Saturday, November 4, 2017

*After losing Red and Sentoria just a day apart from each other, the family decided to hold an intimate ceremony and made the decision to cremate them both.
Red's journey began the very first day that he met Sentoria and that's when she became his life.
Like any normal family, they've all had their ups and downs.... But no matter what.. family will always be there for one another.
Its alright to cry, but we cant cry for too long.... Red and Sentoria are in a better place now and we should rejoice, because  they are dancing together once again.
In Red's arms is where you'll find Sentoria just as when they met.
Red Met Sentoria at that bridge and embraced her once again... Yes it was just a day, but it was a day far too long without the one he loved.
Right before Red died, I had them renew their vows so I could do one thing, and that was to keep a promise that I made to them both.
And that promise was to remember their love forever......
The day he died it broke my heart, I didnt cry for Red... I cried for Sentoria because he lost the one man she bore her soul to... her lover, her life, her husband, and her bestfriend.
And the day that Sentoria died I cried again, but it wasnt tears of sorrow, it was tears of joy because she was reunited with the one she loved truely.
Red met her up in heaven, he held his hand out and said..*


*Sentoria took his hand and replied happily*



                                                                          The End.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Xureila:"GoodMorning everyone!" *She says cheerfully*

Sentoria:"Well well well.... looks like someone's in a perky mood today."

*Sentoria embraces Xureila lovingly*

Sentoria:"Goodmorning baby, I see you two finally made up, huh?"

Xureila:"Yes ma'am, and I wanted to apologize for keeping you and daddy up last night with the racket... "

Sentoria:"No,no..... You needed to express how you were feeling so that you two could finally get this over with."

Xureila:"Yeah" *She sighed*

Sentoria:"Yeah, so is everything good with you two now?"

Xureila:"Yes.... FINALLY...I dont ever wanna go through something like that with him again."

Sentoria:"Good, me either... I dont like it when you all fight."

Xureila:"Same here" *She sniffs*

Xureila:"Mmm, what's daddy cookin?"

Sentoria:"Scrambled eggs, some sausage, and some toast.... you want some?"


*Upstairs getting dressed was a very pregnant Aryah contemplating on coming downstairs*

Aryah:"I dont like this Ian..."


Aryah:"What? Are you serious?..... baby look at me.... I look like a fucking whale! not going down there with this on."

Ian:"Baby, you look fine... Stop worrying."

Aryah:"Says you... you're not the one walking around here with another person in your stomach... you have NO idea what its like..."

Ian:"Baby... breathe.... you look beautiful alright... Stop over thinking it."

*Aryah takes time to breathe as Ian rubbed her shoulders*

Ian:"Pretty soon we'll have our little one, and you have to worry about feeling that way anymore. Its just a matter of time now."

Ian:"C'mere..." *He hugs her tightly*

Ian:"You've gotta stop doin that... stressin out like this isnt good for you or the baby.."

Aryah:"Im sorry baby.... I really am... Im just not used to having this body... I miss my old body."

Ian:"Im sure you do baby, but dont freak out over it...please."

*Aryah promises to try better and she sniffs the air*



Aryah:"Someone's cooking Sausages, eggs, and toast..."

Ian:"H-....How'd you know that? We're upstairs.." *He looks at her oddly*

Aryah:"Its my senses.... I smell everything now..."

Ian:"Damn... uh.. okay?"

Aryah:"Dont do that!"

Ian:"Do what?"


Ian:"Okay, okay hahahah, ill stop messin with you...............but I do like the way you waddle tho hahaha."

*They laugh as they head to get some breakfast, and later that evening when Ian came back home from work he saw Xureila sitting and smiling hard in the dinning room eating by herself; so he figured he'd joined her.*

Ian:"Hey, look who's smiling.."

Xureila:"Yeah, haha... kinda forgot what it was like to be this happy... I havent felt like this in a min."

Ian:"I know, cause you were always wearing your ass on your shoulders...hahaha"

Xureila:"Oh ha-ha-ha... shut up."

