Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Completely sad and depressed, Nia figured maybe a little shopping would lift her spirits.. So she barrowed her father's car and headed out to the mall.
While Nia was picking out some shoes, she noticed a pair that she havent seen on the shelf before; she had to have them so she nabbed the closest basket to her and stood up on it.
She reached as far as she could..before she knew it, the basket slipped right from up underneath her sending her falling flat on her ass with clothes falling all over the place.

(?):" Hey!!! Are you okay?" *A voice called*

(?):"Are you alright?!?" *The voice spoke again..The voice was sweet like chocolate, smooth as caramel, and yet warm like the sun.
Nia shook her fall off looking up at a hand out waiting to help her up, she looked up and there he stood.. This man was beautiful.... All Nia could do was stare at him in amazment *

Nia:"Y-..Yeah, fine.."

(?):"You sure?"

Nia:"Yeah, im good.. thank you"

(?):"No problem.. you gotta be careful back here, the employees wax these floors faithfully."

Nia:"No doubt.."

(?):"Here, lemme help you.."

*As he helps her onto her feet as Nia flipped her hair back looking him in his eyes.*

Nia:"Thank you"

(?):"You're welcome." *He stops for a second recognising who she was*

(?):"I know you..."

Nia:"You do?"

(?);"Yeah, we go to school together... I sit 4 rows behind you in math class"


(?):"Yeah..haha" *he chuckled*

(?):"Im surprised you dont remember me..I guess cause im quiet.."

Nia:"No.. I think I remember you now.. you're the one thats always wearing a hoodie over your head in class arent you? Ive seen everyone's face in that classroom but yours.. so you've gotta be him."

(?):"Yup... thats me."

Nia:"You really shouldnt wear one.."


Nia:"I mean.. look at'chu.. who'd hide that?"

*The mystery guy smiled the smoothest smile Nia's ever seen which made her blush, she flipped her hair back behind her ear as she looked away with her face flushed with embarrasment.*

(?):"Im a lil shy when it comes to people... kinda keep to myself."

Nia:"Ahh, so you're the more of the suffer in silence type?"

(?):"Yeah.. haha" *he chuckled again*

(?:"But not you... I know who you are, ive heard about you." *he smiles*

*Nia cringes*

Nia:"Good things I hope.."

*He sighs and looks down playfully*

(?):"Well not ALL good... but its whatever."

Nia:"You do know its all a bunch of lies right?!?" *she says forcfully*

(?):"Calm down... If it makes you feel any better, I dont believe any of it."

(?):"You seem pretty chilled to me."

*Nia sighs in relief*

Nia:"Well thank you, its actually nice meeting someone who believes me... Im not even thinkin about that.. my mind's more set on makeup.." *they laugh*

(?):"At least you have a drive, right?"

Nia:"Yeah... picked it up from my aunt. She's all into makeup and stuff."


Nia:"Yeah.. Shoes & all things fashion too haha.."

(?):"Cool. Well,since we're back on that subject.. can I ask what were you doin up there in the first place?"

Nia:"I uh...*she points upward* saw some heels on the top shelf that hiding that peaked my interest. I didnt see any employees around so I figured id get them down myself."



(?):"Well dont do that again... thats dangerous, and you coulda seriously hurt yourself."


Nia:"You work here?"

(?):"Naw, I just stop by for some things here and there from time to time. My dad owns the shop though."

Nia:"Your dad?!?"

(?):"Yeah, but please... dont tell anyone okay? I dont want everyone askin for discounts on sneakers and stuff." *they laugh*

(?):"Dad'll have my head if he found out im the reason why they askin..."

Nia:"Oh no...I lips are sealed"


Nia:"What do you mean?"

(?):"They way you paused... there's always somethin at the end of that."

Nia:"Weeeeeeeell.... I did just slip and fall.."*she hints*

(?):"You fell because you were standing ontop of an old basket tryin to get some heels that are out of stock, because you were too lazy to ask one of the employees about it."

