Monday, December 25, 2017

A couple days later, Nia and Ashay sat outside durring class break talking about all that's been going on and Ashay noticed that Nia kept smiling to the side.

Ashay:"Girl what's wrong with you?"

Nia:"What'chu mean?"

Ashay:"Meaning, whats got'chu cheesin like that? I dont ever think ive seen you smile that hard before."

Nia:"Oh.. Uh!... nothing.. why, what's up?"

Ashay:"You sure?"

Nia:"Yeah, I was just thinkin about Emanuel.."

Ashay:"BULLSHIT! You a lie..."

Nia:"How would you know?"

Ashay:"Bitch are yall even still together, cause I dont see his ass much anymore... I remember when yall couldnt stay away from each other for more than a couple min unless yall were goin to seprate classes."


Ashay:"You thinkin about Quintin ain'chu?"


Ashay:"Yo lyin ass..."

Nia:"Anywho.. I do still talk to Manny. Sometimes..."

Ashay:"Key word boo..."Sometimes...""

*Nia sucked her teeth*

Ashay:"Keep 100 boo... talk to me.. What's goin on wit'chu an Q?"

Nia:"Nothin... we're just friends.."

Ashay:"Mmmmhm... ight... whateva helps you sleep at night."

Nia:"Fuck you bih.."

Ashay:"After you kiss my ass.." *They laugh*

Ashay:"Nah but really, whens the last time that you saw or even talked to Manny?"

Nia:"I know that I saw him a couple nights ago, but when we spoke it was like he missed me but didnt really wanna say much......"

Ashay:"You think he cheatin?"

Nia:"I hope not..."

Ashay:"Well whatever the case, im sure that itll all be alright. Yall just need to talk it out.

Nia:"Ill be lucky if I even get a couple min with him.."

Ashay:"You want me to talk to him for you?"


Ashay:"Why not?"

Nia:"Girl, if I let you talk to him I prolly wont see his ass again."

Ashay:"Well then I suggest you hurry and talk to him.... or I will. And you know it wont be pretty."

Nia:"Yeah-yeah...I know."

Ashay:"Alright, as long as you know... well your other friend wanted me to tell you hey."


Ashay:"You know who im talkin about..... That mousey lookin bitch in ISS."

Nia:"Who, AlizΓ©e?"

Ashay:"Yeah... her. She told me to tell you hi."

Nia:"Oh.. well hello."

Ashay:"She almost got cussed out too.."

Nia:"Why, what happened?"

Ashay:"She pulled my arm passin me in the hallway, and stopped me like she know me like that. You know I dont like everybody n they mama touchin on me. ESPECIALLY when I dont even know you."

Nia:"Im sorry.. I saw her yesterday when I was leaving,I didnt even get a chance to say hey to her."

Ashay:"Oh yeah, your dad picks you up right?"



Nia:"Shut up..."

*They talked and talked, till that sweet and warm voice spoke again.*

Quintin:"Hey ladies............Nia." *He smiles*

*Nia turns towards him as fast as she could as Ashay looked over her shoulder.*

Nia:"Q!" *She hugged him tightly*

Quintin:"Did you get my last text?"

Nia:"......No, I didnt.. im sorry. I got carried away talkin to Shay."

*Quintin looks over as their eyes met.*

Quintin:"Hi, how are you?"

Ashay:"Im fine...." *she stares at him in amazment*

Ashay:"So you're Q, huh?"

Quintin:"Yeah, I take it Nia's been talkin about me?"

Ashay:"She doesnt shut up about you actually.."


*Quintin grins flashing his charming smile to the side*

*Ashay checks him out*

Ashay:"Mmm, not bad boo... he's fine."

Nia:"Oh my god... SHAY... Shut the fuck up!"

*Quintin laughs*

Quintin:"I didnt mean to interrupt your conversation.. I was just tryin to see if you got my last text."

*Nia checks it out.*

Nia:"Im not sure yet..."

Quintin:"Well does this mean that I can?"

*Ashay looks puzzeled, Quintin steps to her and says..*

Quintin:"I really didnt mean to crash your convo... I thought she  might've been over here by herself."

Ashay:"Nah, you good..... BUT there's a question I wanna ask.."

Quintin:"Sure, whats up?"

Ashay:"Are you.........(No Name)?"

Quintin:".........................." *he puts his head down*

Quintin:"Yeah... I am" *he looks at her*



Quintin:"Its alright hahaha... Im quiet because im not really a people person. "

Ashay:"You damn sure look like you are.."

Quintin:"hahaha.... im not."

*Ashay steps closer*

Ashay:"Y'know... you look hella familiar tho. Like Ive seen you somewhere before."

Quintin:"Where at?"

Ashay:"Im not sure where, but your eyes.... I remember seein them before, I just dont remember where."

Quintin:"You sure? Im sure there's many other people out here with my kinda eyes.."

Ashay:"Ive got great memory love, believe me when I say that ive seen you somewhere before.... I just cant remember where at this moment."

