Saturday, November 4, 2017

*After losing Red and Sentoria just a day apart from each other, the family decided to hold an intimate ceremony and made the decision to cremate them both.
Red's journey began the very first day that he met Sentoria and that's when she became his life.
Like any normal family, they've all had their ups and downs.... But no matter what.. family will always be there for one another.
Its alright to cry, but we cant cry for too long.... Red and Sentoria are in a better place now and we should rejoice, because  they are dancing together once again.
In Red's arms is where you'll find Sentoria just as when they met.
Red Met Sentoria at that bridge and embraced her once again... Yes it was just a day, but it was a day far too long without the one he loved.
Right before Red died, I had them renew their vows so I could do one thing, and that was to keep a promise that I made to them both.
And that promise was to remember their love forever......
The day he died it broke my heart, I didnt cry for Red... I cried for Sentoria because he lost the one man she bore her soul to... her lover, her life, her husband, and her bestfriend.
And the day that Sentoria died I cried again, but it wasnt tears of sorrow, it was tears of joy because she was reunited with the one she loved truely.
Red met her up in heaven, he held his hand out and said..*


*Sentoria took his hand and replied happily*



                                                                          The End.


  1. 😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😢😭😢😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍❤💜❤💜❤💜❤💜❤💜❤💜❤💜❤ I LOVE THEM !!!!!
