Tuesday, January 2, 2018

For months Nia and Manny struggled with their relationship, during school Manny would act like Nia was his world...but when everyone went home things would change and so over time Nia learned to paint on a smile and go with it.
She cried so many times she lost count, and all Xureila could do was watch.. Nia wouldnt let her in, but hoped one day that she would.
Dont get it twisted, Nia loves Manny.... but the question was... Does he really love her?..
The next night Nia tried calling Manny yet again but same as always..there was no answer.
A text came in from Manny (ill call you back, ma's got me busy right now..) Nia waited and waited till she fell asleep waiting for a call that would never come. 
The next morning, Nia got a call but it wasnt from Manny...
She looked at the name and it read (TeddyBear), None other than Q himself..She quickly sat up, cleared her throat and answered...


Quintin:~goodmorning beautiful, what'cha doin today?~

*Nia smiles hard as she could without trying*

Nia:"Nothin really, just woke up... what'chu doin up so early in the morning? Its  a saturday..."

Quintin:~yeeeeah, but i figured id go get something to eat for breakfast and-~

*Nia pulls the phone closer to her ear bitting down on her bottom lip softly and impatiently asks.*


Quintin:~...i was kinda hoping you'd come with me.."

*she paused for a second as Quintin continued*

Quintin:~....look, i know that you've been goin through a lot lately and im just tryin to make you smile. so i figured what would it hurt to ask..~

*Nia blushed without realizing it and softly answered...*


Quintin:~so you'll go?~

Nia:"Yeah, why not.. I dont see why I cant."

Quintin:~cool... im on my way,  so get ready..~

Nia:"I will.." *she grined slightly*

Quintin:~alright, see ya in a bit.~

Nia:"Okay.. bye"


*She held the phone close to her chest for a second as she took a breath, and right before she could put the phone down she got a text from Q reading..*

Q:~Where something casual~ 

*She grinned and texted back*


*Nia ran through the shower, lotioned, powdered, perfumed, and made herself up with minutes to spare and just as she was grabbing something to drink Xureila stopped her*

Xureila:"Ooo you smell good, where are you in a rush to?"

Nia:"Oh a friend's coming to get me soon.. he's taking me out to eat."

Xureila:"A friend huh?"

Nia:"Yes ma'am.."

Xureila:"How long have you known this friend?"

Nia:"A few months.."

Xureila:"And this is the first time im hearing about him?!"

Nia:"Mama please... he's nice....And you know how daddy is with guys so please dont be too loud."

Xureila:"Whats his name?"

Nia:"Mama!..." *she whined*

Xureila:"What-is-his-name Nia?.. dont make me ask you again.."

*Nia sighs*


Xureila:"Quintin what?"

Nia:"Quintin Masters..."

Xureila:"He goes to your school?"

Nia:"Yes ma'am.. we're in a couple classes together."

Xureila:"Alright.. I need to meet him. If he's gonna see you, I gotta lay my eyes on him."

Nia:"We're just friends mama.."

Xureila:"I dont care... I still need to see him."

Nia:"Yes ma'am."

Xureila:"Is he your average friend with glasses, dorky name, skrawny, or fat boy with a mother that loves to feed him all the time kinda friend?, or is he a my daddy and uncle be packin so dont fuck up type of friend?"

Nia:"MA!! Omg... I cant with you..."

Xuerila:"Well?? which one is he?"

Nia:"Do I have to answer that NOW?"

Xuerila:"Yes! I need an answer, cause if your father asks I need to know what to tell'em."


*Before Nia could finish her sentence there was a knock at the door*

Nia:"Bye mama, thats him I gotta go.." *she hugged her*

Xureila:"Alright baby... please be safe!"

Nia:"I will!"

*Nia ran outside and down the steps as fast as she could*

Nia:"Q!" *she hugged him tightly*

Quintin:"Hey! Wow.. you look beautiful as always" *he smiled*

Nia:"Thank you.. you dont look so bad yourself."

Quintin:"Oh this old thing?? Im gonna change it before we get there"

Nia:"Why? You look great." *she said with a smile*

Quintin:"Cause I comin from my great aunt's house... I help out with her from time to time on the weekends, and I feel like I smell like stale crackers and peppermints.." *they laugh*


Quintin:"You ready?"

Nia:"Like you wouldnt believe..."

Quintin:"Lets go.."

*Once they stopped at the restaurant Nia kinda picked up on the waitress's vibe towards Quintin. He's not hers and she's already spoken for so she couldnt say anything..*

Waitress:"Hello! Im Carla, ill be waiting your table this morning.."

*She looked at Quintin*

Carla:"What can I get for you and your friend today sir?" *she rolled her neck looking at Nia*

*Nia softly chuckled as she slightly hung her head, bit down on her tongue and curled her lips in trying her best not to let that ruin her morning*

*Quintin looked at Nia's expression, tapped her foot under the table making her look up at him and said..*

Quintin:"I think ill let my "Girlfriend" do the honors.." he gestured towards Nia lowkey" *she grinned*

Quintin:"Go head baby.."

*The waitress's mouth flew open and a rush of apologies came spewing out*

Carla:"I am so sorry..."