*Nia clears her throat*

AShay:"Oh im sorry boo... here..*she grabs her things*.. imma go. I gotta go get my books outta my locker anyway, so ill just see you later."


Ashay:"Love you!" *they hug*

Nia:"Love you more."

*After Ashay left Nia looked at Quintin in total confusion*


Nia:"Nothin... im just kinda wonderin what the hell all of that was about."

Quintin:"Oh im not even sure, cause I keep to myself. I really dont hang with people like that. You're honestly the only person ive let into my circle since I was in middle school"


Quintin:"Yeah, but what what do you say?"

Nia:About what?"

Quintin:"My proposal.."

Nia:"OH!... Uhhhh-

Quintin:"C'mon, I promise we wont be gone long."

Nia:"Im not sure Quintin, ive never skipped class before."

Quintin:"Its just 1 period.... just 1. You wont even be missed."

Nia:"I have perfect attendance......"

Quintin:"Oh yeah, forgot about that. Well it wont be long."

*Quintin looked at her holding her beauty in his eyes as he took her hand*

Nia:"Okay.... just this ONE time, because im not making this a habbit. If my dad found out, he'd kill me."

Quintin:"You wont, I promise... And plus.. we're just goin to the park."

*He takes her hand leading her to his Jeep*

Nia:"Wow, You drive?"

Quintin:"Yeah, what'chu thought I did? Take the bus?"

Nia:"No..... more like rode a bike."

Quintin:"Hahaha, no!...this was my birthday gift from my dad."

*He unlocks the door, and opens it up for her with his hand out*

Quintin:"After you.."

Nia:"So where are we going again?"

Quintin:"The park.."

*Nia and Quintin talked and talked, and the more that they sat with each other, the more they both realized how much they had in common. She was floored when she realized that his favorite rapper is none other than "Profetic" which happend to be her favorite rapper as well. Profetic is an aspiring young male rap artist, who's been living his life as a normal teenager in public schools just as they were. His mother left when he was just a baby, and remarried not knowing what their lives had in store for them in the near future. Profetic's father is now a retired 3 Ring NBA Champ who now owns hundreds of businesses world wide selling his own brand of kicks, and is invested in other stock businesses to promote his clothing lines as his son studies hard in school, and does music on the side.*

Nia:"I cant believe you have all his records.. my mom doesnt like him, she thinks all he raps about is ass and money. Her words, I swear." *they laugh*

Quintin:"Yeah, I have some other cd's of his if you want'em"



Nia:"Omg! Thank you!"

Quintin:"You're welcome" *he smiles at her*

Quintin:"Nia... can I ask you something?"

Nia:"Sure, what's up?"

Quintin:"Well please dont take offense, but ive just been thinking lately why you're even with this clown...he dosent treat you right."

Nia:"Who, Manny?"

Quintin:"Yeah... I mean... you're an awesome person, you should be treated way better than this."

Nia:"Well thank you, but im not sure what's goin on with him. He's just been emotionally at odds with me for whatever reasons."

Quintin:"Do you think its something that you could've said?"

Nia:"No.....well... im not sure. Im usually careful of what I do and say around him, because he's hella sensitive."

Quintin:"Oooooh I get it... well if I were him, id treat you better. You're deserving of it."

*Not too long after he heard Nia's stomach growl*

Quintin:"Ya hungry?"

Nia:"No, not really.."

Quintin:"You're stomach says otherwise..."

*Nia blushed*

Nia:"......Maybe a little."

*Quintin looks at his watch*

Quintin:"Well its about lunch time back at school... why dont you let me buy you lunch."

*Nia looked him in his eyes*

Nia:"Q..... is this your way of asking me out on a date?"

Quintin:"No- but it can be if you want it to be."

*Nia bit down on her lip as she looked away*

Nia:"I have a boyfriend Quintin.." *she said convincingly*

Quintin:"Well we can still go as friends if you'd like.... *he takes her by the hand as they get up together* I dont wanna push you into anything you dont wanna do."

Nia:"Well thank you... id like it if we went as friends."

Quintin:"Sure thing."

*They hopped in the car and set off to the nearest restaurant where they ate enjoying each other's company until Quintin saw the clock.*

Quintin:"Aw damn!"


Quintin:"We're finna be late for our next class..."


Quintin:"I got this, you go ahead and head to the car.. ill be right there"


*Nia ran to the car as Quintin got the waitress's attention..Nia saw how she came up to Quintin. She saw how he put a few bills on the table, Sign a piece of paper, and how she looked when she saw him.. but the one thing that stood out was how she hugged him after he gave her the paper.*

*Quintin comes towards the car and Nia steps up to him*


Quintin:"What's wrong?"

Nia:"Is that your girlfriend?"

Quintin:"No, she's just a waitress"

Nia:"What did you give her on that paper? I saw how she hugged you... is she a close friend or something?"

Quintin:"No! hahaha No, she's none of that.. I just gave her a tip and signed off on it."