Nia:"....touche." *they laughed again*

Nia:"You serious though?"


Nia:"The heels bein out of stock"

(?):"Yeah, we wont get another shipment till tuesday.. They sold so fast, we had to take the picture off the window & hide the ones thats were on display cause girls were comin in here by the handfuls askin about'em."


(?):"Tell me about it.."

(?):"Dad called askin me to help sell'em and I dont even work here.... But I DO pop in every now and then checkin up on things to make sure everything's goin accordingly."

Nia:" you're like a personal investigator, except everyone here already knows who you are, and that youll eventually pop up. They just dont know when."


Nia:"Well thats cool, im just a little saddend about the shoes... I really wanted them."

(?):"Its alright, ill be sure to stash a pair for you when they come, and ill let you know when they come out again..."

Nia:"Thank you." *she grinned*

(?):"No problem."

*Nia looks outside*


(?):"Whats wrong?"

Nia:"I told my dad that id have his car back to him before 10.."

*He looks at his watch reading 9:20*

(?):"Where do you live?"


(?):"Oh damn... yeah, you better go."

Nia:"Yeah, well thanks for everything.."

(?):"You're welcome"

*Nia starts to walk away and she stopped.. she turned back around and went back*


(?):"...." *He turns around to see Nia*

Nia:"Whats your name again?"

(?):"Quintin...... If you want, you can call me Q.^^"

*Nia smiled... she turned around, waved at him and left... before she got around the corner she yelled..*

Nia:"See ya around school..................Q"

Quintin:"See ya!" *he yelled back*

*Quintin walked up after her watching her leave....*

Quintin:".............Gaaaat-Damn!   <.<    >.>" *he looks around making sure no one saw*

*The next day at school while Nia was putting her books away Quintin came up*

Quintin:"Well well well...."

*Nia turns around*


*She hugged him*

Nia:"You're not wearin your hoodie..."

Quintin:"Well I figured id leave it at home since youd prefer me this way." *he smiled his charming smile*

*Nia blushed*

Nia:"You look great.."

Quintin:"Thanks, you look beautiful as always."

Nia:"Stop..." *She lightly taps him*

Quintin:"What.. you do. I know I dont say a lot, but I do give props where its due."

Nia:"Well thank you." *she smiles*

Nia:"You looking forward to the surprise project in class? Im not sure im ready... I hate surprises."

Quintin:"Please.. you're always ready. You got this, I believe in you."

Nia:"Thank you, do you have a partner?"

Quintin:"Nope... I was gonna let the teacher choose for me as always."

Nia:"Ill be your partner." *she volunteered*

Quintin:"You sure?"

Nia:"Yeah.... Ill just need a little help in some areas."

Quintin:"Got'chu.... alright."


Quintin:"Where you headed to after school?"

Nia:"Home, my mom got me babysitting since my aunt and uncle are outta town. My aunt's making a few appearances and then they're comin home."


Nia:"Yeah, she's a model..."


Nia:"Thanks, I wanna have all her fashion WITHOUT the modeling part..."

Quintin:"Hahah, why? Modeling seems like it'd be fun."

Nia:"Yeah, but thats her thing... I just wanna do makeup and look good."

Quintin:"Well you already got that packed down, so whats next?"

Nia:"Stooooop..." *She grins again*

Quintin:"Hahah, you do though... I dont know any guy who DOESNT look at you."

Nia:"............Sooooo does that mean you look at me too?"

*Quintin looks away, and takes a hard swallow turning beet red*

Quintin:"Aaaaaanywho...when are you free?"

*Nia bit down on her lip as she grinned like a ChessCat*

Nia:"Next week on thursday is when they get back."

Quintin:"Dang.... Next week?"


Quintin:"Meh... I can wait."

Nia:"What do you mean?"

Quintin:"Nothin, just wanna chill.. if thats okay."

