Sunday, January 7, 2018

One day at school durring lunch, Quintin got stopped by a few girls outside.....Ashay noticed and got Nia's attention.

Ashay:"Nia...... boo, you see this?"


Ashay:"Look at them lil chickenheads ova there.... just flockin towards Quintin's ass.."

*Nia sat up and took a look*

Nia:"What the-"

Ashay:"Thats what im sayin... look at'em"

Nia:"Really? Damn!...Can a nigga walk around without random bitches gettin up in his face every 5 seconds??"

Ashay:"I guess not.. hahaha"

Nia:"I cant stand that shit.. always talkin to him, forever in his face....always lookin for him... always askin about him... forever checkin for damn...can he breathe? wtf..."

Ashay:".............I-IS someone jealous??"  *she joked*

*Nia rolled her eyes and sucked her teeth*



Nia:"Me, jealous?!? I dont think so..... (she crossed her arms) its just Quintin..."

Ashay:"Nia... you really mad boo?"


Ashay:" are.. Admit it."

Nia:" not, ive got nothing to be jealous about."

Ashay:"Bullshit... you feelin really diggin ol boy.."

Nia:"Whatever.. im with Manny. He know's that."

Ashay:"Yeah yeah yeah, and im sure you quick to throw that up in his face too but do YOU know that? cause you may be taken but uh-....I can see right through you boo."

Ashay:"That green eye'd monsta got'chu..Its got'chu real good..I can see it."

Nia:"Nothin's got me but my man, okay?..."

Ashay:"Go-head, front for the camera boo.... but you cant fool me. You forget, I know you."


Ashay:"Its really eatin at'chu aint it?"

Nia:"Like you got no idea.."

Ashay:"Well...let him know whats up...handle it."


Ashay:"Look.. you should. From what you tell me, yall be hittin it off pretty good every time yall get together....Do you not?"

Nia:"Its alright I guess..."

Ashay:"You killin my vibe bitch..."

Nia:"Hahahaha fuck you.."

Ashay:"Well from what I see you aint doin jack shit with Manny's ass, so you might as well cut'cha losses and get with Quintin.he seems like he really cares about'chu."

Nia:"Im sure we'll work it out, we just need to talk."

Ashay:"My ass... you NEED to kick his ass to the curb where he belong"


Ashay:"WHAT?!?.. You know im right...but'chu gotta do what'll make YOU happy in the end, make the desicion for you and not based offa what I said...."

Nia:"I know."

*Ashay watches Nia's facial expressions as she watches how the other girls react to Quintin, Nia know's she doesnt like it but what can she say?*


Nia:"What?" *she snaps out of it*

Ashay:"Damn girl...why you staring so hard?"

Nia:"They irkin me"

Ashay:"Then do somethin about it.."

Nia:".......................You right." *Nia gets up*

Ashay:"Nia...what'chu finna do?"

Nia:"You'll see.."

Ashay:"Nia.......Nia!.........Lawd, this chick. she aint gon do"

*Nia held her breath as she walked up to Quintin, her stomach felt like it was gonna fall right out of her body, and her spine tingled. Nia walked up to Quintin, and laced his arm with hers interrupting the conversation."

Nia:"Excuse me girls, I need a word with Q.........he'll talk to yall later."

Blue shirt:"But ummm we were talking to him first... can you wait your turn?"

Black shirt:"Q?"

Nia:"..........................Look.  If I have to wait, it wont be pretty... so imma say it one more time... I need a word with him.... he'll talk to you later... Got it?"

Blue shirt:"Wait...hold up. Arent you Manny's girlfriend anyway?"


Blue shirt:"SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... meaning you gotta man, the fuck do you need with this one???"

Ashay:"Biiiiiiitch!!!! Nia, you betta get her ass!!"

Blue shirt:"Im sure Manny somewhere lookin for your ass too... why dont you step off and let the AVAILABLE women talk to Q.."

Nia:"BITCH!-" *Quintin interrupts*

Quintin:"Ladies! ladies... look, its not even that kinda party... I thought yall were just bein nice.."

Nia:"I guess NOT!"

Blue shirt:"Bitch who asked you?!?"


Quintin:"Nia, lets go.... ladies.... have a nice day."

*Quintin pulls Nia asside *

Quintin:"Whats wrong?"

Nia:"Whats wrong?!? Really?"

Quintin:"Yeah, thats what im askin... what happened back there? Thats not you."

Nia:"I am me... but the problem was all them thot-pockets smiling all up in your face.."

Quintin:"Nooo.. im sure they were just bein nice."

Nia:"My ass..."

Quintin:"Niaaa... c'mon... calm down... please."

*He rubs her arms and caresses her cheek*

Quintin:"Im not goin anywhere okay? besides... they're not even my type, so you've got nothin to worry about."

Nia:"Oh yeah?"


Nia:"Well what is your type then?"

Quintin:"Well personally, id prefer a much more classier woman with a mind of her own... knows what she wants, and would love me for me and not what I could give her y'know what I mean?"