Nia:"No... Its alright.."

Carla:"No its not... im so sorry."

Nia:"Oh but it is... its okay.."

Carla:"Okay..well what will you have ma'am?"

Nia:"Why dont you ask my boyfriend first since you were just all up in his face a few moments ago.."

Carla:"Im sorry..." *she turned to Quintin*

Carla:"Sir? What will have?"

Quintin:"Well ill have your bacon, egg, and cheese omelette and an orange juice..." *he looked at Nia*

Quintin:"What do you want babe?"

Nia:"Ill have the 3 berry french toast with a fizzy fruit drink.."

Carla:"Yes ma'am...right away."

*They laughed as soon as she was out of sight*

Nia:"I cant believe she did that!"

Quintin:"I know right?"

Nia:"Oh my god she was so ruuuude!"

Quintin:"I know.. thats why I did that."

Nia:"Thank you... "

Quintin:"You're more than welcome, sometimes you gotta put these girls in check... you know they look for bigger tips when they flirt right?"

Nia:"Not at first, but I do now... thats ridiculous.... trading your diginity for bigger tips.. im shakin my head at that girl.."

Quintin:"Yeah I know... its all good tho, cause she'll be pickin her face up for a while till we leave."

Nia:"I know thats right"

*The waitress comes back with their food*

Carla:"Here you go..enjoy"

*They thanked her as she set their food down*

Carla:"Is there anything else I can do for you all?"

Nia:"No.. but the next time you make goo-goo eyes at my man like that again, youll be picking them up from off the ground"

Carla:"Yes ma'am.. again..Im very sorry.."

Nia:"Its fine.. thank you."

Carla:"You're welcome."

*Carla leaves*


Nia:"Omg it felt so good stickin it back in her face"

Quintin:"C'mon... let eat"

*When they got done Quintin was checking his phone and Nia took notice*

Nia:"Your real girlfriend?"

Quintin:"Haha, you wish..."

Quintin:"Nah, but I wanna ask you a question tho.."


Quintin:"Wana go to the park?"

*Nia looked at him in confusion*

*He smiled*

Nia:"Quintin, what are you talkin about?"

Quintin:"I wanna take you out.."

Nia:"But you already took me out.. we're here remember?"

Quintin:"I know that, but I wanna take you out to the park."

Nia:I told my mom that you only wanted to take me out to eat... "

Quintin:"C'mon... tell her that there's somewhere else I wanna take you."

Nia:"Im not sure she'll let me.... she barely let me out the house this time around."

Quintin:"Please... Tell her ill have you home by 10 the latest... I promise to be a gentleman, and I promise not to try anything."

Nia:"10? Boy, what do you have planned?"

Quintin:"You'll see, just tell her I wanna take you to the park and maybe to see a movie if you want."

Nia:"Okay, ill try... but I doubt she'll say yes.."

*Nia get's on the phone and calls Xureila, and when she got off the phone Nia's expression was unreadable*



Quintin:"What did she say?"

Nia:"She said Yes..."

Quintin:"Is that a bad thing?"

Nia:"No, why'd you ask that?"

Quintin:"Cause of the face you're making..."

Nia:"Oh im sorry..." *she shook it off*

Nia:"I was for sure she'd say no, but she said okay... no later than 10:30 because my dad comes home around 11 and she doesnt feel like arguin with him about me bein out with a boy that late.."


Nia:"Oh. And to make sure that I have my pepper spray at hand at all times since she hasnt hasnt met you yet."


Nia:"Im sorry, she's just a mother doin what mothers do I guess.."

Quintin:"No-no..its okay, but I wont try anything... I swear."

Nia:"No, I know that. That's why I left it at home. I trust you."

Quintin:"Good.. so, you ready to go?"

Nia:"Yeah, but I dont wanna go to Magnolia Blossom.."

Quintin:"Why not?"

Nia:"I mean.. yeah its pretty and all, but there's hobo's and rapists out there..."

Quintin:"I wouldnt let anyone harm you, but ill make note of that."

Nia:"Thank you.."

Quintin:"You're welcome.. C'mon.."

*After almost an hour of driving Nia asked Quintin where they were going, little did she know that he was takin her to a theme park where they'd ride every ride there was to be ridden, go all the places they could go, and see every site there was to see. Nia was having the time of her life, but after a while Nia started thinking about Manny again.. and Quintin saw the look on her face so he sat her down at a nearby bench.*

Quintin:"Hey...whats wrong?"


Quintin:"No, tell me..really.. whats wrong? You were just over there cheesing like a chesscat a few minutes ago with cotton candy all in your mouth, now your frowning looking like you lost your best friend.."


*Nia sighed and looked away, Quintin took a deep breath and sat closer..*

Quintin:"Its him isnt it?"

Nia:"......Is it that obvious?"


Nia:"Look, im sorry okay. Ive been trying to make sense of everything thats going on between us, and nothing seems to add up. I mean.. I try and I try and it seems like nothing I do works. Sometimes I feel like he loves me, then I feel like he doesnt... he'll hug and kiss on me one minute and then the next it'd be like we were at odds forever. Am I doing something wrong?? I just never know with him.. everything seems like a big mystery to me. Its kinda like he only wanna be bothered with me when everyone's around or something... I dont get it."