Nia:"Yeah, id love to."

Quintin:"....You dont give your number out since you have a bf do you?"

Nia:"Not really out of respect, but we're barely talkin since he's bein an ass...So I dont see the harm."

Quintin:"Well could I uh-?" *He nervously asks..*



Nia:"See ya Q.." *She hugged him*

Quintin:"Imma call you.."

Nia:"Mmmhm... we'll see..."

*Later im the day Nia and Ashay were sitting outside talking about her incounter with Quintin.*

Ashay:"GURL!!! And you aint get his digits THEN??? Is you STUPID?!?"

Nia:"Hahahaha! No! I-... I dont know what I was thinkin....?"

Ashay:"Baby, you just wasnt THINKING at all..."

Nia:"Naw... you the one not thinkin with that outfit on..Girl you'll prolly get sent home lookin like that."

Ashay:"Fuck you bih, this is for my boo.."

Nia:"Whateverrrr!!! Bet'cho ass get sent home..."

Ashay:"Kiss my ass hahahaha... bet thy wont...but tell me more about Quintin..."

Nia:"He's really sweet... he seems hella nice, and come to find out he's in our 7th period"."


Nia:"Yeah, he's the one thats always wearing the hoodie in class.."

Ashay:"Who, no name?!?"

Nia:"Um.. I think so.. He's the one that sits 4 rows behind me in math class."

Ashay:"Thats no name..."

Ashay:"And you said he looks good???? THIS I gotta see."

Nia:"His eyes are ice grey too.. with a nice smile."

Ashay:"MM!..He sounds like he a whole package... pretty eyes and a nice smile to match?? Lawd!! I woulda hopped on that the second I could."

Nia:"Im not tryin to hop on anything..."

Ashay:"Im not talkin about that kinda hop chile!!! LAWD! hahaha"

Nia:"Oh... im sorry... Everyone get to talkin about sex and then im brought up."

Ashay:"Well dont worry, you should know im the ONLY one that can mess with you like that. Ill beat a bitch ass for fuckin witchu"

Nia:"I already know.. hahaha" *they laugh*

Nia:"Im just tired of all these lil girls lookin at me & treatin me the way they do like I wont say anything to'em... I hate this shit..Like I really wanna know who started that rumor... cause im tired of this mess." *she sighs*

Nia:"At least Q dont think of me that way... he believes me."

Ashay:"Hold up... Q?... Bitch yall got nicknames already??? MMMmmmhm.... you feelin him arent'chu?"

Nia:"No... he said I could call him that."

Ashay:"I call Bullshit..."

Nia:"No im serious... he said I could call him Q if I wanted, and I think Q's better."

Ashay:"Oh you do do you?"

Nia:"Shut up!"

Ashay:"......Diggin HIM.."

Nia:'Piss off... say what'chu want."

Ashay:"Oh im gonna... its my right."

Nia:"Fuck you. HAHAHAHAHA *They laugh*

*As they continued to talk, a young lady came outta no where*



Sky:"Arent you Nia?"

Nia:"Yeah, why? wassup?"

Sky:"Oh nun.. just wanted to see you for myself."

Nia:"The fuck's that supposed to mean?"

Sky:"Im Manny's sister.... I wanted to see the chick he claim he was with."

Nia:"Okay, whats it to you?"

Sky:"Its my brother, so um... its my business too. I just wanted to see you."

Nia:"Okay, so you see me.. Bye."

Sky:"Soooo is it true?.."


*Sky:"Did you really fuck Emanuel?"

Ashay:"Yo.. get the fuck outta my sisters face wit that, B."

Sky:"Ill leave when im ready, I wasnt done talkin..."

Nia:"Get the fuck outta my face..."

Sky:"Or what?"


Ashay:"AYE AYE AYYYE!!! NIA CHILL!!! You on your second strike before you go to ISS!! stop!"

Sky:"Mad? You better not touch me slut.. I heard all about you..."

