Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Sunday morning Nia came home from Ashay's, as she was walking up the steps she noticed two gift bags with her name on them.
She looked through them and saw that there was a card that read..(To:Nia Hello beautiful. I havent been able to get you out of my head since that night, ever since the day we met ive always felt the way that I still feel for you today...I just needed to know if our feelings were the same for each other. Now that I know that they are, I wanna do something extra special for you.. Inside there's a little something that I hope you like, I want you to get ready and be ready by 7:00pm sharp. Ive made reservations, and I want you to look your absolute best. Inside is also directions to a Five Star Hair Salon that im sure you'd like... there are cosmetologists ready for your arrival and will give you anything you ask for. Dont worry about the cost.. its paid for, just give the front desk your name and they'll take it from there. I cant wait to see you.. Enjoy and Ill see you later tonight.   -Q)
Nia smiled hard but was still confused in the same breath, she grabbed the bags and headed inside.

Xureila:"Hey baby... you enjoyed your stay?"

Nia:"Yes ma'am"

Xureila:"Now...Can I ask what made you act so funny friday night?? you were acting really weird.."


Xureila:"Well....what happened?"

*Nia looked around guiltily*

Xureila:"Well.....spit it out... was it that boy? Did Quintin do something to you?!?"

Nia:"NO MA.... no! Quintin didnt do anything......"

Xureila:"Then what is it? 'Cause I can tell something happened, I just dont know what."

Nia:"Its something I did ma.."

Nia:"Yes ma'am..."

Xureila:"Well what did you do?"

Nia:"I kissed him.."

Xureila:"You-you did what?"

Nia:"I kissed him... I kissed Quintin"

Xureila:"How'd you do that?"

Nia:"Well we were sitting the couch playing the game, and the next thing I know... we're kissing. But I made the first move. Quintin didnt even expect it..."

Xureila:"What did he do?"

Nia:"He consoled me when I started apologizing and he kissed me back.......it was crazy...like...thats all we could do. Like we were stuck there in that moment...Then he got up, went towards the door, kissed me again, and left. I didnt know what happened..all I know is that it just happened."

*Xureila looked at Nia*

Xureila:"How'd you feel after he kissed you?"

*Nia a deep breath while she was looking around*

Nia:"Mom... I dont think I can tell you that..."

Xureila:"Oh c'mon.. im your mother..its just me.."

Nia:"Yeah, just a mother married to an overprotective father that wouldnt approve of anything with male genitalia to come within 20 feet of me."

Xureila:"Oh stop it, your fathers not that bad.."

Nia:"Mom.... thats your husband... im the daughter....HIS Daughter... there's a HUGE difference."

Xureila:"Okay.." *she sighed*

Xureila:"Well if I know you like I think I do, I know how you felt....."

Nia:"Yeah, and hows that?"

Xureila:"Like you were being taken away, swept off your feet, washed with love from head to toe, you knew it was wrong but you just couldnt stop....that kinda thing."


*Nia sighed*

Nia:"I didnt want him to stop... it just felt so right mama..."

Xureila:"Sounds like when your father and I started dating. Your grandfather didnt like him at all.."


Xureila:"Mmmhm...baby, what you gotta understand is that your father went through a lot because of me... he loved me enough to go through that mess..... I cant tell you some of the crap he endured, but what I can tell you is that he got the utter crap kicked outta him because of me, and your father STILL stayed with me."

Nia:"What?!?" *Nia said shocked*

Nia:"Why would Pawpaw beat up daddy?"

Xureila:"You really wanna know?"

Nia:"Yeah, why?"

Xureila:"Beacuse he found out your father and I were sexually active."

*Nia hung her head*

Nia:"Ughhh Mom!! I dont wanna hear that!"

Xureila:"Well im sayin it because I know what you're feeling right now, and I want you to be aware of the things that can happen baby.... Mommy wouldnt tell you anything that she hasnt already been through.    

Nia:"Wow! You serious?"

Xureila:"Mhm! But yeah... thats all I wanna tell you."

*Xureila noticed the bags*

Xureila:"Those yours?"

Nia:"What the bags?"


Nia:"Yes ma'am, Quintin got them for me"

Xureila:"Quintin?!?....what'd he get you?"

Nia:"A dress, some shoes, and directions to a salon...he's taking me out again."

Xureila:"Wonder what he wants for it.."

Nia:"I dont think he wants anything mama.... if that's the case he been woulda tried."

Xureila:"True.... but you never know so be careful.."

Nia:"Always... So imma go get myself situated, clean up, and start getting ready cause he'll be picking me around 6:30-7:00."

Xureila:"Alrighty baby..."