Nia:"...Y'know.. that sounds a lot more like-"

*he interrupts*


*Nia blushed and looked away*

Nia:"No, I wasnt gonna say that..."

Quintin:"Oh no?"

Nia:"No... I was gonna say that it sounded like you really know what YOU want."

Quintin:"Oh...well,I do.."

Nia:"........Q." *she looked in his eyes*

Nia:"You know im taken..right?"

Quintin:"Yeah- I know."

Nia:"This really wouldnt work out...... we can only be friends."

Quintin:"..........." *he looks away*

Nia:"Dont be like that... we can still have fun.."

Quintin:"Yeah, I guess you're right... well when are you free next?"

Nia:"Well I gotta babysit till my mom gets home, why? Whats up?"

Quintin:"Do you think your mom would allow me to come over?"

Nia:"Yeah.... she actually wants to meet you."

Quintin:"I take it you havent really spoke about me to the parents yet have you?"

Nia:"No, BUT thats because I needed to feel you out before I introduced you to anyone thats of Ramos and Beckham decent.........They're savages I swear...Its in our blood."

Quintin:"Well im sure they'll like me, I havent done anything wrong."

Nia:"So you say, you have NO idea of whom my father is.... he'd probably have you pinned to the wall in the blink of an eye in a matter of seconds... and my uncle??? forget about it..."

Quintin:"Nia.... im not scared. I can weather a little hostility till they figure out im nothin like these other dudes around here."

Nia:"Alright.... If you say so."

Quintin:"Oh but I do.." *they laugh*

Nia:"Okay, well so since you're coming over... what do you have planned?"

Quintin:"Well I was thinking about some wings and video games... hows that sound?"

Nia:"Okay... I can dig it... alrighty... well, you're taking me home."

Quintin:"Wouldnt have it any other way.."

Nia:"Stop iiiiit..."


Nia:"THAT.....Smiling at me like that."

Quintin:"Cant help it... you bring it out of me.."


Quintin:"No worries... ill behave myself later."

Nia:"Thank you.."

Quintin:"You're welcome" *he hugged her softly*

Quintin:"Ill be out here waiting on you."

Nia:"I should make you wait longer just for that.."

Quintin:".........Worth it."

*Back at the house Xureila was getting ready to leave and she noticed Nia glowing*

Nia:"Hey Mama!"

Xureila:"Hey baby, how was school?"

Nia:"It was good.."

Xureila:"But..." *she looked*

Nia:"But nothing... I had a great day..."



Xureila:"I know you Nia... theres always a catch when you make that face... what is it?"

Nia:"He's here..."

Xureila:"He?...... Like HIM he? The best friend HE?"

Nia:"Yes ma'am... he wanted to officially meet you.. and stay to play a some games after we do our homework that is.."

Xureila:"Mmmhm..........where is he?"

*She called for him*

Nia:"Q!! COME ON IN!!"

Quintin:"Hello Mrs.Beckham."

Xureila:"Damn your voice is deep!" *Quintin blushed flashing his charming smile*

Xureila:"And with a smile to match... LAWD!"

Nia:"MAMA!" *Nia shouted*

Xuerila:"Im sorry baby... his voice just caught me off guard is all..."

Xureila:"How you doin baby?"

Quintin:"Im doin great thank you for asking... its nice to finally meet you."

Xureila:"the feeling's mutual." *they laugh*

Xureila:"Would you care for some water or some koolaid?"

Quintin:"Oh no ma'am, I kinda got some takeout to pickup in a few.."

Xureila:"Oh okay.."

Nia:"Imma go get comfy, ill be back."


Quintin:"Take your time"

*Xureila sat him down on the couch and they breifly talked about Quintin's back story on who he was, where he's from, and whats his plans for life after highschool was....And before she could get around to ask him what his plans with Nia were Nia came in at the right time.*


Nia:"Mom... its 4, you're gonna be late."

Xureila:"Aw shit.. you're right.."

Xureila:"You two behave yourselves.... you hear me Nia?"

Nia:"Mom! Yes!............. omg..." *Nia covers her face*

*Xureila was out the door and Nia cut the game on*

Quintin:"What about homework?"

Nia:"Pshhh... did it before I got out of study hall... now skooch"

Quintin:"Ol bad ass.."

Nia:"Yeah...when I wanna be." *she grined devilishly*

Quintin:"Well c'mon so I can tap that ass.."

Nia:"Tap what?!? Imma tap you, watch.."

Quintin:"Ight, bet!..." *he took his jacket off*

*Nia and Quintin played for 4 hours with breaks in between to check up on Cole as he slept, and Quintin seemed to be winning but Nia didnt like it so she resulted to cheating*

Quintin:"Quit cheatin ol sour ass!"

Nia:"Im not!" *she shoves him*

Quintin:"Man whatever! You cheatin Nia!"


Quintin:"Oh imma pussy now?"

Nia:"Yup! Dont get mad, get glad!"

Nia:"Step ya game up!"

Quintin:"Ight, I got'chu!"