Nia:"But you paid with cash...that didnt look like enough to give her a tip."

Quintin:"Nia relax... I paid for our food with my debit, and I gave her a tip for treating us well....thats all."

Nia:"Q a $29 dollar tip seems like a bit much, dont'chu think?.."

Quintin:"You'd be surprised what they get paid doin these kinda jobs...Most of them live off their tips.. never judge a book by its cover."

*Nia hung her head*

Nia:"Im so sorry.... I dont know what I was thinking.."

Quintin:"Its alright, c'mon.. we're finna be late."

*They hopped in the car and drove back to school in time for their next class, after school ended Nia saw Quintin walking towards his car*

Nia:"Q!" *she yelled*

*Quintin turned around to see Nia running in his direction*

Nia:"I just wanted to thank you again for today... it was great, I really enjoyed myself."

*she pulled her hair behind her ear*

Quintin:"Anytime....." *he paused for a second.*

Quintin:"Hey..where's your dad? He's usually here to get you by now"

Nia:"I guess he's late again.."

Quintin:".........Well hop in, ill take you home."

Nia:"You sure?"

Quintin:"Yeah.. Id feel better knowin you were home safely rather than risk you being out here by yourself when it gets dark, im sure your dad'll understand."

*Quintin dropped Nia off home where she went inside to find kendrick passed out on the couch next to Cole with a note beside him reading:(Dont forget to get Nia after school!) written on it in Xureila's handwriting. Nia chuckels as she crumples the paper up and throws it away. She got something to eat and did her homework right after...She made sure all her chores were done, took a hot shower, and plopped on her bed calling Ashay.*

*the phone rings:Buuuurb....buuuuurb....buuurb*


Nia:"I know-I know... calm down, im fine."

Ashay:~I didnt ask if you were fine, i asked where the fuck you've been.... here i am thinkin imma see you for lunch and you were no where to be found.. had me up there lookin all lonesome and whatnot..~

Nia:"I know. im sorry.... Quintin took me out to eat."


Nia:"Girl YESSSS!!! He took took me to the park, we talked, we listened to music, we joked, we played, and then he took me out to eat before the other subjects started."

Ashay:~WOW! So he tryin to ease into them pannies, huh?~

Nia:"Nah, he doesnt seem like that."

Ashay:~Mmmmmhm... I say he is.~

Nia:"Hahaha, whateva.." *Nia's phone buzzes*

*Nia checks her phone to see None other than Manny calling, so she let out a huge sigh*

Ashay:~whats wrong?~

Nia:"Its Manny..."

Ashay:~well maybe this could be your chance to FINALLY patch things up between you two."

Nia:"Yeah... maybe... Hold on." *she clicks over*


Manny:~yo who the fuck you got in a car with today at school?!?~






*Nia clicks back over to Ashay*



*Nia sighs heavily*

Ashay:~uh-oh...what happened?~

Nia:"This nigga over here thinkin he's just gonna call my phone after HOW LONG I havent seen or talked to him... askin me who I got in that car with today..... like really?!? You're not even around me to be my boyfriend like that, but'chu steady holdin onto the boyfriend privileges like you neva left.... WTF.... WTF....HOW DARE HE?!?"

Ashay:~Yeah, you been aroud me too long..~

Nia:"I mean, how.... what makes him think he could just come out of the blue like that?? actin like he owns me...."

Ashay:~Dont worry bout him boo... I got'chu.~

Nia:"Nah... I wanna see about him myself, but he needs to learn how to talk to me cause that shit right there dont fly!"

Ashay:~I know. he'll learn one day, cause you dont do a good woman wrong."

Nia:"I know!... UGH!!!"

Ashay:~Well if it'll put you in a better mood I saw your friend again... the AlizΓ©e chick.~

Nia:"Oh yeah, what she say?"

Ashay:~Nothin really, she wanted me to tell you that she said hi again. I told her that I didnt know where you were, we got to talkin, and she gave me her number to text her when I saw you next.~

Nia:"Aww okay, see... she's not that bad."

Ashay:~I guess not...she kinda remind me of myself when I was younger.... dumb, reckless, didnt give a fuck..~

Nia:"You STILL dont give a fuck, what'chu talkin about? hahaha" *They laughed*


*Xureila comes home from work and notices Nia's bedroom light on*


Nia:"YES MA'AM!"

Xureila:"I LOVE YOU!"



Nia:"You already know..."

Ashay:~aw, alright... ill call you tomorrow.~

Nia:"Alright boo... goodnight"



  1. ❤❤❤❤ and dont Manny know he will get these hands? πŸ‘ŠπŸΎπŸ‘ŠπŸΎπŸ‘ŠπŸΎπŸ‘ŠπŸΎπŸ‘‹πŸΎπŸ‘ŠπŸΎπŸ‘‹πŸΎπŸ‘ŠπŸΎπŸ‘‹πŸΎπŸ‘ŠπŸΎπŸ‘‹πŸΎπŸ‘‹πŸΎ