*Xureila hugs Nia tightly*

Xureila:"I look out for you like I do because not only are you my only child, but you're also my only daughter. Men will use you in a heartbeat and I just want you to safe at all times okay?"

Nia:"Yes ma'am.."

Xureila:"Im not saying that Quintin's a bad guy baby, he seems really sweet to me so far and you really seem to like him... I just dont wanna see you get hurt anymore than you have been."

Nia:"You know?"

Xureila:"Im your mother Nia.... I dont say much, but mommy notices-Everything."

Nia:"...Does this mean that I can go?"

Xureila:"Yes..but be careful"

Nia:"I will... thank you!"

Xureila:"You're welcome, but imma have a little word with him because I dont like he's taking you out, and not asking me... Yes you're the one he asked out, but im your parent... he needs to ask me first."

Nia:"Yes ma'am."

*Nia goes in the room and gets right on the phone... her stomach turns as she grew nervous for Quintin to pick up*


Quintin:~hey beautiful..~

Nia:"Hey.. I got your gifts.."

Quintin:~good, im glad.... how was your weekend?~

Nia:"It was good, I stayed with Shay.."

Quintin:~oh okay, y'know i havent really been able to get you out my head lately since our kiss~



Nia:"I've thought about you too..."

Quintin:~oh yeah?"


Quintin:~what about me, beautiful?~

Nia:"Everything... I miss you."

*Quintin checkles softly*

Quintin:~im missin you too..~

*Nia bites her lip as she pressed her cheek up against the phone*

Nia:"Im sure you do, but we cant talk too long cause ive got a few things I gotta do before I start getting ready...so imma see you when you get here, okay?"

Quintin:~yes ma'am..~

Nia:"Alrighty..see you when you get here"

Quintin:~alright...bye beautiful~


*6:40 there was a knock on the door, Xureila get's up from the couch to see Quintin standing there*

Xureila:"Hey love, how are you?"

Quintin:"Hey Mrs.Becham, im doin great.. just here to pick Nia up"

Xureila:"Oh yeah, where ya goin?"

Quintin:"Yes ma'am, im taking her to this restaurant that I found a little while back. Its really nice, I just havent had the pleasure of eatting there yet so I figured id take Nia out and we'd experience it together"


Quintin:"Yes ma'am"

Xureila:"Speaking of which... lemme put a bug in your ear son..."

*Xureila lowers her voice so only Quintin could hear her*

Xureila:"I understand that you really like my daughter and all, but the next you take my daughter out without my concent...we're gonna have a problem okay?"

Quintin:"Yes ma'am!... im so sorry, I meant no harm"

Xureila:"I know... im just saying for future references...Dont do that again... you wanna take my daughter out, you need to ask me first. Im her mother, and you will respect as such...is that clear?"

Quintin:"Yes ma'am!"


Xureila:"NIA!!! QUINTIN'S HERE!!" *she called out to Nia*

*The door opened slowly, and Nia walked out with her hair flowling behind her like an angel. Quintin's mouth dropped as he watched Nia approach him. Xureila looked at Quintin, shook her head and closed his mouth*

Nia:"Hey Q..." *she said softly*

Quintin:"Nia... Wow!.... you look... Amazing!"

*Nia blushed*

Xureila:"I know she does, I made her."

*they laughed*

Nia:"Thank you, you ready?"

Xureila:"Wait! Hold on, lemme fix your braid.."


Xureila:"hush... c'mere."

*Quintin reached for Nia's hand as Xureila fixed Nia's hair, Nia smiled hard as she laced her fingers with his*

Xureila:"Alright, all set."

*She turned to Quintin*

Xureila:"Take care of my baby Quintin..."

Quintin:"Yes ma'am... I wont let anyone harm her."

Xureila:"Not even you!"

Quintin:"You have my word.."

*Quintin looked at Nia and led her out the door*

Xureila:"You two be safe!"

Nia & Qunitin:"Yes ma'am!"

Nia:"Omg, is that yours?!?" *gestering towards Quintin's car*

Quintin:"Yeah.. you like it?"

Nia:"Q, thats bad ass... when are you gonna get me a car?" *she joked*

Quintin:"Once you marry me."

*Nia giggled as Quintin helped her into his car, they strapped themselves in, and they left*

*At the restaurant Quintin and Nia laughed and joked, Quintin let Nia know that he was going to be out of town for the next week for a family get together, they talked about their future together as well as what Nia must do if they were to be together. Nia didnt like it, but she knew in her heart that she wanted Quintin.. It was a huge part of her that cared for Manny no longer, for the way that he mistreated and abused her & her love. Vs Quintin... he's always there, he gives her his time, makes time for her, cheers her up when she's sad, and makes her laugh when she's mad. It was always something about him that she couldnt get over since the day they met, and now that she's gotten this far with and close to him, theres no way that she could look back. She wanted to be Quintin's and Quintin's alone. After dinner, Quintin slowly opened and slid a little black box onto the table when Nia wasnt looking.. He grabbed her hand and gestured towards it, Nia's eyes got wide with excitement*

Nia:"Oh my god!... Quintin.... thats a RING!..."

