emanuel:"Yeah, I play football, im the lead.."

Nia:"Cool... I remember you now. Well, how's your gf?"

Emanuel:"Who said I had one?"

Nia:"Well I know that you were talkin to someone the last time I checked.."

Emanuel:"Thats been over, haha.."

Nia:"Aw, im sorry to hear that.."

Emanuel:"Its alright, guess some thing's just dont stay the same..."

Nia:"Yeah, means more room in your future for new experiences.."

Emanuel:"True..So what brings you out here anyway?"

*Ashay interrupts*

Ashay:"There you are!!"

Ashay:"Girl one min. you're right beside me, and you're gone the next...."

Nia:"Oh haha, sorry boo... I got sidetracked by these laptop's when we walked by. I coulda sworn you came in with me."

Ashay:"No! haha... oo-" *She looks to the side*

Ashay:"Manny... wassup play boy?"

Emanuel:"Nothin much, just chillin before the big game tonight.. Tryin to take my mind off of it a bit y'know?"

Ashay:"Yeah, well yall got that..its in the bag, so yall aint got nothin to worry about."

Emanuel:"Thank's, well imma head out." *He pauses*

Emanuel:"....Oh Nia.. by any chance, is there a possibility that I can get your number so we can talk more later?"

Nia:"Um..yeah, sure.." *She says nervously*

*Ashay stood in shock as she watched the two exchange numbers*

Emanuel:"Alright ladies, I hope to see you at the game tonight...*He bit his lip* Especially you Nia^^"

*She blushed*


Emanuel:"Sweet, see ya at the game."

Ashay&Nia answered:"See ya."

*As soon as Emanuel walked out Ashay bumped Nia*



Nia:"Omg what?"

Ashay:"You do realize he's the most popular dude in school right?"

Nia:"Yeah, what of it?"

Ashay:"Really? Do you hear yourself right now... Nia, he could be your gateway to popularity. Everyone'll bow to you and your every need except me.. ill just be your hype man."

Nia:"You would exclude yourself wouldnt you heffa?"

Ashay:"Bih... fight me...hahahaha" *They laugh*

Nia:"Nah, but I dont want him for his reputaion in school... I just want him cause he's cute..."
Nia:"That AND it's my big chance to make ALL them wonky bitches at school mad asf YA-FEEL-MEHHH?"

Ashay:"YAAAAAAAAAAASSSSS!!!" *They dap*

*Back at home Xureila finally turned her phone back on, and she was surprised at how many texts and calls she's missed since the passing of her parents.Majority of them were from Magdalena so she decided to give her a call.*

*The phone rings:Burrrrb*




Magdalena:~omg you finally turned your phone back on...~

Xureila:"I know, I know... Im sorry."

Xureila:"I just didnt feel like being bothered after my parents death... ya'know?"

Magdalena:~yeah, but mamai.. you got people ova here askin if you're ever comin back or not.~

Xureila:"Im coming... I just took some time off is all.."

Magdale:~damn mami, you really sound bad... you need me to come cheer you up?~

Xureila:"No its okay, and besides you dont even know where I stay.. so how were you gonna get to me?"

Magdalena:~gimmie your address... ill come~

Xureila:"Alright, ill text it to you."

Magdalena:~alright, is there anything you want while im out?~

Xureila:"Some wings.... im hungry."

Magdalena:~i got'chu baby... see you when I get there.~





  1. Shit abt to hit the fan if Kendrick see Magdalena and Xurelia finds out she almost broke up her marriage nd i love Ashay too funny nd Manny fiiinnneee too yasss come thru season 2 😍😍😍😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😎😎😎😎😎😎