Nia:"The fuck did you just call me???????" *Nia paused*



Ashay:"NIA!! NIAAA!!

*Ashay went to grab Nia, and before she knew it Nia slipped right through her grip clipping Sky with a right hook knocking her to the ground. Nia stomped her and Ashay grabbed her from behind*

Ashay:"NIA STOP!!! STOP!!!"

*Nia stomped her some more till Ashay finally got Nia off of her*
Ashay:"Nia get off of her!.. If you go to detention again you'll get ISS.... forget that bitch boo! She aint worth it!"


Ashay:"But I DO!..... I GIVE A FUCK!! Who the fuck imma hang wit if you go to ISS?!? Im already on my last one... Dont do as I better than this."

*Nia stopped hanging her head to the side as Ashay helped Sky up*

Ashay:"Here... get up"

*Ashay stops her in her tracks*

Ashay:"The only reason why im helpin yo ass out this time is because thats my sister, and I dont wanna see her get in trouble... You deserved that asswhoopoin tho, cause you had no business comin at her like that. But BELIEVE me when I say I woulda been all over that ass in two tweets had I not been on my last strike."

Ashay:"I woulda mopped this muthafuckuh witcho ass in a heartbeat cause I dont play that shit..Not bout mine... but since im tryin to be good, imma let'chu slide this ONE time..... And you better not say a gotdamn thing either. Ill know if you did cause you the only muthafuckuh back here besides us...So if she get detention because of this shit... BET ill know it was you, and I want you to rest assure that ill be comin for that ass."

Ashay:"I dont give a fuck that Manny's your brother, that right there is my SISTER and ill whoop a muthafuckuh's ass over her.... I dont give a fuck who he is or who you think you are.... and I damn sure dont have a problem fightin his ass either... fuck wit it if you want to. My address is 4790 Pine Street Ave. In Oasis Springs, im the last house on the corner...and ill have my vaseline and my sneakers ready when you are if thats the case.... "

*Sky wipes her mouth and shakes her head*

Ashay:"Then suck it up, and walk away......"

*Sky looked at Nia once more and left*
*Ashay looked at Nia and asked her to sit down*


Nia:"Im sorry..."

Ashay:"Dont be, that bitch had it comin. You stood up for yourself and im hella proud of you for that boo, but you gotta remember that we're on school grounds. EVERYTHING you say and do is held against you, and had I not asked her not to say anything you woulda had detention again fa sure."

*Nia looked up at her*

Nia:"You (ASKED) her?"

Ashay:".................Okay.. so I told her... But still. My point is, I dont want you to get in trouble over these bum ass bitches. Let'em hate."

Nia:"Im just so tired of it.... I havent done anything..."

Ashay:"I know, but its alright. We here together, you're not alone boo.... Im right here wit'chu."

*Nia looks off into the distance*

Ashay:"Whats on your mind?"


Ashay:"Bitch BYE.... fuck him."

Nia:"No im serious.... I cant get him outta my head."

Ashay:"Well maybe thats your soul tryin to tell you something."

Nia:"I really care about him Shay..."

Ashay:"I know, but right now he's actin like he dont care. And that speaks volume."


Ashay:"I dont care how angry a guy get at you, if they really care; they'd make it a point to contact you no matter what so yall could work it out. We're goin on 4 days you aint talk to him...... you leave him hella mssges and texts.... he shoulda replied by now. He dont care... PERIOD."

Ashay:"What'chu need to be doin is seein about Q.....nigga makes you blush just sayin his name."

Nia:"It does NOT."

Ashay:"And you a muthafuckin lie too."

Nia:"Fuck you heffa..." *They laugh and Nia sighs*

Nia:"Just need to figure out what imma do.."

*Ashay pulls Nia coser and rubs her arm*

Ashay:"I think you'll be just fine boo...."

Nia:"Think so?"

Ashay:"I know so sis.."

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