Quintin:"Did you talk to him about it?"

Nia:"Yeah... but all he says is that he's busy with practice,he's studying, or his mom or dad's got him doin something... its always something...he never has time for me anymore.."

Quintin:"Well maybe you need to check him lowkey, cause any man that claims he want'chu like that would MAKE time for you. You shouldnt have to ask for it."

Nia:"I know.."

Quintin:"Y'know what, its all good.. cause you're out here with me, and you're having fun from what I can see."

*Nia pouted and looked away again, Quintin thought fast and put his fingers up to his head like a bull with horns and made a weird face asking..*

Quintin:"Why so serioussss....."

*Nia looked and busted out laughing*

Nia:"Alright Joker......alright. Im good."

Quintin:"There she go.. hey, you hungry?"

Nia:"Nah, im kinda full on cotton candy.."

Quintin:"Ah... feel you. Well.. lets go catch that movie then."

Nia:"Sounds good to me.."

*The second they got up Nia wrapped her arms around Quintin thanking him for cheering her up, Quintin wrapped his arms back around her and said..*

Quintin:"You're welcome..

*And off to the theater it was, but this wasnt an ordinary theater... this one has a formally casual restaurant inside of it. Upon their arrival, Quintin respectfully got the host's attention*

Host:"Hello sir, how can I help you this evening? Table for two?"

Quintin:"Oh no madam, we're just here for a movie.."

Host:"Oh okay, no problem.. what movie would you like to see?"

Quintin:" what about "Diamonds are for sims?" *he asked as he nudged Nia*

Nia:"Ew... I hate chick flicks..."

Quintin:"Well, what'chu wanna watch? Its your night"

Nia:"How bout Roaring Vice?"

Quintin:".........Sweet." *thinking to himself "my kinda woman"*

*Quintin pays for the tickets and they settle in their seats, during the movie they had some laughs, a couple of cries, and the movie turned out to be a success, but later on in the movie, Quintin kept feeling a slite tug on his jacket so he turned to Nia*

Quintin:"Whats wrong?"

Nia:"...." *she looked away*

Quintin:"You cold? You want my jacket?"


Quintin:"Well tell me what'chu need and ill get it for you.." *he looked in her eyes*

*The second Nia went to say it her stomach growled and she blushed with embarrassment*

Quintin:"Oh you're hungry..."


Quintin:"No, dont be... I dont mind at all.. C'mon, ill get'chu something."

*So they came out, and went back to the front desk where Quintin asked for a table on the other side for two, they were seated and they ordered their food, before they knew it the waiter came back around and they were eatting in no time. Around this time it was rolling on 9 and he had less than an hr to get her home before 10*

Quintin:"Oooo C'mon, I gotta get'chu home..."


Quintin:"Yeah, I dont wanna be late.. a promise is a promise."

Nia:"I guess.."

Quintin:"C'mon, dont be like that...we had fun all day and you really enjoyed yourself didnt'chu?"

Nia:"You know I did.."

Quintin:"Alright then... dont worry, theres always next time... im not goin anywhere."

*Nia smiled and he hugged her tight before opening up the car door for her to get in, when they reached Nia's house he hopped out and opened the door for her again helping her out of the car*

Nia:"You know I can do this myself right?"

Quintin:"Yeah, but id prefer to do it..my dad raised me that way."

Nia:"I understand.." *She sighed and looked at her house*

Nia:"Well I guess this is me.."

Quintin:"Yeah, it is.."

Nia:"Will you call me tomorrow?"

Quintin:"Yeah, of course.."

Nia:"Alrighty.... goodnight Quintin, and thank you again for today.. I really needed it."

Quintin:"The pleasures always mine beautiful..Goodnight."

Nia:"Call me so ill know you made it home safely okay?"

Quintin:"I promise."

*Quintin makes sure that Nia's in safely, and Nia watches him drive off exhaling slowly*

Xureila:"So that's Quintin?" *she startles Nia*

Nia:"MOM!" *she jumped*

Nia:"Geez, you scared me.."

Xureila:"Im sorry baby, welcome home."

Nia:"Thank you." *they hugged*

Xureila:"I take it that you enjoyed yourself...cause you're cheesin like a damn chesscat."


Xureila:"Mhhm... and he seems like the my daddy and uncle gotta glock waitin on that ass if you fuck up type-a guy if you ask me."

Nia:"MA really? ..........oh my gosh.."

Xureila:"Did you have your pepper spray?

Nia:"Yes mama"

Xureila:"Alright..so thats your friend Quintin huh? *she asked again*


Xureila:"He's a cutie..."

Nia:"Mom really?"

Xureila:"What? he is, and you seem pretty into him.."

Nia:"Im not...we're just friends.. he knows that."

Xureila:"Mmhm, but do YOU know that???" *xureila hints at nia*

Nia:"Goodnight mama..." *Nia walked away avoiding the question*

Xureial:"Goodnight baby hahaa"

*Nia shuts her room door and Xureila says to herself*

Xureila:"Just friends huh.................................so she says."

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