Ian:"Mmmmhm... I know the real reason why you're smiling so hard.."

Xureila:"Oh yeah, why's that?"

Ian:"Kendrick laid that PIPE!!"

Xureila:"IAN!!!" *She punches him in his arm in embarrassment*

Ian:"What?! hahahaha you know im tellin the truth.. you havent had nun in a min, thats why ya ass was so damn crabby lately."

Xureila:"You better not say anything like that around my baby or Kendrick...... "  *And then a little voice calls..*


*Xureila answered*

Xureila:"Im comin baby, mommy's talkin to uncle Ian."

*Nia called out again*

Nia:"But promised we could play basketball after you ate!!!! PLEEEEEEEEEEEEASSSSEE"

*Xureila sighs and she dropped her head, Ian laughed*

Ian:"hahaha... dont worry I got your plate for you"

Xureila:"Oh shut up, you'll experience this soon enough (Mr.Hurricane)......."

*Ian stopped laughing and Xureila shouted (Okay, mommys comin)*

*As Ian starts cleaning up their dishes from the table, Aryah came down from upstairs to greet him*

Aryah:"BABY! *She shouted in excitement*

Ian:"Hey baby! How was your day?"

Aryah:"It was alright, I just napped a little, played chess with mama, watched a couple movies with Xureila and Dad, and I played with Nia."  *She rubbed on her belly*

Aryah:"I cant wait to see the baby.... im scared and excited in the same breath... does that make any sense to you?"

Ian:"Yeah...haha...I cant wait either." *He rubs on her stomach too and kisses it*

Aryah:"How was work, anyway?"

Ian:"It was alright, we didnt have many clients to deal with today but lets just say I have a lot of paperwork to do when I get a chance."

Aryah:"Aw, well that really sucks.... I was hoping that we could spend some time together before you went to bed."

Ian:"We can, right now... if you want."

*Aryah pauses as she felt some sharp pain and pressure in her lower section*

Ian:"Baby?..." *Ian asks as Aryah gripped her stomach*

Ian:"Baby, are you okay?"

*Aryah throws her arms around Ian's neck looking up at him to answer, but before she could get another word out she felt a substance like pee come out.*

Ian:"Baby, talk to me-" *They both looked down*

Aryah:"Oh my gosh!!! NO!!!  I didnt feel like I had to pee..... Oh shit! The baby.."*Aryah grits down as she grunts*

*In a panic Ian called for Sentoria*


*Xureila and Sentoria both dashed into the kitchen*

Sentoria:"What's goin on in here?!?" *she looks down quickly to see a puddle on the floor under Aryah*

Sentoria:"Her water just broke.... Okay...Xureila, Go get her bags and put'em in the car...."

Xureila:"Yes ma'am!"

Sentoria:"Ian, help me get in the car..." *Ian stood there in shock and Sentoria smacked her hands together getting Ian's attention*

Sentoria:"IAN!!" *Ian snaps out of it, and looked at her*

Sentoria:"Help me get Aryah in the car...." *She looked at Aryah*

Sentoria:"Alright baby... just breathe....

Aryah:"It hurts..... mama it hurts...." *Aryah said in agony"

Sentoria:"I know baby, I know... but you gotta breathe..."

*They rushed Aryah to the hosptial where she spent hours in labor, until she finally gave birth to a beautiful baby boy named Cole.*

*As they fianlly come home, everyone got a chance to see the newborn baby..Ian got to hold his son for the first time as well as Red got to hold him. The baby took a likeing to Red and Red became the only one that the baby wanted to be held by.*

Red:"Look at'chu,Little Red.... Little Red is what ill call you."

Red:"Yeah, you got that Ramos blood fa sure.....Look at'chu.. greedy tryin to take the bottle from pawpaw already, huh hahaha?"

Red:"Yep, you gonna be just like me..."  *He kisses Cole on his head and holds him tight*