*Nia and Quintin both came close to a tie, but Nia ended up pulling in the win*

Nia:"YES!!! I WON!!! I WON! YOU SUCK! I-" 

*she stopped starring Quintin in his eyes with his face a couple inches from hers..She was so nervous, she didnt know whether to stay or move... but she did move.. she moved to get closer and with that Quintin drew his head in closer to her's hesitantly....deeply staring back into her eyes...Nia lifted her head up and before they knew it..{kiss}..*

*His kiss felt warm and tender, yet unsure and sweet. They jumped back realizing what they've just done*

Nia:"Q... sorry.. I dont know what came over me.. I-"

Quintin:"No, its okay...we should've done it but i'll be alright."

Nia:"Quintin, I really am sorry..."

*Quintin grabs his jacket *

Quintin:"Nia really.. its okay.. I just- .....I got a lot goin through my mind right now, and I feel like its  best if I just went home."

*Quintin walks to the door*

Quintin:"I wasnt sure at first, but its relieving to know our feelings are actually mutual.."

Nia:"What does that mean?"

*Quintin slowly wrapped his arms around her waist bringing her closer to his body and whispered*

Quintin:"It means this.."

*Quintin held her tightly to him and kissed Nia wholehartedly and passionatley for the first time.Nia's body fell limp in his grasp, and it was as if the worries of the world had vanished from her, and she was floating in mid air until lights flashed towards the house*

*Quintin kissed her for a few moments longer and when he stopped he said*

Quintin:"It means We're Even" *he said as he looked her in her eyes*

Quintin:"Ill call you when I get home.."

Nia:"Okay.." *she said shortly still in shock*

*And out the door he left.. Nia fell up against the door trying to piece everything that just happened together as she caught her breath, and then gets on the phone with Ashay*


Nia:"I need you..NOW!"

Ashay:~what happend?~


Ashay:~calm boo... what happened?~

Nia:"I cant tell you over the phone, my mom just pulled up.. come get me.."

Ashay:~okay, im on my way."



*Xureila came in and went into her bedroom to get dressed for bed,but as she was getting ready, saw Nia just standing there in her doorway"

Xureila:"Hey baby, whats wrong?"

Nia:"Um..Nothing.. uh-....Mom? Is it okay if I stay with Shay tonight?"

Xureila:"Why, what happend?"

Nia:"Nothing, its the weekend...and I wanna chill with Shay for a couple of days, is that okay?."

Xureila:"Well alright baby.. just make sure that you pack what you need"

Nia:"I will, thank you mama!" *Nia hugged Xureila tightly*

*Back at Ashay's house, Nia made herself at home and they talked all night*

Ashay:"You did WHAT?!!?"

Nia:"I know....I was mortified!"

Ashay:"I woulda been too if that was the case... DAMN! Dun bad bossed it...kissed his ass and you already got a nigga..."

Nia:"Stooooooop... you make me sound like a hoe"

Ashay:"No boo, im just sayin that im happy for you..."


Ashay:"Because you finally made a desicion for YOURSELF for once.. you really wanted Quintin's ass, but you were so stuck up on Manny you couldnt see it. Im not sayin that Manny isnt worth bein loved.. But he defineately doesnt deserve yours."

Nia:"What if Quintin doesnt view me the same"

Ashay:"Oh I got a feelin you're gonna see more of him now that yall kissed for the first time."

Ashay:"How was it anyway?"



Nia:"Like I was being taken somewhere else... my body felt legs gave out, I was breathing weird, my head spinned, my nipples poked out harder than they ever have... I felt Ice wouldnt cool me down..I wanted to hop all over him,and I didnt want him to stop..."

Nia:"Ive never been through something like that..."

Ashay:"Oh girl I have. sheeit... you were just horny, thats all that was."

Nia:"I dont like it... I mean, it wasnt bad... and it felt good but.. being out of control of my body like that.. I dont know if I like that or not."

Ashay:"Well with the right one it'll have you goin'll have no control over it, the most you can do is enjoy it."

*Nia sighed in awe at how she felt when Quintin touched her*

Ashay:"Yup... that coochie just screaming for attention right now. hahaha"

Nia:"Well she needs to shut up... I dont need that right now."

Ashay:"I understand...when YOU'RE ready, you'll know."

Ashay:"But for the mean time, id stay clear away from Quintin for a little while if I were you"


Ashay:"Cause you aint ready..... but im sure he is."

Ashay:"You never know.."

Nia:"But what if I dont hear from him again?"

Ashay:"What'chu NEED to be worried about is what'chu gonna tell Manny the next time you see his ass...cause you cant live two lives boo."

Nia:"Wasnt planning on it.." *she sighs*

Nia:"I just need some time..."

Ashay:"Well you're limited, cause now you and Q both know yall feelin each other.. and yall chemestry is fire asf."

Ashay:"You gotta choose... cause thats not fair to string him along and you feelin for someone else.."

Nia:"You right.."

Ashay:"I know... so what'chu gonna do?"

Nia:"I gotta end it... so ill talk to him next time I see him....."

Ashay:"Which one?"


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