Quintin:"I know... your ring.."

Nia:"Im not ready to get married yet... I mean... shouldnt we wait first?" *remembering what he said earlier*

Quintin:"Calm down hahaha, im not proposing.... i'll get down on one knee in front of everyone when I do, but what I was gonna say was i've been doin a lot of thinking and..-"


Quintin:"I wanna take what we already have to the next level..... I mean, you already mean so much to me...you always have..And I know you feel the same, I can feel it when you speak to me...when you look at me, and most times in some ways you touch me..."

*Nia's breath shortend as she listened to Quintin, her heart overflow with joy and wondered why it took her so long to finally find someone like this.*

Quintin:"Im the one that'll love you always no matter what the season'll bring us... you're a quest to be taken, but never for granted... and I wanna be the one that takes you up on that offer.. Let me be the one you call your man.. Nia... I guess what im tryin to ask is.. Will you be MY girlfriend? And I know that you're with that other dude, and I dont mean to step on his toes... but he doesnt deserve you."

Nia:"..................." *she cried softly*

*Quintin stands up holding Nia's hand and helps her to her feet*

Quintin:"But I do..."

Quintin:"I wanna be the one that makes you happy Nia....Can I?"

*He holds her hand gently as he slides the ring on her finger slowly as she nodded*

Nia:"Yes... " *she said softly*

*Quintin pulled her face gentely towards his and kissed Nia tenderly, she kissed him back just as tender as he held her close*

*Quintin picked her up in excitement as Nia giggled*

Nia:"Quintin..put me down haha, everyone's staring"

Quintin:"I dont care, let them..."

Nia:"Is this real diamond?" *she studied the ring*

Quintin:"I wish, its a sterling silver promise ring"

Nia:"It doesnt matter... I dont care, I love it!..." *she said quickly as she embraced him*

*As the night grew late it was time to take Nia home, Quintin helped her out of the car and held her by the hands*

Nia:"I really enjoyed myself Quintin....like... words cant express how I feel right now.."

Quintin:"I feel the same way, Id probably do a backflip if I could" *they laughed*

Quintin:"Your lights are on.."

Nia:"Yeah, mama said she'd wait for me"

Quintin:"Oh okay...." *he kissed her hands*

Quintin:"Well I guess this is goodnight?"

Nia:"It seems that way... I wish it didnt end"

Quintin:"Likewise......goodnight beautiful." *he caressed her cheek softly*


*Quintin went to leave and Nia tugged on his jacket, Quintin turned back around, looked her in her eyes, and kissed her again..Finally the date was over and he hugged her once more*

Nia:"Thank you.."

Quintin:"For what?"


Quintin:"You're welcome, id do anything for you.."

Quintin:"Goodnight baby"


*Nia goes into the house where Xureila meets with her*

Nia:"Hey mama" *she says happily*

Xureila:"Hey baby, you enjoyed yourself?"

Nia:"Yes Ma'am!"

Xureila:"Wow... you seem really excited.. what happened?"

Nia:"We ate at this really fancy restaurant, we tried weird food...but it was good.. anywho.. we talked about us, the situation that happened friday, and he basically asked me out."


Nia:"Yeah, he asked me to be his girlfriend officially... and we sealed it with this promise ring"

*Nia showed Xureila her ring and Xureila gocked*

Xureila:"Wow baby... a ring and all huh?"

Nia:"yes ma'am....."

Xureila:"You didnt give him anything for it, did you?"

*Nia laughed*

Nia:"No mom! hahahaha He never asks..."

Xureila:"Good... keep it that way."

Nia:"And you call me a mess.."

Xureila:"Hush.. you'll understand if you're ever blessed to have a girl."

Nia:"I hope not" *they laugh*

Xureila:"Alrighty..well I know you're home safely, so I can sleep... Night night."

Nia:"Goodnight mama" *they hug tightly*

Xureila:"Dont stay up too late baby, you got school in the morning."

Nia:"Yes ma'am, I just got a couple things to do and then ill be getting to bed myself."

Xureila:"Alright baby.. "

*Nia goes in her room and the first thing she does is take her shoes off, she sits on the bed, and stares at her purse..... She reaches in her purse and pulls out her phone, she checks for any new texts or missed calls but there were none, so she called Manny up another time.*

Nia:"Hey Manny its me again... I called earlier but there wasnt an answer... we gotta talk okay? .....call me."

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